
Path of the Celestial Sovereign

Born in the remote village of Qingfeng, Yuan Hailong is a seemingly ordinary youth with a mysterious and tragic past. His parents, once powerful cultivators, were slain in a battle against the tyrannical Black Moon Sect. Yuan Hailong discovers his latent talent for cultivation and swears to avenge his parents by rising through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and defeating the Black Moon Sect.

AracSyntax · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Recovery and Resolve

I stumbled into a small, secluded cave, my body battered and my arm still bleeding from my encounter with the bandits. I cursed under my breath, the pain a constant reminder of how close I had come to losing that fight. I was angry at myself for not being stronger and at the world for taking away my parents, leaving me to face these dangers alone.

Gritting my teeth, I ripped a strip of fabric from my tattered shirt and tightly bound it around my wound, stifling a groan as I applied pressure. I knew the makeshift bandage would only provide temporary relief, but it would have to do for now.

As I sat there, nursing my injuries, I couldn't help but reflect on my situation. I was alone, without the support of my parents or my village, and completely unprepared for the trials I would face on this journey. I realized that in order to survive and protect my people, I would need to become stronger, to start cultivating Qi, and to master the Ninefold Celestial Realms. The thought both excited and terrified me.

"Damn it," I cursed again, slamming my fist against the cave wall. "I won't let them get away with this. I'll become stronger, and I'll avenge my parents, no matter what it takes."

With that vow, I decided to use my time recovering to lay the groundwork for my cultivation journey. I began by meditating, focusing my mind and clearing away the lingering pain and anger. Though I hadn't yet started cultivating Qi, I knew that mental discipline and focus would be crucial to my success.

As I meditated, I replayed the combat techniques my parents had taught me in my mind, visualizing each movement with perfect clarity. I paid close attention to the Thundering Fist technique, trying to imagine how it would feel to harness the power of Qi and unleash it upon my enemies.

Days passed as I continued my regimen of meditation, visualization, and rest, gradually regaining my strength. My wound began to heal, the angry red gash slowly fading to a pale scar that would serve as a constant reminder of the challenges I had faced and the battles I had yet to fight.

Throughout this time, my resolve only grew stronger. My anger and frustration slowly transformed into determination and focus, fueling my desire to protect my village and avenge my parents.

Finally, when I felt strong enough to continue my journey, I emerged from the cave, squinting as the sunlight flooded my vision. I took a deep breath, my eyes scanning the horizon as I prepared to set out into the world and face whatever challenges awaited me.

With a final curse and a promise to make the Black Moon Sect pay for their crimes, I began my journey, determined to grow stronger, uncover the secrets of cultivation, and take my first steps on the path to becoming a legendary cultivator.