
Game over

'What question would class C bring up?' They thought, but Chonglin Mingxia remained calm and aloof. Ru Nui looked at her but said nothing. Although things weren't exactly moving well, he still believed her wholeheartedly.

The question that class C brought appeared insanely hard. Maybe, they depended too much on class B sabotage and thought everything would work out as planned. Or they overreach themselves too much since almost all their candidates appeared intelligent. Still, it wasn't an easy feat, even for them.

The first question, class C answered. And Chonglin Mingxia took the lead. However, the tide began to change later. No matter how intelligent Chonglin Mingxia was, she dealt with other geniuses. Shen Yongrui was also a genius, and of course, there was no way that question could be too foreign.