
Peak Of Power

In a world full of cultivators and magical beast,, one has to survive through fighting. Huxton is the only son of the clan head of the Leon family, but was considered a trash because the techniques for the element base he awakened does not exist, so he only has to learn martial art and help out in the family business. fortunately he found a castle with the cultivation techniques of his two elements, so now he has to cultivate to become the most powerful existence In the world. join him as he adventure and fight to pursue the peak of power

Stilejimmy · Fantasie
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46 Chs

Life And Death Situation

Tabbit successful stopped Huxton from hitting a tree, but Huxton was already unconscious, Tabbit bit him by his robe, trying to drag him away from the spot, he pulled and pulled but couldn't even move Huxton.

The girl stood opposite of them not knowing what to do, she was so weak, she couldn't move a muscle, and her magical best was also lying on the ground weakly.

"I wish my elder brother was here, I have never been this powerless before"The girl said to herself with tears streaming down her cheek, her magical beast was her only hope to escape from the beast but the beast can't even move her limbs

"So this is how I die"She closed her eyes powerlessly to await the beasts next attack

The beast was still furious about the hole Huxton put on its head, it angrily raised it's leg to stomp on Huxton

"Boss, wake up, if you don't, we are both going to die, I can't leave you here and go, we die together"Tabbit said anxiously before deciding to go with Huxton

He jumped on Huxton and laid on his chest to receive the attack together, Tabbit laid on his chest and gently closed his eyes

"This magical beast is really loyal to the core, I can't believe he would be willing to die with his master"The girl said in surprise to herself, she was shocked by Tabbit's action

"Boom..."The huge mountain leg landed on Huxton and Tabbit shattering the place they were both lying, a huge hole was created at the spot the beast leg landed.

"No!!! he doesn't have to die, he was just trying to protect me and the other disciples"The girl shouted in pain, she felt guilty for Huxton's death, she burst out in tears

When the gorilla removed it's leg, nothing but rocks were seen on the spot

"They were matched and buried under the ground, I guess we would be dying next"The girl said to her beast lying beside her with tears streaming down her eyes

The gorilla removed it's leg from the hole and turned to the girl not far from it, it took a step forward, getting closer to the girl, the girl became anxious and started moving backwards still crying

"I can't die like this, brother where are you,I guess I was stupid trying to help people, I ended up killing myself"She said sorrowfully crying badly

At the same moment, huzzah has already brought Huxton and Tabbit inside the lightning God castle, Huxton was still unconscious while Tabbit was also still lying on his chest, huzzah gently brought out a medicine, he fed it to Huxton, within seconds Huxton gently moved a finger, after that he gently started to open his eyes.

"Am I dead, grandpa" Huxton said lightly when he opened his eyes

"Lord Huxton, I am happy you are okay, although you have some internal injuries, that would be healed after a few days of cultivation, but first we have kill that beast or it kills that girl out there"huzzah said after Huxton woke up

"Grandpa, I have really tried my best, almost losing my life, still I couldn't even hurt it, I am not half as strong as that beast" Huxton said with a weak expression

"I know, this time, I will be going with you, I will have to use your body to deal with it"Huzzah gently said

"Use my body? how?" huxton asked in a confused face

"I will have to possess your body, so let me"Huzzah gently explained

"You can really do that grandpa? but what would happen to me when you do?"Huxton asked in a serious expression

"Your soul would still be in your body, so when I leave you can take back control of your body, so please let me, we don't have any more time to waist" Huzzah seriously said, urging Huxton

"What do I do grandpa?"Huxton asked in confused manner

"Just allow me in, don't try to resist me with your soul, let me in" Huzzah gently explained

He moved like a smoke and entered Huxton's body, immediately Huxton's aura and cultivation began rising, moving from the 3rd level of Foundation building tier till it got to the peak of Soul Opening tier, Tabbit stood by the side and watched the whole thing happened in shock

"Lord Huxton, let's go kill that beast"Huzzah said in Huxton's body

Huxton started floating in the air with his hands behind his back, he gently took a step and disappeared out of the lightning god castle.

At the same time, outside the lightning god castle, the gorilla walked closer to the girl, it raised its leg to step on them, the girl stayed on the ground powerless crying seriously, she lost all hope of surviving.

"I guess this is where it ends, with the big dreams of leaving this continent to travel the whole world, becoming powerful, I guess all of them ends here, good bye brother, good bye Lani"The girl said with her eyes closed prepared to die any moment

The huge leg started descending heavily on the girl and her magical beast.

"Boom..."Suddenly a huge Lightning spear struck the leg, pushing the beast few inches from the girl, the leg landed on a huge rock not far from the girl, shattering it into dust and sending debris all over the place.

"What happened, I am still alive, I didn't die, where is the beast"The girl opened her eyes when she heard the loud noise not far from her, she was surprised when she saw the huge destruction close to her, the whole place was covered in dust.

"What happened?"the girl asked in a shocked expression

The whole place was covered in dust, after a few minutes, the wind blew away the whole dust, the huge mountain gorilla appeared with a hole on its leg and what appeared next shocked the girl greatly.

"He is supposed to be dead, he is still alive and also floating in the air, how is that possible, I saw him die before my eyes, or is it his ghost, no it can't be,his aura has changed and I can't even feel his cultivation"The girl exclaimed in shock, she was very shocked by the sudden appearance of Huxton who she believed to be dead.

Huxton appeared out of the dust in the air with his hands behind his back, he glared dangerously at the beast.

The beast stared angrily at Huxton, it shouted angrily with huge amount of energy wave spreading out of its mouth, the trees and mountains began to scatter and shatter, Huxton gently snapped his fingers sending out a huge Lightning net towards the girl and her magical beast covering them from the energy attack.

After a few minutes the energy wave stopped, the gorilla stared deadly at huxton, Huxton stared back at it with a light smile