
peace macleen

A story about peace a cute and handsome guy in highschool who is gay in closet was admired and was the number one guy who all girls would love to marry because of his poor background he was avoided by all his classmates except for Sony his first love

Peace_Godfrey · Fantasie
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11 Chs

chapter 3_Chase

"Good afternoon sir" peace greeted the coach while entering the stadium.

"Good day how may I help you" the coach asked politely

"sir I came for training session" peace answered politely

"which class are you presently" the coach asked while sizing peace up and down with his eyes.

"am at my final year" peace answered

"you're at your final year and you are coming to Join my training session" the coach asked sternly."sorry tell me are we joking here" the coach asked while hyperventilating.

"no sir...."peace didn't get to finish his words

"you're at final year and you came for my training session, wait what do you come fall, don't tell me I know you came for the scholarship program didn't you" the coach asked

"no sir I came because someone invited me here" peace said honestly

"who has the gots to invite you here" the coach became angry

"sorry sir is Sony" peace said fearfully

"Sony come here" the coach called his son "why did you invite this trash here"

"dad his name is peace" Sony corrected his father.

"and you know have been crushing on him"Sony said while holding his tears.

"is it because of the rules where I said you should date only someone who is into sports"the coach asked his son stenly.

"yes Dad" Sony answered

"And he is not into sports he is book guy" the coach said

"dad that's why he's here" Sony said

"And you know this is your final year and you are going to Thailand to study" the coach asked his son.

"yes Dad and I am going with him" Sony said while holding peace hands

"and who will pay for that" the coach asked cautiously

"you of course" Sony said

" you're sick"the coach said getting angry at the minute. then he turned to peace and asked "what are you still doing here will you live my stadium"

"Dad an leaving with him" Sony said while dragging peace who was still speechless from the father and son duo.

"Sony get back here"the coach shouted.

Sony drag's peace at of the stadium and asked him"will you be my boyfriend.......