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Abhilasha1 · sci-fi
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Entry of the female lead on the Earth

<p>"All the members of team earth come to the main office" said the chief 001.<br/>"002, 003, 004, 005 present Madam" ,<br/>"006, 007, 008, 009 present Madam" said the 8 young ladies as they entered the office. <br/>Chief asked where is 010 ??<br/>A very cheerful pretty girl rushed to the office.<br/>010 pre.. present Madam. said the girl .<br/><br/>Chief sighed and said, " so everyone is gathered now". Suddenly chief's voice changed 180° from sighed to ice cold strict as she said, "Team!! our mission is to find out if there is any life on earth or not ? if it is then do they want friendship or war..."<br/><br/>"Yes, Madam" said all the members full of passion. Spaceship's engine started. In just a minute, with the speed of light they arrived on earth. the ship landed near the north pole of the earth. <br/><br/>They started searching for life on earth.<br/>After a few months they saw some creatures wandering on a road. <br/><br/>They wore their invisible shawls so that no one can see them. Chief said, " Everyone split up and follow those creatures and gather information" <br/><br/>"Yes Madam" said all the members. " And one more thing we will meet after 10 days in our spaceship", said the Chief.<br/><br/>They saw some creatures were walking on 2 feets some on 4 feets some creatures are small in height some creatures were big some were wearing weird clothes.<br/><br/>Each member of the team followed each of them. After 10 days they all came back in the spaceship as they were ordered except 010.<br/><br/>They all reported the information about the creatures they were assigned to follow. Chief <br/>asked where is 010 ??<br/><br/>There was no trace of 010. Everyone got worried. Chief ordered all the team members to search for 010.<br/><br/>All tried so hard but they couldn't find her. They all came back with a very sad gloomy face. Chief was also so sad but as a leader she has to be strong. She said," 010 is not found maybe she died or lost and we have tried very hard but was unable to find her..."<br/><br/>With a very serious face she announced," We are going back to our planet. Everyone get ready to fly".<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>