
Peerless Harem

Today is the day that I will finally take my life. It has been an incredible journey thus far, and I have accomplished all that I have set out to accomplish from the moment that I’d found myself reincarnated into this eastern fantasy. Honestly, me. A simple farmer has reached the pinnacle of all creation under heaven. Yet, despite that seemingly impossible achievement, I feel so empty inside. Perhaps, it is because I am all alone here in this place. This summit. For the loneliest number is me. So many people have left me on my journey towards greatness for one reason or another. They either did not have the OP systems or cheats to reach the top with me, and I feel so guilty for totally forgetting about them for many, many adventures, especially when I ascend to a higher realm. Now that I have reached the peak, standing above all else, looking down at the world and everything below, I wonder to myself, what have I truly accomplished in the end? Where are my friends, families, and most importantly, a harem of heaven defying beauties? ****

Erosire · Ost
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37 Chs

Time to Get Moving

No one steps up to my challenge, as expected. These four – well, three now – are currently at the first stage of the Mortal Realms. Hence, my miniature timebomb is far more than enough to kill them, but honestly, even if they are at higher stages, I can still kill them pretty easily.

There are all types of bomb in my endless arsenal of weapons. I just like blowing things up, and people usually turn into a bloody mess when they get blown up.

It only becomes tricky when a cultivator transcended the bound of mortality and finally ascended into the Immortal Realms. Killing immortals do require some creativity. It is simply far more better to trap immortals rather than fight them, usually to the death.

Anyway, that is not a problem right now, considering that it will likely take centuries for the three here to reach that level of a threat. Their overall low potential is the very reason that I have chosen my first sect as a place of my eternal slumber. Wouldn't want anyone way too overpowered coming along and fuck me up in my sleep.

Literally and figuratively speaking.


Ahem. These guys did wake me up, so I will give them credits where credits are due.

"Since you lots have helped me awaken from my dream, I will spare your life, but only on the condition that you prostrate before me as your one and only Divine Emperor," I demand.

It is just a matter of time before I regain my divinity and become the Divine Emperor once more. After that, I will be the first in a very, very long time to ascend to Primordial Emperor.

"Prostate before you? A cripple? Don't make me laugh!" Meng Huan snarls and raises his sword. "Let me avenge senior brother. I will not fall for such cheap trick."

Instead of saying anything, I toss him a bomb. He, like a hothead, slashes the bomb with his sword and the instant that he did, an explosion rocks the chamber, sending bloody shrapnel all over the area.


An anguishing girlish scream soon follows. It obviously belongs to the hot shot idiot. Only that he isn't such a hot shot right now. Also, he is down on his knees, unintentional trying to prostrate before me.

Should have done that from the start. It saves me a bomb. Not really.

It is kind of hard for Meng Huan to prostate with his right hand and much of his arm have been turned into a horror show. My bomb usually does that to people, who manages to live afterwards. Not a good life afterwards.

"My hand! My hand! Ah!" Meng Huan screams as he grips his bloody stump.

"Brother!" Sun Hai tries to come to his aid, but I put an end to that, mostly because his girlish scream is getting on my nerve.

Also, I am pretty sure he had just tried to kill me… again. Should have killed him the first time around, but I was still sleepy then.

I am not sleepy anymore. Completely awake now.

Another explosion rocks the chamber, and Sun Hai stares at what remains of Meng Huan. Little pieces of him plaster the floor, nearby walls, and ceiling. Good luck putting him back together for a funeral.

I think they still do funerals. I will have to check that since more a billion years has passed after all.

Still, some things never change no matter the era. Like arrogance little shit that does not how high the sky is. If I can kill their senior brother with impunity, what makes he thinks he can do better? Hope the last two are smarter.

"And then there are two. What will it be?" I question as I look down at the remaining trespassers. In a different era, I would have killed them outright for even thinking about trespassing, but judging from their presence here, my suppose the sect has long been destroyed.

If the elders are still alive and kicking, then there is no chance that any of these idiots could have found their ways here. And if those elders are still alive and kicking despite the fact, I will murder them simply for not doing their job.

"Brother. Be careful. Do not fall for his trick," the girl speaks up and takes her battle stance. She wields what appear to be hoops. Razor edge throwing weapons, Chakram. Oh goody.

Since she has made her choice, I will make mine.

"I know. I cannot believe senior brother and brother has died like that," Sun Hai responded and takes out his weapon. It is a long pole. Nope. A spiritual spear.

I can see the blade as clearly as day, and it surprises me. Surprise enough for not instantly wasting the girl.

"How the fuck did someone at your cultivation get a spiritual weapon?" I question, surprising Sun Hai in return. Why is he surprised? Did he not expect me to be spiritual aware? Well, technically only those who has reached Spiritual Realms can discern spiritual weapons.

Spiritual Realms are above Mortal Realms. Thus, it is not common for a Mortal Cultivator to wield any Spiritual Weapons. Not that they couldn't. It is that their cultivation base is not strong enough to make use of such a weapon.

"Spiritual weapon?"

Sun Hai questions, completely ignorance

"Just die already, you ignorance newb," I snort and throw a bomb at him with my strength, which isn't much given my shattered cultivation.

Unlike Meng Huan, Sun Hai evades the bomb with minimum movement. He is trying to show off, and it is his undoing. The explosion sends him crashing violently into the wall. His spiritual spear lands next to him, undamaged.

The same cannot be said for him.

"H-how!?" Sun Hai utters with a mouthful of blood. His amour might have taken the brunt of the force, but physic is a bitch. He suffers severe internal injuries. Most of his ribs are pulverized.

"Why do I need to tell anything to someone who is about to die?" I question and throw another bomb at him. Unfortunately, the bomb goes off in midair due to being intercepted. Not really intercepted as the proximity sensor triggers the explosion before the flying weapon could impact it.

The same flying weapons flies towards me, and I decide to mess around enough. It is not because I do not have any real counter to that range weapon. Honest to me.

I block the chakram with my arm since I am not fast enough to evade it. The weapon tries to cut deep into my armor, but the power gap is simply insane. Mortal weapons cannot penetrate Divine armors, no matter what.

Still, the chakram forces me to defend, allowing Song Xiuying to lurch herself at me for a strike. She is wielding the other chakram like a close combat blade.

"I have a pair of something too, idiot," I snort and raise my free hand and pull the trigger.

A thunderous sound echoes the entire chamber before an explosion rocks the air, sending the girl back screaming in pain. Her amour has protected her enough to remain relatively conscious. What remains of her weapon is in her hand.

Song Xiuying looks up and directly down a spirally barrel of a handgun.

"Alright, I am amazed that you are able to block that on pure reflex," I tell her before turning her head into bloody pulp. Explosive bullets are wonderful thing.

I pay attention to Sun Hai, only to find he has expired. His internal injuries are extensive after all, and before I check if he actually dead or not, the chamber shakes heavily.

That is my cue to get going.

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