
Pawnshop Appraiser

Chen Shaojun, a humble apprentice in a pawnshop of the Great Zhou Dynasty, awakens a unique ability to appraise treasures with psychic precision. Each item that comes his way holds hidden powers and dangers, and only through his identification can their true potential be unlocked. With rewards awaiting him, such as the Eyes of Deception, Abuse of Victory, Psychic Solution to Evil, and many more, Chen Shaojun embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of these mystical artifacts and navigate a world where treasures can be both a blessing and a curse.

Godlevelauthor · Aktion
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7 Chs

Chen Shaojun's Awakening

Chen Shaojun's head throbbed, as if a heavy hammer had struck him, leaving him feeling incredibly uncomfortable. With great effort, he managed to open his eyes, only to find himself in a surprisingly spacious room. The sole source of illumination came from an oil lamp that flickered and cast a warm glow across the table.

Perched upon the table, right next to the oil lamp, was a mesmerizing piece of green jade.

Confusion clouded his mind as he tried to grasp his surroundings. Suddenly, fragments of scattered memories flooded back, offering fleeting glimpses of understanding.

As those memories resurfaced, Chen Shaojun began to realize that he had indeed traversed through time.

Yet, this place was unlike anything he had ever known in his previous life. It was not the Earth he once inhabited, nor did it resemble any dynasty etched in his memory.

This was the Great Zhou Dynasty, in the 97th year of the Shengde reign.

A wave of comprehension washed over him as he recalled the events leading up to this moment. It was during the imperial pilgrimage that he ascended the throne at the age of thirty-five. And now, he had governed the kingdom for a staggering 97 years.

However, he couldn't recall any news of his ill health, leaving him uncertain about how much longer he could maintain his position on the throne.

It became increasingly apparent that this was no ordinary world he found himself in. In ordinary circumstances, one could hardly expect to live beyond a hundred years of age.

For the common folk, reaching the age of fifty was deemed a fortunate fate, while attaining sixty was considered a mark of longevity.

The reason behind the Shengde Emperor's extraordinary longevity was believed to be rooted in the realm of spiritual practices.

In this world, chaos reigned, with demons and ghosts running amok while the paths of Dao and Wu coexisted. It was a place where legends of all kinds, from eerie tales to supernatural beings, intertwined with one another.

For ambitious individuals, it was a time of great opportunity and prosperity. However, for ordinary people, it was nothing short of a nightmare.

Chen Shaojun, the protagonist, was one such ordinary person who found himself embroiled in the complexities of this world. In desperate circumstances, he had made a pact, agreeing to sell his body and becoming an apprentice in the renowned Lin's pawnshop located in Shengjingcheng.

But what exactly was a "Chao Bong"?

Put simply, a Chao Bong was an appraiser responsible for evaluating the value of pawned items within the pawnshop and tallying up the corresponding silver worth. It was a position that held promise, as an apprentice who excelled in their duties could aspire to become a court servant in the future.

Within the pawnshop, the court's status was held in high regard, second only to the shopkeeper. A competent court servant was expected to serve with utmost diligence and respect, even in the presence of the shopkeeper.

However, this world was far from ordinary. Death coexisted with life, and supernatural beings freely roamed. Demons frequently made their presence known, and an array of peculiar and enigmatic objects could be found scattered throughout this realm. It was a place where secrets lingered, waiting to be unraveled.

Within this realm, working in a pawnshop was far from a favorable occupation. While identifying ordinary items posed no significant risk, coming into contact with special objects without the corresponding means could easily jeopardize one's life and lead to fatal consequences.

Chen Shaojun vividly recalled the stark reality of his circumstances. When he initially joined Lin's pawnshop six months ago, there were a total of twelve apprentices, just like him. However, as time passed, only seven of them remained. Though not all departures could be attributed to accidents, some may have simply found alternative means of making a living, it served as a grim reminder of the perils associated with this industry.

"This world is extraordinarily peculiar and perilous," Chen Shaojun muttered, his mind racing to make sense of the memories he had pieced together. A chill ran down his spine as he contemplated the fact that seemingly lifeless objects could pose such a threat.

