
Seeking Clues

Fainted in the woods looking like a lifeless body on the sea afloat. Drained out body that cannot withstand cold.

"She's awaken!"

Guinevere sensed someone's presence as she tried to take sight heavy-eyed. She only saw blurry figures of a man and has no idea of how did she got on the bed. The scene flashbacked onto her mind and closed her eyes.

"Oh, Your awake Miss Baroque," An angelic voice of a woman entered the room.

Guinevere startled, And this voice was coming from the Swan princess, Odette of the Regina Family. Still in shock, She was gone frozen till' the princess was close to her presence.

"H-How did you know?"Cracking voice of the young lady.

"Your brother told me Guinevere," Odette replied.

"My brother?!" Guinevere cried.The princess nodded and told her that she was alone and

her body is shivering in cold in the forest, Mercenaries were out on a search and saw Guinevere.The lady paid with gratitude to the princess. Guinevere stood and told her story. Odette was in shock of what she said and reminded her to rest and take ease before she goes along with the journey.

At noon, Guinevere stood up and find Odette.

"How did my brother get here," She said.

Odette looked at her with a sad expression and said "He looked ill when I saw your brother in the Mountain depths filled with blood on his armor," Guinevere felt worried.

Her brother was nursed back into Swan's Castle till' he could get back up and by The Princess' beauty, he soon enamoured by her purity. He trained there and sensed great magic into the Regina Family and head on to the Land of dawn with confidence.

Guinevere's gone curious of a sudden, "Where is he then?"

Odette smiled.