
Percy Jackson and the Dark Prince

Harry James Potter murdered on Halloween 1981. The war is over. Life goes on. Then everything changes. War is raging, hope is fading. He shows up, his right hand. The Prince. Sudden news shock the wizarding world. Demigods are getting involved. But is this enough? Are the tides going to change? It's my first novel and the first time I'm writing in english. My native language is not english it's german so please have mercy on me. Enjoy.

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The prophecy

Rachel Pov.:

On June 25, 1997, I finally re-entered camp.

"STOLL, WHERE ARE YOU? TELL ME HOW TO UNDO THIS!" an angry Katie ran past me. That was the first thing I heard when I entered camp. Apparently, Travis didn't spare his girlfriend from pranks. "Is she gone?" I looked around in shock, and behind me stood Travis. How did he get there? "Uh, yes, she's gone. But how did you get there?" I looked curiously into his eyes. Travis grinned and winked daringly before shouting, "HEY, EVERYONE, THE ORACLE IS BACK." Less than two minutes later, we were swarmed. I was bombarded with questions and even pulled into a hug by some. From a distance, I saw Chiron approaching. "Now, let her settle in first," he told the campers. Addressing me, he said, "You should come to the main house, there's something you need to know." Then he turned and galloped away. Most campers went back to their activities, after exchanging a few more words but a few stayed behind. "Rachel, it's good to see you," Percy pulled me into a hug, and I looked at him, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, and Nico. They all greeted me with smiles except for Nico, who gave me a brief nod. "Guys, I think I should go to Chiron in the main house. We'll catch up during dinner." The five of them understood and let me go. On the way to the main house, I wondered why it was so urgent.

Annabeth Pov.:

We were lying on the beach together, just Percy and me. We would have probably come with Rachel and the others, but since Rachel had to go straight to Chiron, it was just the two of us. I watched my algae brain in the water, I didn't feel like swimming, so I stayed on the shore and read. "Hey, Ms. Know-It-All, come into the water, please." Percy looked at me pouting. "Okay, I'm coming," I started to reply when a huge wave interrupted me. I glared at Percy angrily, annoyed since I was just about to get in the water. But judging by the amused sparkle in his eyes, there was more to come. Suddenly, the wave pulled me as if it wanted to drag me into the water. In the water, I tried to ignore Percy, but unfortunately, it didn't work. He was swimming toward me powerfully, and when I saw his well-trained body, I suddenly felt very hot, and he was well aware of it. Nevertheless, I continued to ignore him. Percy kept coming towards me, pulling me to him, and kissed me. I immediately melted and sighed into the kiss. Percy pulled away and looked at me with a sly smile. "I won." "Shut up and kiss me, you idiot," I pulled him back to me, eager to kiss him passionately.

When it was time for lunch, we finally made our way to the dining hall.

Narrator Pov.:

As Rachel was present, the table rules were waived for everyone. So the group of friends sat together at Zeus's table and talked. "So, you just left?" Percy was a bit embarrassed by the whole situation, after all, they had almost only talked about him and Morthus. "Yes, I did." He scratched his head awkwardly. "How did Chiron react when -" Rachel suddenly stopped speaking. "Rachel, is everything okay?" Piper was a little worried about her. Then the Oracle suddenly rose slightly into the air, and green smoke formed.

"A prophecy," was proclaimed, and the entire hall fell silent.

"Those who have descended into hell

With thunder and the ones for who they fell

Must unite the two worlds

Two of them are connected

The Prince of Darkness and

The son of a great deity

The world will end unless he decides

Between one of two sides

So a life must end

To finish the war."

Rachel fell unconscious after the prophecy ended. Austin carried her to the infirmary and stayed there to treat her. It was quiet for a while, and most were astonished by this sudden prophecy. But one person was already seething with anger.

"Now, we need to interpret this. The beginning is simple. Percy and Annabeth were in hell, the lightning is...." "Chiron, not only we were in hell," Annabeth interrupted her mentor. Nico stepped out from a corner. "I was also down there." For a moment, he received confused looks from those who didn't already know. Will was obviously one of them, as he looked shocked at Nico. The two had recently become a couple, but Nico was not an open type. He didn't want the other camp residents to know about it, for example. "If that's the case, it could be Nico, Jason, and Percy for 'the son of a great deity,' but I'm not sure about the rest. It is clear that it has to do with the other world, but which one?" 

