
Percy Jackson and the Dark Prince

Harry James Potter murdered on Halloween 1981. The war is over. Life goes on. Then everything changes. War is raging, hope is fading. He shows up, his right hand. The Prince. Sudden news shock the wizarding world. Demigods are getting involved. But is this enough? Are the tides going to change? It's my first novel and the first time I'm writing in english. My native language is not english it's german so please have mercy on me. Enjoy.

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22 Chs

The Visit (2)

Draco's POV:

I didn't know why he had summoned me here. The downstairs door had been open, as he said, so I climbed the stairs to the second floor, where I waited in front of the door with the Eurale doorbell sign. At 2:30 p.m., I knocked exactly twice, as I had been instructed, because if he found out I hadn't done everything exactly as he had ordered me the day before, I would surely suffer torture, despite the fact that we were now 'friends'. I didn't know what awaited me behind the door, who I would see, but I waited as I heard faint footsteps from inside.

A person who should be about my age opened the door for me. I didn't know the youth, but he smiled at me. But it wasn't an inviting or friendly smile, it was more of a grin, one that I had seen before. A chill ran down my spine. Could this person be him? My master. Just what in Morgana's name, he was so young and handsome. I had always imagined him older, even after hearing him call the Dark Lord his father. And how could it be fair that someone who did such despicable things and was thoroughly corrupt could look like an angel. "Come in, I didn't expect you to come today," he spoke in a melodic deep voice. How? How could those masks change him so much, if I didn't know him better, I would most likely think he was just some nice dude. Hell, we could've even become actual friends. I wanted to bow briefly before entering the apartment, but he held me by the shoulders. "Don't forget that we're friends, Malfoy. Don't make a mistake today, or you'll regret this day." Familiar cold eyes stared at me, even though they weren't black, they made me tremble. "Of course, um..." "Morthus, as always." He turned around and left. Morthus Eurale, then, what a name. I quickly took off my shoes and followed him.

I understood why I shouldn't make a mistake. I was now sharing a couch with the grim-looking black-haired boy while the Prince shared one with the friendly green-eyed, also black-haired boy. "Draco, right? How exactly did you two meet? As far as I know Morthus isn't that talkative," Percy asked me this question, I couldn't be a hundred percent sure of his relationship with Morthus, but his manner of expression and closeness to the Prince suggested that they had known each other for a long time and were friends. Also, we were gathered in a Muggle apartment, so it was likely that the two boys, Percy and Nico, were Muggles, so I had to be careful with my choice of words. "Our parents work together, and we were both often dragged along to events or the like, so we just got closer over time."

Nico's POV:

They both chattered at us with stories from their childhood, but I had stopped listening a long time ago and looked around the room, observing the speakers. Well, mainly, I watched Draco because no matter how long I stared at Morthus's face, I couldn't see any flaws or unwanted emotions. Draco, on the other hand, was almost too easy, his voice occasionally trembled, his smile seemed somewhat forced and he often glanced towards Morthus. Either he wasn't happy that Percy and I were here, or he was hiding something.

Without doing much except talking, eating, and watching a movie, we left in the evening. However, saying goodbye seemed to take the most time. Percy talked to Morthus outside the door for so long that you might have thought they hadn't done it all day. After we had eventually managed to leave, we made sure no one saw us before both of us traveled back to the wizarding house through the shadows.

Morthus's POV:

After their footsteps had faded in the stairwell, I turned my attention to the blond wizard in my living room. "Now you know where I live. At least where I live in the Muggle world." As I spoke, I sat down in the armchair. Draco, who sat opposite me, dared not meet my gaze. I had to grin, how pathetic. "You surely have some questions, my friend," I emphasized the last word. He didn't react, but I could imagine, even without having to look into his head, what had to be going on in it. "Draco, look at me and spit out what's on your mind before I rip out yor tounge," I whispered gently. My words had their effect because my little toy finally dared to look me in the eye. "Is it them? Are they the reason we're 'friends'?"

"Hahaha," I laughed loudly, "You're not as dumb as I thought, Draco. Yes, they are the reason, at least part of it. Do you have any other questions?" Draco hesitated, but ultimately shook his head silently. "I've already told you we're friends now, Draco, so ask your questions while you still have the chance." Malfoy looked me in the eyes. "Why?" I knew what he wanted to ask me but waited until he formulated his question. "Why didn't I become a normal Death Eater? Why am I yours .... your toy?" he spat. Ha, someone was feeling brave. I ignored his rudeness for now. "You were a gift from my father, and only I get to play with my gifts, so you belong to me, and only me," I stood up from my seat and stepped in front of him, our eye contact was not broken. "No one touches what's mine," I whispered in his ear as I gently stroked his cheek. He trembled. I wasn't lying, why should I? He really was nothing more than a gift. About 10 years ago, a few months after we had returned to Britain, I still couldn't get myself together that we had moved away so suddenly. To motivate me again to take my lessons with my father seriously, he had done a lot. That year I had many firsts, it was the first time he took me to torture a Death Eater, he had also taken me to a Death Eater meeting for the first time, and of course, he had given me my first enchanted mask. On one day, he ordered his subordinates to bring their children along, and that was the day he gave me the chance to choose one. My first choice hadn't been Malfoy, but in the end, I chose him, and since that day, he was mine.