
Peerless Hegemon (Xianxia/Cultivation)

Ye Feng lived two lives in one lifetime. First, he basked in the light of Righteousness, becoming an idol of peace and justice. Second, he trod the mired path of the Darkest Path, becoming an object of fear and death. One lifetime, Two Identities, countless experiences, still without purpose. A meaningless existence. An empty husk. In his selfishness of wanting to fill the void in him, he became the catalyst that destroyed Reality. He now controlled everything, ultimate power, uncontestable by none. But he cast it away, to be reborn anew. With a new name and a family, his goal was to understand, his place. To understand how to no longer feel empty. With his family consisting of a Reincarnated Twin Sister and Parents with inscrutable pasts, his desire was not that of grandeur. In this lifetime, he wishes not to hold power, not to gain eternal life, nor control of everything, he only wishes to live, and hopefully look at sunrise with a smile on his face. == Note: To full judge the story, I implore first time readers to wait until Chapter 11. I promise it will not disappoint. Disclaimer: The story focuses on the Main Character's emotional and personality growth. He is someone who is obviously OP in some perspectives but almost crippled in others. Warning: This is story might trigger some people and is not for everyone. It is also has a slow pace. Sometimes One Chapter is similar to a normal 2-5 chapters. The chapters are long, 1 chapter=2/5 Any kind of feedback would be nice as well. Then, that's it, have fun. Volume 1: Complete

Simple_Dynasty · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 16: Acquaintance

"You… won't be… Irys' friend—" the young Family Head lowered her head, her eyes still open and her hands trembling, "I-I see… that's okay."


"Family Head!?" the maid ran to her Family Head so she could wipe her tears.

"I'm all right, Luca… you don't need to—*sniffle*—Irys is okay… who would want to be friends with a blind girl anyway? Irys is fine… Irys won't cry… she's the family head after all."

Irys, the current head of the Jura family, said with confidence as tears streamed down her face.

"Physician Jiang! Just who is this rude boy that you bring!?" maid Luca's anger was seething as she wiped Irys' face of tears and snot. "Um, of course, he will be the Family Head's friend. He just doesn't know what he's talking about."

Luca glared at Physician Jiang.

She said nothing but the old man could hear her screams reverberating in his ears, which in turn yelled at Kiel, "You brat! Why did you make the Family Head cry!?"

Kiel ignored Jiang, "As I said, my ability to hold conversation leaves more to be desired."

"What you are doing isn't even connected to your socializing capability; you're just being rude. Actually, a big part of me is starting to think that you are doing this deliberately!"

"No, I am not. That would be too tedious and fruitless." Kiel quite frankly disagreed with what was being said, "I am being honest as to not give her any false pretense. I am ignorant at many things, but I know very well that lying about friendship and camaraderie cannot be forced. It must be forged from trust and time. I do not know her, neither do we have any connections. I do not wish to enforce upon her the idea of a false friendship, therefore, I refuse to be her friend."


Kiel watched as Physician Jiang was left dumbstruck. He sighed at their reactions, "But if the little girl wants to, then I will be your friend—"

"No!" Irys suddenly shouted.

"Fa-family Head, please calm down; it's not good for your health." Luca worriedly exclaimed.

Irys ignored her, "Si-sir Kiel is right; Irys do not want friendship in such a way. It is not right!"

"Ahhh~ yes, yes, I am wrong, so please stop raising your head, family head, it is not good for you." Maid Luca panicked.

Kiel looked at the girl; though they could never see eye to eye for obvious reasons, Kiel showed a rare expression change. He raised his brows as he walked towards the little Family Head, "Hmm, you are not as spoiled as I thought. I like that."

Irys' face lit hearing Kiel's "high-praise" and immediately asked, "Then would you be Irys' friend?"

"No." Kiel shot her down a second time. He pulled a chair near the bed; Kiel crossed his legs as he sat down, "But, we can talk, and then, we can at least be acquaintanced, is that enough?"

"Yes, yes!" Irys threw her hands up to celebrate meeting an asshole like Kiel, "Luca, I made a friend!"

"I am not your friend, lass."

"A friend!" Irys repeated.