The boy who had been boiling with anger for some time now pushed himself away from the wall. Percy shouted, "Do you want to make fools of us? Two wars, and now another one? Can't we have some peace? Why is it always us? I don't care about the prophecy, the gods can go to hell. Find someone else." He stormed out. His thoughts automatically went to Morthus. He had only just re-established contact and thought he could lead a peaceful life with the people he loved, but his plans were thwarted. He was about to send a message via Iris Message and ignore the chance of being caught when Jason, who had followed him, arrived.

In the meantime, the people in the dining hall were discussing. There were many so-called worlds when you considered how many gods there were, how many mythologies. To find out which world was meant in the prophecy, you would need a sign from a god. Who would have thought that something like this would happen? 

"Look, Gandalf is sending us an IM," Travis interrupted Chiron. The gazes of everyone present turned in the direction Travis was pointing. And indeed, a man with an extremely long beard was looking at them.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore had thrown the drachma into the created rainbow and said, "Oh, Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offer and show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood." A room full of wizards held its breath. Would it work? For a few seconds, nothing happened, except that the rainbow turned into mist. "Do you see it's not," someone started while a centaur appeared in the mist.

"Look, Gandalf is sending us an IM," it echoed in the silent room. At first, the director was confused before realizing that Gandalf meant him. Sirius, James, the twins, and several others who understood the joke couldn't help but burst into laughter. The demigods had now all squeezed in front of the Iris Message, and the wizards did the same, as it was unusual to communicate through a rainbow. The two groups sized each other up until 'Gandalf' began to speak. "I am not Gandalf, no, I am Albus Dumbledore, a wizard from England. A certain Larry, a member of the Party Ponies, brought you to our attention. You demigods." Chiron cursed his relatives in thought, so Annabeth replied, "Yes, we are demigods, but why would the centaurs bring us to your attention?" "Well, there's a war raging against an evil wizard and his group, we call him Voldemort. And we need help to defeat him. Your help."

The campers immediately began to murmur. "That must be the second world." "How do you know that?" "It can't be a coincidence that an Iris Message from people calling themselves wizards comes right after the prophecy." "That doesn't mean anything." "It can't hurt to try." "Don't you hear that there's an ongoing war?"

Chiron cleared his throat over the murmurs of the demigods. "So, you want us, the demigods, to send our demigods to you, into a war that isn't theirs. Have I understood that correctly?" Everyone noticed the sarcastically threatening undertone in Chiron's voice, yet Dumbledore replied without a second's hesitation: "Yes." He knew it was rude to ask such a thing of strangers, but he felt like he had no other choice, at least that's what he thought. Chiron was silent for a moment, no one could guess what was going on in his head. Two people entered the dining hall unnoticed by all. "Okay, we'll help you. Six people will come to assist you." "WHAT?" Astonished cries were heard on both sides. "Excellent. Thank you. We can sort out the details later. But you'll have to contact me, as I don't have any more of these coins." "That won't be a problem, Albus, right?" "Correct. Well, we'll end it here for now." "Wait. We're not coming, old man." "I'm sorry?" Percy pushed his way through the demigod crowd. Chiron warned him with a look, but Percy, who was already boiling with anger, didn't care "You are surrounded by adults and even you yourself seem like an old wise man, but you're still asking for help from six teenagers. Six teenager. No matter how powerful we might be, or whatever you've heard about us, do you not think you're behaving pathetically?" Even if Percy didn't know it, some of the wizards thought the same. "What's your name, child?" "Percy." "Percy, it may seem pathetic that an old man like me wants to rely on a group of teenagers to protect Great Britain, but you don't understand - " "Great Britain? Old man, did you say Great Britain?" "Yes, Great Britain." Suddenly, Percy's anger almost dissipated as quickly as it had come. Even though he still hated the idea of participating in another war, he couldn't stop his thoughts from briefly turning to Morthus. "Hey, old man, you can count on me coming."