
Penetrating the Cold Ceo's Heart

Being a beautiful yet cute male omega was not an easy feat for Ray Anderson yet he is determined to make life easy for both him and his only younger sister but in a legal way. He was once a very rich heir for a rich family but when life dealt him an heavy blow of loosing both his parents on a day and left him with his younger sister while his fraternal family took everything away from him,he had no choice but to take his savings and take care of his sister at the age of 19. Meet Brian Hoffman,an handsome, workaholic and aloof 24 year old alpha ceo who hates omegas because of his personal enmity he has with them in the past but now throws himself deep into work in other to bury the pain he felt in his last relationship. Meeting​ each other was never in the plan as they both have different reasons to be there at that particular moment.They met when Ray had no choice but to work as a waiter in a club when he noticed that his heat is coming and he needed to buy Heat medicine for himself before he is too late. Brian threw himself into work because of his hurtful past which he felt and he was already used to the way both omegas and betas often threw themselves at him because of his attractiveness and wealth which made him furthermore hate them and treats them with disgust . Join me in the story of love,hatred and self acceptance of Brian Hoffman and Ray Anderson. Love knows no bounds, not even gender so step into a world of love, acceptance, and pride."."

Gbolahan_Olaide · LGBT+
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19 Chs

Chapter 13


Finally got to the night club with my leg still cramping after walking around all day at the cafe when I was hijacked by Alex who bombarded me with questions.

Ray!. What the fuck happened to you,you look like you were just rubbed over by a bus?" asks Alex—in front of a roomful of my colleagues—just as I'm ready to begin my shift at the sex club I've been working in for weeks. I was very grateful to my boss for not firing me for disappearing during my last shift but I guess he understood because he also has a husband who was an omega like me.

Damn it. I thought I'd done a pretty good job minimizing the damage by taking a shower in his place and mine. I used the heat suppressant I bought as soon as I got back into my apartment after buying them at the pharmacy and caught a glimpse of the swelling on my asshole at their bathroom . Hell it was still tingling at the time. And since I lost one of my brain during the… well, the ordeal, I laughed it off and pushed him away to begin my work for the day.

Apparently not.

With a heavy sigh, I turn to Alex and attempt a smile, but it hurts like hell, so I wince instead. "Had a little accident yesterday.

Alex chuckles. I guess I should be pleased he's laughing about this, because if the same thing happened a month ago, before he met his Alpha he'd have kicked my ass, metaphorically speaking. "You got raped?"

I smile, or try to, pretending to find his line of questioning amusing because even though Alex is in a much better mood since meeting Pheonix, he's still an asshole on a good day. "I wasn't raped but I had a good time with a stranger."

No way, I was elbowed. Hard. "Yes way. I said"

"I figured you'd say, 'You should see the other guy.'"

I'm not sure who says that, and I don't really give two fucks. I just want this conversation to end already.

"What happened? One of your bad moments take a worse turn? Shit ,you reek of an alpha"

I whip my head left in time to a bartender nudge the guy next to him. He knows the backstory here. He knows about the fact that a guy took me home.

"Go on." Alex waves his hand like he's shooing away a pesky rodent. "You might as well tell us the whole story. We're never going to be able to pay attention to your Sexy time until we know what really happened."

I stare at Alex, and the only thing I can tell you for sure is my fight-or-flight instinct is firmly in the flight category. But I can't run away. So, I do what I always do whenever shit isn't going my way—I smile.

"Sure." I fake chuckle. "I was not expecting my heat during my shift ."

"We know because every Alpa,beta and omega could smell your scent and we had trouble keeping people away from the restroom you were in," someone from the back of the fucking storage deadpans.

Ignoring that, I continue. "I was at the parking lotready to cross over 42nd when I happened to crash into someone.

"Someone? Or a sexy man?" the guy in the storage said again. The fuckers.

"A man." And not just any man. This one, well, let's just say he had my attention long beforei crashed into him. That's why I noticed.

Why are you limping?"

Fucking Alex.

"Who is this Man?" Alex asks, looking like he wants to hire him. I guess he could always use a good security guard, because of the way the storage guy keeps describing him.

"I don't know." I said because I didn't want to continue the conversation with them but Part of me was relieved hee was gone while another wondered if I will ever see him again.

I opened the door and left as the place and went to the bathroom to do my business when Alex rushed in, cupping his junk, looking like he was about to piss himself before he stopped.

he has always knew when something was eating me up

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Taken aback, I raised my brows. "Uhm, nothing."

"No. You just said, 'sorry.'"

"I've said sorry before. Where are you going with this?"

"Yeah, when you have always been a prick to me but you are saying sorry .

Man ,Are you okay?

I like him,I said finally confronting my fears.

Alex looked at me with shock on his face and said, "Who are you and what have you done with my friends?"

Alex always so dramatic

Are you be okay?What happened to the whole I hate Alphas?.

I replied to him by saying,I don't know it just happened.

Then the stares came again, I feel a penetrating stare so deep that it makes my nerves burn hot. It's as if the person is trying to look past every layer of my skin and peek at my insides. I'm tainted, soiled beneath the surface. My soul is tarnished, heart empty, and my head? Well, that's where the darkness lies. It festers away, growling, scratching, chomping at the bit to snap its restraints and come forward once again.

I am just a broken boy who has been ruined and still trying to pick up all the pieces of my life.

I knew I can't afford to fall in love again because of what has happened to me in the past and which guy will ever love someone like me especially one that comes with all my baggages and burden.