"Again, we are not frie-"

"Congratulations, Family Head. He's a little rude, but I am happy for you." Luca and the others in the room ignored Kiel's rebuttal.

Seeing their faces, he could rain on their parade or sigh at the corner of the room.

Kiel sighed.

Kiel could say nothing; thus, he just sat and watched the maid leave to fulfill her duties.

Physician Jiang immediately begins the process of examining the body of the little girl. His fingers radiated spirit energy, and so did his eyes and ears.

"Well, as promised, if I bring someone with me, will the Family Head cooperate peacefully now?" Physician Jiang said as he finished his preparation.

Iris nodded as she gave Jiang her right arm.

Jiang extended his spirit energy into her body, and a spark went off inside Irys' body. She groaned from the slight pain she felt, but she did not complain.

The examination took no less than an hour. Everything was asked without being missed from the flow of Irys' blood, eyes, heartbeat, complexion, sensations, and even bowel movements.

She answered everything without fail, she was smiling throughout, but Kiel's brows creased watching her.

"Good job, Family Head Irys. Well, I will just give Kiel his physical therapy, and you two would be able to converse with each oth—"

"There is no need, just give me the promised Hundred Years Silver Dew, and I will be fine. There is no need for physical therapy."

Physician Jiang's brows creased hearing these words from Kiel.

Kiel saw his reaction and waved his hand to clear any misunderstanding, "Do not worry, I will not just run away from here. I will converse with the lass. Besides, she had piqued my interest, albeit a little."

"I did!?"

"Yes, now shush, lass."

Physician Jiang did not know what was going on, but if he'd be spared the chance to spend time with the boy. He'd be happy to take the hand of the death and be swept to the astral path by the bird of death. But Jiang clicked his tongue in irritation, "What do you take me for, boy? I'm a physician, and you're hurt; I don't really like you, but now that I have finished my prior business, it is your turn."

Kiel was surprised that Jiang actually had a sense of responsibility in his profession.

Physician Jiang did not take no for an answer and began examining Kiel.

The sensation of spirit energy entering his body felt nostalgic. It had been eons since he last had to "feel" his meridians. Spirit energy was like blood to Kiel; it wasn't noteworthy. Though he did not store spirit energy, Kiel always existed with it.

"What the hell?" it wasn't long before Physician Jiang found something weird. He looked at the boy and he looked back, "How is it that you can move like this is nothing?"

To which Kiel responded with a shrug. "It is not that bad.?"

"Not that bad!? Do you even know what is happening in your body!?" The rattled old man's expression was becoming darker from his worry and redder with frustration.

And in response, Kiel raised his brows in confusion, "Obviously."

"What? What's happening? Can someone please explain?" Irys, was naturally confused. She could not follow anything they were talking about, "Wait, is Kiel my dearest and closest friend afflicted with a grave sickness!? Is he dying!?"

"He's not dying... but he may very well be. Not to brag, but I am the premier physician. I can even claim I am better than most Hegemeon Head Physicians. I have proven than before to the Family Head and the Head Maid. When someone is gravely injured or on the verge of death, everyone runs to me for help. Not only because of my pure heartedness, but because of my skills as well. Family Head, I have seen a lot of injuries and healed many, but I have seen something like this boy's case. I don't think he's even supposed to be alive right now.

"His joints, muscle, and veins are on the verge of rupture. As for the meridians, 70 percent of them are destroyed… if not for your strange physique, —and don't even get me started with that— you should be dead right now. In fact, how the hell are you moving without screaming right now?"

"I am said to be stubborn," Kiel answered.

Physician Jiang remembered Kiel very well. A kid drenched in blood, saying his meridians were ruptured and his veins on the verge of collapse. It was a surreal sight when he was brought to the medical hall to examine the boy.

At the time, he backed away, thinking the boy was lying so he could meet the disciples of the Celestial Phoenix Mountain, 'But, as he said, his problems really are internal… how is he still alive?'

Physician Jiang was genuinely curious. Kiel's body was in a strange state of equilibrium. He wanted to be enlightened, but the only answer he got was a scowl, "If you are done, please recall your spirit energy. The turbulent flow of your spirit energy hurts."

