
Pathstrider in Teyvat (Genshin fic)

Waking up on a mysterious purple-themed Island, Ethan doesn't understand a thing. Where is he? What was he doing prior to this? How come the only memories he remembers are of three video-games he used to play? What is he supposed to do? "Should I just go back to sleep?" - Ethan Read on if you feel like it. Mostly writing this for my own satisfaction. Any support, tips or suggestions are welcome and will motivate me to write more~ Disclaimer, I don't own any of the characters, setting, or worlds, except my MC. All the rights belong to Mihoyo

Ingii · Videospiele
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3 Chs

Seirai Island

<Ethan Pov>

"Ugh" Groaning at the all-encompassing pain currently assaulting his senses, Ethan gradually woke up. The first thing he noticed was that he was no longer lying on burnt purple grass, but something soft and he even had a quilt draped over him.

'!!!' Realizing the implications of having moved from his earlier position while being asleep, his wariness turned up to the max. Hurriedly he tried to pull himself up to a seated position to better observe his surroundings, but immediately regretted doing so. The pain hit him like a truck.

"SSHhoow" Wanting to scream, but realizing the stupidity of such an action, he tried to mute himself by pulling his hand over his mouth, only inviting more pain. "GHH" Muffled groans could be heard as he tried to stifle his voice. Alas, it seems his efforts were for naught since a man wearing a green uniform walked into the telt where Ethan woke up.

"Looks like you woke up. You should just lie back down, you're pretty battered and need your rest. I'm Taisuke by the way! I'm an adventurer exploring Seirai island." The man who introduced himself as Taisuke greeted him in a friendly, but polite way.

Confusion marred my face and Taisuke seemingly having noticed explained. "I saw your burnt body lying on the burned grass a little further in the woods, so when I found you were still breathing I brought you back to my camp as quickly as I could. I was about to check on your injuries when I saw that you weren't really in a critical condition, just exhausted. Honestly, your clothes, or whatever is left of them, had it way worse than you." He pointed to the side where a black pile of ashes(?) lay. Looking a bit closer I could make up the general outline of a hoodie and sweatpants.

'Not in a critical condition? I'm pretty sure I was about to die though?' Ethan was pretty confused at the moment. He was pretty certain he was about to die.

"As for you, would you like to introduce yourself, and perhaps explain how you ended up like you did?" Seeing Taisuke's eyes filled with curiosity and genuine concern, Ethan didn't want to tell him that the reason for his state was just an electro slime, the arguably weakest type of mob found in Genshin Impact. That would be too embarrassing...

What Ethan failed to realize was that although "slimes" were undoubtedly some of the weakest mobs in Genshin Impact, this was the real world. Although a lot of similarities have been found, there will obviously be some differences between the game and reality. For example, the slime, despite being the weakest and one of the most commonly found mobs found in Teyvat, was still a monster. Regular people could only turn around and run. Even soldiers and adventurers with enough training and fighting experience wouldn't easily dare to take on a large slime by themselves. They would at least have to be a veteran, or team up with some other people. Only the legendary Vision-wielders would see slimes as mere cannon fodder.

"My name is Ethan, at least I think it is. I was struck by lightning and currently, I don't remember much." Having decided on the amnesia route, Ethan was quick to come up with a satisfactory explanation. At least that's what he thought.

"You were struck down by lightning and survived with only minor burns? How is that possible? Maybe she was just issuing a warning?" Taisuke raised his voice, before gradually toning it down, where his last sentence was barely a whisper. For some reason, Ethan seemed to have heard it just fine though.

"Who is 'she' and what do you mean by "a warning"? Genuinely curious Ethan asked his question not really ready for the shock his mind would get from the answer.

"Who else but the Raiden Shogun? Or have you even forgotten the Archon of Eternity, who rules over Inazuma?" Taisuke answered with a tilt of his head, mild confusion marring his face.

