
Path of Ruler

The world is always in flux. Seedling become shoots, young shoots become lush full trees, those trees eventually cover every land and grow old. Ood trees will get eaten by tiny worms. Nothing is eternal, No glorious kingdom lasts forever. Only by expending rivers of blood a kingdom may last a day longer and rulers enjoy their luxuries a little while. This novel mostly focus on wars and politics and little bit kingdom building. Additional tags: schemes, Politics, diplomacy

MasterOfHevenlyDao · Krieg
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Next Day

The frontlines along the Milton kingdom's army dug trenches to avoid direct fire from metal behemoths fielded by the Saris kingdom's army. Most of places where direct confrontation could happen was already covered with trenches. All trenches also used dug up earth to make some thick earthen walls with the help of the magicians. They also strengthened said wall with various magic, rune and other enhancements. The First Commander felt good about his chances if limiting casualties on the second day of the battle. Although there were holes in his trench defense, he would send large amounts of heavy cavalry to make sure strange metal boxes would not be able to break through from the gaps of trenches. He would surely sending his cavalry to their deaths but it was preferable to have all of his army slaughtered. He couldn't take any chance because already on the first day more than 10% of his troops were dead. He had to expend his men dearly even to have chance holding back the enemies tide. He called his aide and asked him

"Has all the preparation been done? We can't let what happened yesterday repeat." The aide nodded affirmatively. First Commander spoke again "Let's hope our preparations are sufficient and Goddess of luck is with us." First Commander saw a glint of hesitation in the eyes of the aide "Veric, Whatever it is, you are free to tell me. I need all the help I can get. Tell me what is on your mind."

The aide hesitate for a second "First Commander, I fear morale of our cavalry isn't high. They know we are sending them into certain death. I fear they would not be able to put all of their heart into attacking." First Commander looked at Veric intently and asked. "Then what do you think should be done to increase their morale?"

"We can't tell them they are going to be safe, We can't tell them their attack would achieve any victory. What they need is purpose, a conviction. So that they can embrace their destiny that's awaiting them." Aide thus replied.

"So a pep talk. Yes, I can't give them a good reason to die but I can give them a reason nonetheless. Let's go to them and get this done." First Commander concluded.

After the First Commander decided to address his cavalry units that were going to feature in today's war, they quickly left the place to address them. After he arrived at the cavalry units his aide told cavalry captions to get everyone together quickly. The First Commander addressed cavalry units who were in their military attire.

"We have lost a significant amount of our brothers in arms yesterday but that doesn't mean war is over. We will fight until the last man to protect our Milton Kingdom. Today that means you will charge at the heretical weapons of our enemy. I cannot promise you that you all will return alive, I cannot even promise you that even some of you will return alive or you will achieve some sort victory for our nation or you will get to avenge the brothers killed yesterday. What you will be doing is you will try save the live of your infantry brother that are alive now. I cannot promise you that you'll be wholly successful what I can promise you that if pour every drop of your life into the attack, may be most of your comrades will be alive to fight the next day. I have already requested the reinforcement from the capital. We only need to hold the enemy till that. You are the one who can prevent total annihilation of our army. Do not fear the enemy For we can reach the heaven of Goddess of War, Phyelia, even in our death. "

" Glory to the Goddess Phyelia " Chant reverberated throughout the camp. Finally cavalry of the Milton Kingdom were ready to face their destiny that day however cruel it may be.


The night before

Geralt Milton, Third Prince of the Milton Kingdom had massive headache in his hand. He tried to think of ways to escape from his perilous situation. Alas, he could never run away. If he did it would be end of any aspirations for him. He didn't have any big aspirations such as, becoming the king or kingmaker. He had two elder brother who weren't any slouches in statecraft. If he wanted be their enemy, he would always have to look over his shoulder just be sure he wasn't taken unawares. Since succeeding the throne was very risky option his next best option would be marrying into Ducal house or equivalent in stature and money. No ducal household would want a coward son-in-law who fled from the battlefield at the first sign of the trouble. He needed to be here until the last minute, be it victory or defeat and he didn't want to be on the loosing side. He searched for an out for hours and at last he remembered an animal, Mythril Rhino.

Mythril Rhino were named such not because their skin resembled the color of the Mythril but one couldn't cut through it unless the knives or any other weapons used was made of Mythril. Mythril was a very rare metal, even rarer than gold, harder than diamond. Only the elite of King's guard had access to those weapons. Thank God, Mythil Rhinos weren't violent animal, they could be reared, trained to do various tasks. No body should mistake their non-violent nature for a subservient one. If any fool who enraged the beast would reach the gates of heaven prematurely. Mythril Rhinos were fearless as they have very few things that could take their life. When third prince remembered them he thought would he be able to use them as ramming animals against enemies new weapons. If they could break their weapons, surely the playing field become more even.

Third prince called his aide "Cylix, are you there?"

Cylix replied with yawning "You *yawn* Your Highness, I'm awake. What is the matter?"

"Cylix, Do you know the daymoore city?" Cylix nodded. "I'll write a letter asking to send us Mythril Rhinos from Count of Daymoor. Leave immediately with it and try to get them within tomorrow afternoon. Oh... If the count were to hesitate tell him Third Prince will take care of anything within his ability and third prince would owe an favour to him. " Cylix nodded and waited till the letter was written and then swiftly left for the Daymoor City.