"Ah, I apologize." Physician Jiang quickly recalled his spirit energy, leaving nothing behind.

The boy simply stretched his arms and then breathed out without saying anything more. Physician Jiang looked at the boy with a look of pity and a sorry expression, "I cannot do anything for your physical therapy, kid. You're are currently too fragile for me to help you. All the methods that I know might do more harm than good."

"That's all right; I already knew that the medical techniques of this town would not suffice."

"Hey... you're lucky you're hurt." Physician Jiang could not help but be a little offended.

Like before, he was ignored as Kiel rummaged within his clothes. He brought out a bundle of paper he prepared in advance and handed it over to Jiang.

"What's this?"

"A medical paper I wrote a few hours ago. Read it, and you'll know what to do."

"…you know, what, kid? Your way of talking is going to get you in trouble one day."

Kiel shrugged his shoulders. He already knew that; it happened hundreds of times in his previous life. He succeeded in doing so in the past. Sadly, it was more tiring than anything than fighting. So he just went back to his old ways.

Jiang read the paper he was given. He thought about going through it half-heartedly to make the kid shut up. He read the first sentence and then found himself incapable of stopping.

The detailed diagram and structure of the different body parts, specifically in handling a person who's on the verge of death. At first he was intrigued, then it change to amazement and in the end, he was simply trying to find holes in the paper's logic, "Hah! This one is not possible as it would… wait, but if you apply the pressure on the nape, it should create a gap when his body goes limp, so if I do that, then I can twist it and then… it's a possible technique.

"Then, if this one is possible... could this thing be legit techniques? Acupoints to hit to lessen the strain, body parts to peel to enhance mobility and lessen the strain on the ligaments, how to loosen the joints—oh my divinities, there's even a way to make a string from spirit energy and intents to suture a wound and lessen the days to recovery."

Jiang looked at Kiel in disbelief. His hand was shaking as his grip on the paper tightened as if he was going to lay down his life before he handed it back.

"Don't worry, I won't take it back. You can keep it." said Kiel noticing Jiang's actions.

The old man laughed weakly in shame yet still hurriedly keeping the note in his pocket, "Boy, who is the Divine Doctor who wrote this article? I must meet him in person and ask him if I can be taught of these wondrous teachings…."

"… he's dead." Kiel chose not to overexert himself, proving he wrote the piece. It would've been far too tiring, "Anyway, if Physician Jiang can just do the first process, then I would be thankful enough. You can forget the Spirit Strings I can take care of that on my own."

"Huh? Do you want me to do this now? That's impossible. To even grasp this, I would need at least a week before starting training and then two more weeks to properly learn the technique. That's at a minimum of three weeks."

"…what if I demonstrate it in your body? You are an old and fragile old man; you are the perfect figure to test it on."

"You know how to do these bo.... Kiel!?"

"Yes, and the one who gave me that said that I am a prodigy that only appears every ten thousand years, so you can trust in my skills. Well, if you don't, then that is also fin—"

"I'll do it!"

The old physician agreed without a second thought.

Kiel did not bother with any pretense and had the old man lay flat on the floor where he began the process.

And for the next ten minutes, Irys heard the horrendous moans of an old man in bliss as he learned new ways to help others. After the entire process, he even felt ten years younger, with his skin brighter than before.

"Hooh, you really mastered these complex techniques, Senior Brother? How amazing."

"Senior Brother?" Kiel tilted his head.

"We learned from the same master, and as you are the first disciple, you are the senior brother," Jiang claimed without shame.

Earlier, he was being called boy, and now, he's a senior brother?

It was quite a jump.

"Anyway, Senior Brother, how about the Spirit Strings? Can you show me as well?"

"The Spirit Strings? No, I cannot. Only those with spirit energy can use that, and I have no interest in cultivating spirit energy." Kiel only placed the Spirit Strings, so if he ever accidentally severs something, he'd have someone to head to.

Ame was no longer with him, after all.

"I see, I see, I will not fail Senior Brother and learn them as fast as possible—"

"Physician Jiang~!"

It was then that someone from outside came running into the Irys' room.

A maid lowered her head and greeted Irys before turning to Old Jiang urgently.