In this realm, countless inanimate objects held the power to endanger lives—a reality that was as unsettling as it was disconcerting. If given the choice, Chen Shaojun would never willingly remain in this place, where danger lurked around every corner.

He resolved within himself that it was imperative to seek out a safer and more secure profession, one where the perils of his current trade would not haunt him at every turn.

He firmly believed that with the memories and knowledge from his previous life, even without longevity, he could navigate this world and ensure his survival. Having enjoyed a period of stability, he pondered the possibility of learning the fabled Taoist martial arts, confident that a way would present itself.

However, there was a significant impediment. He possessed a legally binding deed of sale, signed to Lin's pawnshop. This document, originating from the Great Zhou Dynasty, held considerable legal weight. If he dared to escape, the Lin family would waste no time in initiating a relentless pursuit, regardless of the consequences. They would promptly report him to the authorities, who would issue wanted notices and dispatch officers to track him down. Furthermore, due to his lack of official identification, obtaining a household registration was an impossible task, condemning him to a life in hiding.

Even if he managed to slip out of the city by some stroke of luck, survival would prove exceedingly arduous. Eluding the government's relentless pursuit was an insurmountable challenge, as the officials possessed skilled trackers capable of capturing even the swiftest of individuals. Notably, the Lin family had their own group of formidable guards, each of them capable of taking on ten adversaries alone.

Despite the circumstances, he harbored no resentment towards his predecessor's biological father for selling him to the Lin family. The previous family had been destitute, with three mouths to feed and five children to care for. If he hadn't been sent away, starvation would have claimed the lives of at least a few family members. As he had been sickly at the time, it was highly likely that he would have been the first casualty. Nonetheless, in joining the Lin family, he had gained a modicum of stability and access to sustenance, enabling his survival.

"So, for the time being, I have no choice but to stay in this Lin's pawnshop," Chen Shaojun sighed, his mind returning to the present as he gazed at the ancient blue jade resting on the table. His face displayed a myriad of uncertain expressions.

This ancient jade had been assigned to him as an appraisal item by the pawnshop. The pawnshop served as a bustling hub of business, with various items being pawned and acquired every day. Among them, particularly valuable items would be handled by the official courtiers of the establishment, while more ordinary items were distributed among the courtier apprentices, such as himself.

Some items were subjected to authentication and used for testing purposes, while others were considered "raw materials." These raw materials were untested, their origins unknown, and their potential dangers uncertain. It was evident that the cyan ancient jade before Chen Shaojun fell into the category of raw materials.

Considering his sudden journey through rebirth, Chen Shaojun felt an intensified sense of vigilance towards this sapphire than ever before. With a heavy heart, he turned away from the table, fully aware that the pawnshop was no sanctuary. If the pawnbrokers failed to sell their items, they would inevitably face the torment of floggings.

As a Chaofeng apprentice, his status was not necessarily much higher than that of the handyman slaves in the pawnshop. Taking a deep breath, Chen Shaojun cautiously picked up the cyan ancient jade, studying it with great care.

In addition to careful observation, the most crucial aspect of identifying "raw materials" lay in Chaofeng's special technique called "shenwang," meaning "divine insight."

Every individual possesses spiritual power, although it is usually weak and challenging to perceive for ordinary people. However, Chaofeng apprentices in the pawnshop possess the ability to concentrate and amplify their spiritual power, instantly increasing its potency tenfold. This allows them to delve into the unique attributes of the items they are examining.

Having spent six months in the pawnshop, Chen Shaojun had naturally mastered this mystical practice. However, every time he employed the "shenwang" technique, it took an immense toll on him. The process was incredibly draining, requiring several hours of rest to recover fully.

Furthermore, when he engaged in the "God Hope" technique, which was the closest he could get to the items during identification, it also rendered him vulnerable and at his weakest. It was during this time that he faced the greatest danger if the item being identified contained any hazardous elements.

Tragically, five apprentices from the court had previously vanished within the pawnshop due to unforeseen events during the identification process. Aware of these risks, Chen Shaojun focused his mind, narrowing his eyes and steadying his breath.

Adopting a particular rhythm, he stimulated the blood in his body, causing it to surge towards his head, intensifying his concentration.