'*BOOM*' It felt like an explosion had set off in Ethan's mind. 'The Archon of Eternity? Inazuma? Seirai Island? Isn't this all from Genshin Impact? Wait, so when I said I was struck by lightning, Taisuke probably thinks that the Raiden Shogun was the cause. If I was more seriously hurt this lie could have cost me big-time depending on whether Taisuke was a fanat... ehrm devout follower of the Raiden Shogun or not. If I remember correctly, Archons in Genshin Impact are equal to gods with complete control over their respective elements.'

The Archon of Eternity, the Raiden Shogun - AKA Raiden Ei - AKA Beelzebub is the Electro Archon. The Raiden Shogun, being the Electro Archon has a certain authority over lightning, and can bend it to her will. This causes inhabitants of Inazuma to be somewhat superstitious when it comes to lighting. Lightning strikes are often seen as the Raiden Shogun exerting her will.

"Haah, what a conundrum. I was just starting my exploration of Seirai island and now I'm not sure what to do. I know this might be a lot to take in for you, but would it be alright if I went out to look for my companion so we can discuss what we'll do with you?" Ethan unconsciously tightened his muscles, not willing to go down without a fight.

Taisuke seemed to have noticed his wording was kind of weird so he quickly corrected himself. "Nonono, I didn't mean it like that." He frantically waved his hands in front of his face. "Me and my companion came sailing all the way from Narakumi island. It's kind of a long journey and judging by the environment and the local wildlife I'd say there isn't any village, or settlement anywhere close by. What I'm trying to say is that we can't escort you to anyplace safe on the island, yet I don't really want to return home without having any results to show, so we can't take you to Narakumi island either. Would it be fine if I go find my companion so she can join in on our discussion?"

"Phew, of course it's fine. Also thank you for saving me Taisuke-san. I would have been in a lot of trouble if you didn't bring me here and let me rest." Getting a nod in return, Taisuke stood up and walked out of the tent, seemingly looking for his companion. Relaxing against the soft mattress Ethan feels relieved. 'Taisuke seems like a good guy. Now then, what is going on? I'm pretty sure I was up late grinding Genshin for as many primos as I could find.'

Since version 3.8 was dropping just a few days later, Eula would finally be getting her first rerun banner, after almost 2 years since her release! He was trying to get enough primos to get to pity. Unfortunately, it was a 50/50, so he might have to bring out the final boss to secure Eula. After a late-night grinding session, he went to bed and the next thing he knows he woke up on the cliff on Seirai Island. Then everything went by in a flash until I met that f#&%ing slime.

'Come to think of it how did I get rid of it again? Ooh, right the status tab in my mind. Let me see if I can make it appear again. System?' After waiting for around 10 seconds nothing seems to be happening. 'Then how about Status? Aha'

A status sheet suddenly "printed" itself inside his mind. He can vividly recall everything on it but can't seem to physically see it. It looked roughly like this.


Name : Ethan

Vision :

Delusion :

Paths :

The Destruction - (locked)

The Hunt - (locked)

The Erudition - (locked)

The Harmony - (locked)

The Nihility - Equipped (unlocked) - |Those who follow the path of Nihility admire laziness, exhaustion, and meaningless behavior.|

The Preservation - (locked)

The Abundance - (locked)


'So that's how it is. I tapped into the path of Nihility to take care of the electro slime.' Having access to Honkai Star Rail's power system is such a blessing in Teyvat where almost everyone's power depended on their Vision or Delusion. The condition to acquire a vision was vague and therefore there was no guarantee that he'd get one. As for delusions they were only manufactured in Schneznya, but they drew lifespan from their users, so delusions aren't something Ethan was interested in.

Honkai Star Rail's power system is based on what "path" you believe in. Becoming a pathstrider was also quite a vague process but luckily for Ethan, he has already unlocked the "Nihility" path. Honkai Star Rail has a higher roof for power scaling, with it being a universe-traveling game, filled with mysterious "Aeons" (gods), more powerful than any archon. If Ethan got enough time to grow his path of Nihility, even archons might not be his match...


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