"What happened!?" Old Jiang turned from a fawning junior to a professional doctor in a split second.

"The Town Lord… is calling for you; there had been a fight in the town square! Many have been injured from the fights!"

"What?" Jiang got up from where he saw and took his equipment, "I'm sorry, Family Head Irys, but I must be going now."

"No, please, make haste. It sounds really dire."

"Yes, how about you, Senior Brother? Would you like to come as well?"

"No." it was too dangerous for someone like Kiel.

"I understand. Come on, let's go." Jiang left in haste, leaving Kiel and Irys in the room alone.

The doors closed with a BAM, and the hurried footsteps of Jiang and the maid could still be heard.

Old Jiang may look like a fool, but he wasted no time responding to a call for help.

'So, the fighting has already begun? That's faster than I initially thought.' Turbulent times have arrived.

"I thought Kiel didn't want to lie?"

All of a sudden, a voice reached Kiel. He turned around and saw a blind girl "looking" at him with a cheeky smile.

"What do you mean?" he asked her with curiosity.

"You know what I mean. The book. Why did you lie about not being the author of the book?"

"..." Kiel paused thinking how he should answer. In the end, he chose to responded truthfully, "It would have been a bother explaining how I learned such a method."

"But I thought you didn't like lying? Could it be that you were lying about wanting to be friends? Were you just embarased?" the girl teased.

"It is not that I do not lie; I just do not want to befriend someone if I do not want to. I have seen too many betrayals and people being broken through this. I don't want to be the cause of anyone's destruction because of such nonsense." Kiel answered the sudden question, "But if it is for convenience's sake, then I would lie."

Irys sat on the bed with a smile on her face, she had her eyes closed, and then, she nodded, "Your heart does not lie. This is why you are my friend, Kiel."

"I am not your friend."

"But you're looking to find connection like me, aren't you?"

Irys' remark had Kiel unable to respond.

'She's far smarter than she lets on.'

The Jura Family Head was not as simple as one would expect despite being so young and blind.

"Let's say you are not here to be my friend, which you already are. What made you stay, Kiel? You said you wanted to converse? You said you were interested about something? Could it be that you want to know more about me?"

"I do."

"Oh? Really?" Irys' face glowed with vibrant color, "Hehe, I knew you'd come around."

"But, as much as converse, I have not lived long enough to tell you any tales. I would only be listening to you speak. Outside of my family, you are the first I find bizarre. You smile despite your hardship; you wear your heart in your sleeve yet with it is a blade. I wish to observe you, if that is allowed, of course. In return, I will do one thing for you." Kiel stated as his eyes became sharper.


"Asking me to be your friend this way is not any different from being forced."

"Tsk." Irys clicked her tongue before contemplating what it was that she wanted him to do, "Do you know how to play Ascencion?"

"I often played with my mother. My skills are average."

"I see, I see. Then, Irys want to play with Kiel after lunch from now on."

"…is that all?"

"Yes, Irys has not played in a while, and after so long, no one has been able to beat Irys in the game." Irys puffed her modest chest forward, "Irys is strong."

"I see—"


On the veranda of the Family Head's room were two children playing a simple board game. They were sitting on the floor, with a blanket underneath them.

One was thinking hard while the other was casual throughout.


"—Horse Rider [Enemy Mountain 4-1] Ascend to Gull King Rider, giving me unrestrained horizontal reach trapping your Celestial between my Ascended Warrior and Tide Caller resulting in checkmate."

"WHAT!?" Irys scanned the board with her hands, feeling the pieces, and indeed, she was defeated. She sniffled at her defeat and then demanded, "One more…."

"This is the 27th time you lost, and it is already beginning to get dark.

Irys grabbed the hems of his clothes by instinct, "Are you going already? Just one more game, please."

"I need to go now, Family Head Irys. I wish to leave before the evening fight between that's about to happen."

"…really, just one more… please?"

But Kiel shook his head, "I have prior engagements. I have not walked the Ox for this afternoon."

"If that is the case, then I can have one of my people do that for you. You may not respect me, but the Jura family is powerful enough to spare dozens of men without a problem." Irys proudly claimed.

