
Amelia's Story II

In order to save his family, Torjan decided to stay inside the forest to stop the Dark Triad from chasing them. For him, this was the only choice he had, knowing if he run away with his family it would be hard to fight back and protect his family at the same time.

'If I win in this battle, all of us could escape and have a new life in the Deranium City.' He talked to himself and looked at his wife. "What are you doing here? Come on move, you are wasting your time escaping!"

At this point, the only thing Niela could do was to click her tongue and accept the fact that one of us should leave in this place.

"Torjan, please be careful, our daughters need you!"

After spitting these words, Niela didn't try to look at her husband, she just simply grabbed Amelia's arm and left the place.