
Chapter 27

I wrote out everything important Derek had said during our date and my entire plan for Kendra to read once I put it in the dead drop, something I'd never thought I'd ever hear myself think. To be honest, though, it was a little exciting doing all this spy shit.

Not all of it though. My mind went back to my kiss with Derek, at Ryan's expression when he saw Derek's hand on my thigh, Larissa with her arms around Ryan. Some of this spy shit was literal shit, too.

Mom glued me to her side all of Sunday for homework and chores and our weekly movie night on the WindowWall, so I wouldn't get a chance to deliver my note at the dead drop until after my shift at the community center on Monday.

While there, a sudden thought occurred to me while I was helping Phyllis and Howard create a dropdown menu on their website. "Hey, so random question. Have you ever - or would you ever - drink Pause?"

They looked at me thoughtfully for a second and then both answered an emphatic "no" at once.