"Please, do not. It is a task left to me by my Mother and Father; I will not allow anyone to interfere." Kiel let out a breath as he paused after a few seconds.

"Please....just one more game."

The little girl's hand on the hem of his shirt shook as she asked. She looked at her ever growing dismal expression. Her wavering smile and the hesitation behind her voice.

She didn't want him to leave.

Kiel understood little of people. But that much he could see the fear in her so he said, "If you wish to play once more, you can send a carriage to pick me up at my home; walking is too hard for me right now."


"Yes, really."

"I really will send them! And it might even be at a terible hours of the day! It might even be as early as the crack of dawn." added Irys.

"If I am done with my task and your examination is completed, then I will come. I have a lot of free time these days anyway." the boy answered.

"O—okay then....see you tomorrow then, friend." As hesitant s she was, Irys willingly let go of Kiel.

"I am not your friend as of yet."

"Hehe, that will change soon. Just accept it, my dear friend." laughed Irys as she claimed with a prideful huff.

"We'll see." Kiel walked out of the room, and as he reached the door, there was Luca, waiting, "Thank you for your hospitality; I will be taking my leave."

"Should we prepare a carriage for you?" Luca asked.

"I plan on taking a stroll tonight, so I will have to decline."

"Hmm? I just heard you say walking is bad for your body." she probed, "There had also just been a fight in town, are you not worried?"

"I can still manage to walk, for now; also, the first wave of fighting just ended; the losses and victories need to be computed so there won't be any more bloodshed tonight outside of some posturing. For today, a carriage will not be needed… oh right, but if you can please inform Jiang to deliver with his promise tonight that would be much appreciated."

Leaving those words behind, Kiel disappeared without asking for anyone's assistance. According to what Luca heard from the maids, the boy was supposed to be injured on the verge of death; however, there was no sign of injury from how he walked and acted.

"Is Physician Jiang's age catching up to him?" Luca said as she entered Iryss room.

"No, he's really injured, Luca. More so than what Mr. Jiang said previously." Irys said as she sat on the bed, "I hear his joints creaking with every move, his muscles constrict with every breathe, he's in a lot of pain, but his problem is not physical."

"I see. Is that why wanted to befriend him, Family Head?" Luca asked while taking an ancient box from the wardrobe.

Irys shook his head, "No, that's a different matter altogether."

She had not met someone like Kiel before, "He is crass but carrying with him is refined elegance. His words were soft even when he was rude. And when he lied, there was no malicious desire or greed, and his heart is steady. His presence needs not to be doubted; I can be calm around him...it feels nostalgic when I am around him."

To be in power means wealth and influence, but it also means one is surrounded by venomous people who wish to take a bite of the golden pig, "I don't have the urge to cover my ears when he speaks. He's delightful as a companion, He is also knowledgeable and kind in his own ways... but I can't even begin to think of beating him in Ascencion! He does not hold back when we played! Not even a handicap! "I don't look down on you. So I take it seriously." he said!" she complained but the smile on her face went against her words.

"I see; well, it is nice to see you enjoying yourself and if you are content, then I have nothing to say. And I must say, though he he has impressive manners and etiquette, but his words are a little rude." Luca said, carrying the box over.

"That's a part of his charm." Irys giggled.

"Is it really? I can't see it." Luca moved Irys' hair and then opened the box to bring out a red tear shape gem necklace, "Take a deep breath."

Irys' puffed as Luca placed a necklace around her neck. Irys felt her body lighten, her aching body regaining its vitality. Her pale complexion became vibrant, "Wooh, it always tingles when I wear this necklace. Like I need to go to the bathroom."

"Please don't talk like that; you sound like a ruffian, Family Head."

"Oh, I forgot to ask him if I could touch his face."

"I don't think he'd allow you to do that, Family Head."

"I see... but I am his closest friend so maybe I will ask him tomorrow."

"Oh? Did the two of you already got so close?"

"I am his only friend as well, so I am the closest by default." an amused laugh escaped the lass.


"You made a friend, that's good. Will you use her to cope with your loneliness?"

'She's not my friend, merely an acquaintance that's an object of my curiosity.'

