
Past And Future

Kiah Deanna, a lady who's exist in a new place, world or universe. Without knowing anything except her past life. What will she do in this new life that she got? What about everything in the past and in the future?

peaceeee_e · Fantasie
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A New Place

I was born to an unknown place, or I can say that I suddenly exist in this world.

Before that happened I was in the taxi heading to my house. When I arrived and take a step out from the taxi I feel dizzy all of a sudden, of course I think about what did I eat to the point I feel dizzy. Everything became dark for a second until the light shines through my eyes, when I open my eyes I got here. Nice looking view, birds chirping like they're singing, a room with luxurious, and a beautiful lady in front of me.

Her face is very elegant and beautiful, maybe expressing this is not much until someone got to see how beautiful this lady is, and the thing that stand out the most is her scars that she got on her neck. It look painful even though I just got to see the scars not her wound before. It took me about a minute to figure out this lady in front of me and why'd she standing and look at me with curiousity.

It was actually me, the beautiful lady.

I look at the mirror closely and admire her beauty. I touch my face with my hand, feeling the softness on this face.

Calling this body as "me" feels weird. The one with a face like this does not deserve to get a person like mine.

Should stop, I'm looking down at me too much.

I look around in this room, thinking that maybe I can get to know about this place a little. Walking around while feeling the luxurious, and I saw a picture with a smiling face. Suddenly my head feels heavy and hurts. From that sudden shock I kneel because of the pain I felt, it as if my head about to get suck in mid air.

Many memories past inside my head, a memories that I never have in my past life. The memories running wild inside my head, I can hear ringing inside my ears.

"What is-"

My phrase stop to catch a breath from what just happened.

I touch my head, and I take a deep breath, the pain is still there. I use my finger to massage on the pain spot.

I got it now. I'm not sure exactly

I think this is how it goes:

This lady (me) in this world, her name is Kiah Deanna.

Other people have been calling her as the worthless child. She is useless, she is dumb, no power given by The God.

"So she (me) already know this."

I stand up and sit on the single comfortable sofa. Massaging my head.

"No power given by The God", this world have various power that will be given by The God. This lady have no power, The God despise this lady. I myself didn't know why'd The God despise her (me).

but her family is totally different than her (me),

Her father, Duke Adrios Claus, always be honoured, they said this person is referred as "King's Moon".

Her mother, Duchess Angelina Deanna, a person who's pure but evil in the inside, she died in vain, she's a woman who's once tried to killed Adrios Claus, her husband.

Ariadne Deanna, she's the oldest child, 17 years old, she's have been given a power from God Of Qalius.

Ariston Claus, he's the second child, he's 16 years old. He's the future knight, future of this nation. I actually can't quite get that right, that's what the memories I got.

And lastly,

Kiah Deanna. The youngest child, 14 years old.

This family is a noble. Wow, so that's why this room like this.

Claus, Deanna. In this world, a son must take over their father last name, and a daughter must take over their mother last name.

Normally in this world, female who's past 12 years old will gain a various power, especially when the family is a noble. Female who don't gain any power, is considered cursed. Only female ,huh?

Sound like I am inside some kind of novel or something. So I am cursed? By what?

Is it supposed to be guaranteed that female who's past 12 should gain a various power? How can they know that these female have given a power by God? Ariadne Deanna have been given a power by,... The God Of Qalius?

The memories that I got show what this lady (me) know.

"Oh, I see now. This world have 8 God. What do they called it? Oh right,.."

"The 8 God's Power",... what a terrible name.

Who decided this name?

I sigh, so

Stage A - A power who's have been given by The God themselves.

Stage B - A power who's have been given by the God??

Stage C - A power who's have been given by The God Of Lituqe.

Wait, what? I still don't understand about the stage B.

I look at something blankly, trying to recall all the memories and making sure I got all right.

I was busy trying to think, and I hear a knocking door. It is this room door that I'm staying.

"Lady Kiah, it is the time for your lunch."

"Oh, come in."

I said that as if I am familiar with all of this.

I look at the butler.

So that must be that man, a man who's actually my father's side kick. She (me) know about this too, huh?

"Is there's something you wanted to say?"

Oh, he noticed.

"No, there's nothing."

I sit on the chair that he bought from somewhere nowhere?? and begin to eat the food that the butler prepare.

Is as if this lady (me) is already used to it. Yes, she is used to it.

"Then I'll be back again, you can just let all the thing there, I will get it back later."

I respond.

"Where's everyone?"

The information that I got is not much. So I think I can get something from this man.

He look at me, with a straight face.

"I'm not sure."

That's weird. You're supposed to know something because you're my father side kick. Am I mistaken?

"I see."

Just like that, the butler go. I hate to admit it but he's handsome. What his name again? Oh, Lucas? Lucas.. that's all she (me) know.

I get up and sit on the comfortable sofa. Laying back and being lazy.

Everything is suspicious. There must be something. This all she know?

I stare at the beautiful ceiling.

Actually what was the reason I need to know all of this. I think it is not that bad compared to my past life. Just thinking about it make me annoyed.

"I'm tired, but I don't even do anything."

I should just enjoy all of this luxurious. There's no point thinking about something that you don't know, maybe I was exist here to feels the luxurious, because my past life is worst. God have given me this chance to enjoy.

Yeah, from now, let's just think it that way.

I close my eyes and fall asleep just like that.

Dark filled in my head. Is it dreams? I open my eyes. It's.. where am I?

To be continued.