
At Grandma's

Josh's pov:

after jessica told me about leaving I was shocked she was here? why? how dare her interrupt this moment? I sighted as I turned my back to Lily and faced the airplane. I walked slowly towards it and slowly felt her presence dissappear. I wanted to cry and stay with her. NO! I will fix this with my grandma as soon as I get to talk to her. Suddenly I felt an arm around my neck. I was all over my thoughts the door closed and I didn't get to see Lily for the last time-

NOooOo!!!!! wait I can still see her by the window, right?

And who the hiccups arm is around me that distracted me from my last goodbye to Lily? I turn my head around to see-

Jessica's arm facing sideways around me neck and shoulder I immediately take it off with a look of disgust what the heck is she smiling about- !!!!

oh there you go a sad face works fine on you

Guess that disgust face act worked I smile internally.

but why did she do it? great I have more questions whatever I'll deal with that later.

I walked to my seat and I decide to sit next to the window that way I can still have a chance to see Lily.....as I think that I hurry up and walk to my seat eagerly. as soon as I turn to see Lily-

ahhh????? The Hello?!?! why is she running to Annabeth's car with a lot of rush? She must be very sad im leaving. I smile to myself.. I'll call her once I get to grandma's.

the someone closed the window. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped a bit.

Who the HELLO?! I turn around my head and tilt it a bit to seee....JESSICA!!!!! ugh, not again.

I look at her with a serious face and tell her with a lot of seriousness

Josh: Why did you do that?

Jessica: I uh....I thought you might get dizzy if you stare at the window plus there's a lot of sunlight and that can damage your-

(I'm pretty sure she's trying to sound smart and use that as an excuse to not see Lily one last time)

Josh: shut up

Jessica: I- uuuhhhh- mmmmm....okay

I'm glad nothing else happened in the airplane other than that......Aaalll thoough....I wonder what she told my grandma that made her make this choice, she must've been very convincing.

I gotta watch out and keep an eye on her I don't trust her.........

when I arrive to grandma's im so happy I don't have to keep seeing Jessica's face and feeling her presence near me anymore plus I get to see grandma

Josh: grandma im here!!!

(I rush to meet her with happiness inside, I haven't seen her since I left for college...I miss her)

We have a talk about how much we missed each other and what happened when I left, and the problems that she faced then-


my jaw dropped as soon as I heard that....

Granny: Josh I want you to marry Jessica

Josh: B-But granny I can't. why her?

Granny: Trust me it's the best for both of us

Josh: how I don't get it why her.....N-no No I can't

Granny: what are you talking about of course you can you're handsome, strong, smart, and most of all you're SINGLE!!!

Josh: Granny!!! No I-

Granny: What?

Josh: I ummm....well you see there's this girl I love and ummmmmm-

Granny: oh I see but does she truly love you?

Josh: Ahh yeah, yeah.....we've been dating for a while and ummm I know she's the one, we love each other and I want to marry her and-

Granny: Josh, Josh, JOSH!! LISTEN!!

(OOPS, I totally ignored her while I talked about Lily and me)

Josh: heheheh sorry (I say with a smile and shyness while I scratch the back of my head)

Granny: why didn't you tell me you were dating a girl before!!!!!!

(my eyes widened, she sounds angry)

Josh: w-well I ahhh I don't know

(I'm scared she's not going to let it slip this time, it's over im sorry Lily)

Granny: (sight) it's fine, but does she Truly love you?

Josh: Of cOurzE!!! we love each other a lot!!!

Granny: (sight) But does she TRULY LOVE YOU, JOSH?

(what does she mean?)

Josh: I ahhh...yEaH?

(I said insecure about what she meant, she looked at me with a "seriously?" face.....I took a deep breath to say the speech I was preparing to tell her"

Josh: Grandma i know you want me to marry Jessica but the girl I love is the one I want to marry, not Jessica. And you're not going to stop me because as much as I love you and respect you I can't do what you're telling me to becau-

Granny: Okay.

Josh: what? (did I hear right im shocked the hiccups is going on?)

Granny: fine, if that's what you want, and if she makes you happy go ahead

after convincing granny I left the room and immediately gave a call to the love of my life..... Lily!!!