Ouroboros did not say anything. It was meaningless to speak at Kiel's current state.

Walking into the Town, Kiel found signs of combat strewn across several alleyways, 'They are still keeping it under wraps.'

Unrest would grow in the Town, and before long, many would leave. Nothing would be resolved until one or the other is destroyed.

The Town Lord would win; it was a simple fact.

The Town Lord is the strongest expert in town. His counterpart, the Head of the Vollunds, died by Kiel's hands, and now, the Vollunds and the Golden Bear Merchants are only fronting a façade of courage to protect their positions in the city.

'The correct approach is to become subservient to the Town Lord. But because of their age, they are still too prideful to consider the long-term effects of things, thinking they can fight back.'

Money warped their minds thinking they could fight.

'The only question that remains is, how long would the Town Lord play the good guy and kill everyone in one fell swoop?' Kiel thought about the risks, 'Three months, four months at best. He won't allow anyone to reach his stage, after all.'

If the Town Lord has half a brain, he will get his victory at Kiel's predicted timeframe. He will die by the fourth or fifth month if he's a dullard.

By the time Kiel returned to his house, he had already made countless predictions of the situation. He created several hundred scenarios and played them in his mind simultaneously, finding sound possible outcomes the case could take.

Creating conjectures in Mortal squabbles was enjoyable as the variables are easier to manipulate and predict. For Immortals, Spells and Techniques must be considered, making them more complicated, but here, brute force rules.

'I should write a letter to Ame. She can't go back home with the town in this state.'

Kiel returned home just before sunset and found a basket carrying a sealed jar of a Hundred Year Silver Dew by his doorsteps. He lifted the half-filled jar and discovered the failed attempts of sealing the jar. It was murky, but it was acceptable.

After returning home, the first thing Kiel did was to set things around the house straight before going out to the barn. He cleaned the barn and apologized to the ox, "I returned late; tomorrow, you can walk around before the sun rises."

That night, Kiel boiled water, some tea and added a drop of Silver Dew into the mix before sleeping. The cool sensation he received from the Silver Dew helped settle his inflamed muscles. That night, Kiel got a good night's sleep.

He slept as early as eight in the evening and woke up at around two in the morning. He opened his eyes, and though he's not used to not having someone by his side, the pain in his heart was lessening.

He did some regular stretching to improve flexibility, "My strain has lessened. If I ration the Silver Dew, it should last for an entire year. That should boost my regenerative capabilities though it should still take me twelve years to regain my strength and fully recuperate.

"But with the Flow of Life, I will be reborn with a far stronger physical body. However, that doesn't mean the lifespan I lost could be regained." Kiel was well aware that a part of his lifeblood was shaved.

A Mortal's lifeblood generally has 120 years long lifespan. Multiple variables exist to lessen the lifespan, but typically, a human's lifeblood lasts for 120 years. Lifeblood increases with cultivation by stealing the world's energy. That's how cultivators live for so long.

Kiel was a Mortal Human, but his lifeblood reaches 300 years. He was fed with a myriad of Spirit Ingredients, and the Flow of Life refined his mortal body to rival that of an Elf's.

After doing reckless things after reckless things in one day, however, Kiel's lifeblood was brought down to a measly 150 years, far below a typical Mortal Human.

"My recovery will also drain my lifeblood considerably. After twelve years, by my estimate, I would be left with a hundred years."

But Kiel did not regret anything.

That single day was far more significant than anything he experienced in his previous life.

To live life is to experience roadblocks.

In his previous life, his talent did not present anything to him. This life, he was more talented than before, yet it does not stop him from living.

Every passing second was a delight to Kiel, every pain was an experience, and even now, he found someone he had taken an interest in. Because of the pain, a branch presented itself to Kiel to witness a flower bud, waiting to see if it would wilt or bloom.

"Let us start the day."

Even walking an Ox exceeds anything he experienced in his previous life.


"What are your thoughts in the life of the Wandering Queen?"

