
Pay 2 Play System

In a world filled with magic, Mason lives in a village on the border of the continent. In this particular village, there isn't a single mage. *Ding* [Pay 2 Play Sytem initiated] Mason gets a system that will make him rich, and give him the power to curse anyone he wants! One day, a kid walked up to Mason. "Do you want to eat together?" To that, Mason only had 1 answer. "Nah, I don't need to eat food. I'm already on my path to become the God of Magic." ================================================ I don't own the cover image, feel free to ask me to take it down if needed. Try to read the first couple of chapters i guarantee you it becomes better haha.

McStank · Fantasie
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40 Chs


After the referee announced that Mason had won, he started making his way back to the dorms.

'I guess it's pretty interesting to fight there every now and then, I don't see anybody winning against me though.'

'Even though I couldn't easily win against Harry, it wasn't hard at all either. I guess I'm just that far ahead of the rest, huh?' Mason didn't dislike the idea of being way stronger.

He arrived while in deep thought, it was 6:00 PM. His objective by coming back to the dorms was clear.

'I must eat dinner with the princess tonight!'

And so his mission began, he opened the dorm room, ready to speak up when... Nobody was there.

Instead, there was a note on the table that said: ''I am going for dinner with friends, you should go eat dinner yourself too.''

Mason dropped to his knees in defeat.

'I guess I really do need to make some friends here and there, the Academy is big however so it shouldn't be that hard... Right?'

Mason followed Remi's advice as he headed towards the cafeteria.

When he arrived he started looking around to see if he could spot the princess but it seemed she had already left.

Mason started wandering, it was very busy. He wanted to find someone sitting alone so he could try to make friends with them.

It seemed everyone had already established their cliques long ago however, there was only one person in the entire cafeteria alone.

The reason Mason didn't sit next to him immediately?

'This guy's aura is so scary!'

'What's up with him, did his parents get killed or something?'

'I really have to try to make friends though... Should I risk it or not?'

Mason had made up his mind, today he would make his very first friend.

He started walking towards the only empty table in the busy cafeteria and sat over the guy with the intense aura.

He started by awkwardly staring at him, but he got ignored completely.

After a full minute of staring into his soul, he finally reacted.

''You... What do you want with me?'' He asked.

Mason's face froze up.

'I didn't think this through, how do you even make friends?'

'Anyways I have to make something up quickly because it feels he might kill me if I waste his time!'

''Err, well... I kind of just sat here because there was no room elsewhere.'' Mason said thinking he had saved himself.

''And why did you stare at me for a minute then?'' The guy asked in a cold voice.

''Alright, alright. I'll be honest. I wanted to make friends with someone and you were the only guy sitting without anybody else.''




The entire cafeteria who for some reason were listening to their conversation went dead quiet before they all started laughing loudly.

''Hahaha, who's this kid... I swear I know him from somewhere too. He's just too funny.'' Someone exclaimed

Mason had an awkward look on his face.

''Leave him alone guys, he obviously doesn't know who he's trying to make friends with.'' A different person said.

Mason now had an understanding look on his face.

'Ah, he's a bigshot... Why does this always happen to me for some reason?'

''If I may ask, what is your name?'' Mason asked the cold guy.

The guy looked up for the first time.

''I am Hans Larsson, but other people refer to me as the first son of Duke Larsson.''

Mason knew he had a hit or miss here.

'His attitude towards me isn't bad nor good, I like him already!'

''Son of a Duke... That's an impressive title, but your attitude tells me you're not an arrogant stuck-up noble like half the school.''

Hans was the one who looked weird now.

'Who is this guy, he can afford to offend nobles like that. He must have an impressive identity himself!'

Just as Hans was about to ask his name, Mason started introducing himself.

''I am Mason White, a commoner from Greenwood Village near the border. Other people know me as the number one student in the year.''

Hans' face froze up.

'He's a commoner making remarks like that? He will get beaten up by any noble for what he just said!'

Mason thought he had his cool moment but everyone was looking at him with a dirty look on their face, the only thing stopping them from harassing Mason immediately was the fact that he was having a conversation with Hans.

''Why haven't I heard about you yet, Hans? If you're the first son of a Duke then you are probably one of the strongest students here. Did you not participate in the Expedition or something?'' Mason asked Hans

He had guessed correctly.

''I was busy with other things, I only enrolled yesterday.'' Hans answered curtly.

Mason was surprised.

'Normally someone like him should've had friends by now though right?'

Hans wasn't bad looking, maybe even the opposite.

He had light blond hair with dark blue eyes, he was slightly taller than Mason and had this grand aura as if he was a higher life-form.

''Well, what class are you in?'' Mason asked.

Hans looked at Mason with a wry smile.

''I'm in the same class as you, man. Don't tell me you haven't seen me yet...''


''I'm sorry, I don't usually pay attention in class anymore. I'm the go with the flow type of person.'' Mason tried to make an excuse.


''Its fine, I didn't do anything to grab anybody's attention yet anyways.'' Hans said with a chuckle.

Mason didn't let any detail slip.

'He said yet... It seems I have another contender for number one student.'

'System, what level is he?'

[Hans Larsson is level 34]

'34! That's even higher than Remi!' Mason was baffled.

''I look forward to our time together. Also, how about you come with me to my dorm real quick? Think of it as being a bodyguard for a bit, I think that if you leave me alone right now there's going to be ten people beating me up.'' Mason asked with a nice look on his face.

''Nah, good luck with that though.'' Hans answered

As soon as Hans finished his sentence, Mason dashed towards the exit of the cafeteria. He knew he had to act quickly, that question was a distraction for the rest.

'Damn, I should watch my mouth from now on. I could probably take 100 of those stuck-up level 15 guys but I don't want to test it.'

He ran and ran until he finally arrived at his dorm, it seemed his distraction worked as nobody was close to him. Or maybe he was just a faster runner than them.

'So I finally made my first friend... Feels good!'

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