"Queen Shi, the first Female Immortal Queen? Hmm, I have no such thing as value, but I would say she's the one who won at the Death Valley. Her husband killed her for disobeying his orders, but in the end, it was her who had the last laugh. She died, but her campaign gave birth to a spark that ignited the rebellion three hundred years later. Her laughter in the Underworld echoed for seven hundred years until she reincarnated to be a spirit. I'd say it was a good life in the eyes of the living.

"Also, even though she could not leave behind her cultivation technique, her legacy remains in the form of memories. Her campaign toppled the patriarchal system of the Ninth Heaven. Her footsteps also started the path of the Empress of the Eastern Mountains. The Immortal Empress that inscribed her name in the Flower Bastion, becoming an eternal legend, never to be forgotten."

"I see, so do you think that leaving your name in the annals of history is better than living a full life? Or is her life more fulfilling than a man who found someone who managed to find a worthy successor or those who left their legacy behind for the future generations to find?"

"I know everything, but I cannot answer every question. But we live to understand, to grow wiser and uncover the reality of life, do we not?"

"I suppose so."

In the end, their conversation ended without bearing fruit. Eight days had passed since Kiel started living alone. Kiel would often spend his day early in the morning guiding the Ox that he now named Bula to the River West of his home.

There, he would watch over her, eat the pasture, drink in the nearby river, and then attempt to teach her to speak the intelligent tongue and reach higher consciousness.

Because of the state of his body, Kiel had nothing to do other than see the passing days. If he's not refining his body through the Flow of Life, he's often relieving other people's lives with Ouroboros, analyzing how they lived, and trying to learn from their experiences.

It was similar to watching theater.

"Kiel, it is already time."

"I know." Kiel got up from where he sat and then kept the blanket to the basket, "Bula, I am leaving for my prior engagement. Bring the basket home with you before sunset."

Bula raised its head from the river and snorted before returning to drinking. Kiel did not bother with such a reaction; he didn't expect much from Bula. It had failed for the past week; he doesn't expect a significant change.

It should take another two years before Bula shows signs of higher consciousness, "Though she did start going home by herself without a problem. Maybe she's actually a prodigy."

Kiel said out loud while taking a stroll back home. With his small and careful steps, Kiel took over an hour before he could return.

"Welcome back, Sir Kiel; how is your body?" Upon his arrival, there was already a carriage waiting for him.

"Manageable. Hmm, no gifts today? Has she finally listen to me?"

"I already placed today's gift inside."

"I believe I said to stop listening to her about bringing gifts,, Mr. Braks?"

"You did, but Sir Kiel is not my employer."

"Well, that is true."

"Thahahah! Anyway, come on, let's go; the Family Head is waiting for her dearest friend."

"I also told you to stop using the phrase every time you pick me up."

"You are still not my employer, Sir Kiel, Thahahah!" Braks' laughter echoed while opening the carriage doors.

With an exasperated sigh, Kiel boarded the carriage. With the coachman's laughter, they left for the Jura Family Manor for a playdate with their tiny Family Head. Irys was already too much for Kiel, but their servants carry the exact obnoxious nature.

Kiel received seven gifts, including what he got today since his meeting with Irys. The first was a simple fountain pen. It was a show of goodwill, but when Kiel thanked her, he saw Irys' expression glow with color, which started a nightmare.

Kiel could exploit the lass with ease if he wanted to, for she would do anything he says.

On his fourth visit, he talked about the effects of a medicinal grass and he received a bundle of Dragon Grass the next day.

'She's really annoying.' He complained but showed no sign of stopping their meetings.

When they arrived at the mansion, everything was already set up for a game. And waiting for him was a little girl excited to try and topple the master that was Kiel.

"Today is the day I will beat you and touch your face."

"Yea, good luck."

Not even once, not even a single pity victory had been given… she was enjoying the challenge.

This was what they do when they meet the entire afternoon, play a board game other their age would find tedious to learn. Irys would try her tricks, and Kiel would respond in kind by shutting down her attempts and destroying any hopes of winning.

He showed her not an ounce of mercy.

Sometimes they would exchange their opinions on things like the current state of unrest. From different Races of Spirit Devourers to the Spirit Beasts. The beginning of the Universe and how Immortality was discovered.

They did not trail off into one single conversation material, day after day, Irys would have new things to talk about, and Kiel would be there to listen to her.

His 12th Visit.

Kiel began seeing changes in Irys.

Her smile was the same, but her complexion was paler, and her energy was weaker compared to yesterday. They would still play by the veranda and drink tea together throughout the afternoon.

"How is Bula doing?" Irys asked, remembering something Kiel told her before, "Did she awaken as a Spirit Beast?"

"She managed to start taking the basket back home. She's improving faster than anticipated." Kiel answered while making a move, "And that is checkmate."

"Tsk, why can't you be distracted while talking? One more game!" Irys complained and before she finished her request, Kiel was already arranging the pieces for the next game.

As he did so, she c;losed her eyes and asked him a sudden question, "Hey Kiel, do you think I can become a Cultivator one day?"

"If you are cured, why not?"

"...that would be nice, wouldn't it?" a sighed of melancholy escaped her.

"If you are cured and can train in cultivation. I will teach you martial arts if you want to."

"Hehehe, that would fun too. But you don't practice Martial Arts."

"I trained my little sister in martial arts you know?"

"You don't have to say that to make me feel better.... you said those to make me feel better right? Wait, did you really? You really taught her how to fight? I don't believe you, demonstrate some for me and I might just change my mind though."

"Make your first move." he spent no time entertaining the thought.

"Fine...but theoretically what if I offered you treasures to demonstrate—"

'...I should have kept my mouth shut.'

They continued with their day.

Irys has not won a single game still.

His 27th Visit.

There were more bags under her eyes than before, and around her neck was a necklace she previously didn't wear.

Kiel was well aware of Irys' dislike of wearing jewelry. This also marked the day Luca refused to leave Irys' side.

"…are you okay?" Kiel asked.

Irys laughed weakly, "Do not worry, let us play; today is the day I will beat you and get to touch your face. Why, are you scared?"

Claimed the girl who lost 476 games straight.

"…" Kiel was uncharacteristically at a loss for words. He did not know what to say in front of Irys at this moment. He had been observing her for weeks, and for her every word, he would be able respond.

This time, there were no cheeky or clingy remarks that always bothered Kiel.

"Hmm? Is something the matter, Kiel? Cat got your tongue?"

"I apologize; my mind was in the gutter. Well, as always, good luck."

Kiel played the first move.

'…I still do not understand her.'

Their 477th game begins.

His 37th Visit.

Irys no longer had any ability to get up from her bed. She was weak, needing assistance to even play.

She was pale as a ghost.

Her breathing was incoherent and bothered.

She would sway left to right, worrying Luca.

She was in pain, but Irys remained smiling and continued playing Ascencion with Kiel.

"Kiel, you're here… let's play."

She greeted him as he entered her room.


"Warrior from 4-5 to 4-6 — Irys, how many times have I told you to stop sending me gifts? It is not needed."


"Soul Caller from 5-7 to 7-5 — but are you not in the middle of recuperating Kiel, my friend? Irys just sent you those gifts to help you with your recuperation." She said while looking at Kiel's forehead.

"Warrior from 4-6 to 4-7 — I have enough of the silver dew. I have no need for any more gifts. You don't have to give me anything."

Irys touched the Rider, but she did not make a move. She played with the piece and then smiled bitterly at it, "…but, if I don't do that, Kiel might stop coming. If I don't annoy you, Irys might be forgotten. If Kiel forgets Irys, you will stop coming here… Irys don't want to be forgotten. Irys want Kiel to remember Irys, so gifts are necessary. The more I give, the more you will remember Irys."

"Do you really think I would forget you, Irys?"

"No… but… I'm still scared… that if I don't make an impression, you will forget me. What if there comes a time that I stop appearing in front of you… Irys will be forgotten. That the first friend Irys made… would stop caring."

"Even if I lose my memories, I think I will still hear your voice at the back of my head. Besides, how can I forget someone I will be playing this game with for years to come? Are you afraid of being forgotten, Irys?"

Irys said nothing, but she nodded.

Kiel looked up towards the direction of the setting sun, "Is it because you are about to die?"


Thanks for reading!

I hope you guys like Irys! Do you like her!?

Simple_Dynastycreators' thoughts