
The Witches coven

[Author's POV]

After they got back from the cemetery, Nancy settled down to unwind. On their way home, Juliana bought ice cream for Isabel.

"Thank you." Little Isabel said because she was overjoyed.

"I know you are starving. I'm going to prepare some apple pie for dinner." Juliana said.

"I'd love that because I'm famished." Nancy was interrupted by a call.

"Hello, Jimmy." She greeted.

"Hi, Nancy how are you? How are you faring now that Edward is in a coma?"

" I'm currently living in my sister's house."

"Okay, how about I drop by to take you out?"

"I appreciate the offer but I don't want your wife troubling or embarrassing me. Bye." Nancy ended the call without waiting for Jimmy's reply.

"Who was that?." Juliana questioned.

"Edward's colleague and at the same time Eric's best friend. His name is Jimmy."

"Does he want to take you out?"

"Yes, but I can't because he is married. Even at that, I can't date him because he is my husband's best friend."

"Well...you are right about but he is really into you." Juliana teased her aunt.

"Good for him but that can never happen between us."

There was a knock on the door at Eric's apartment. When Eric went to open the door, the person knocking turned out to be a postman.

  "Are you Eric Williams?."

  "Yes." Eric was shocked that a letter was sent to him. Who could that be, exactly? Eric thought.

"This is a letter from Miss Jessica."

Jessica sent him a note, but why? Eric's mind was racing with several ideas.

The postman handed the brown envelope to Eric. "You will have to sign here." Eric received the clipboard from the mailman to sign on. Following his signature, Eric took the clipboard and gave it back to the mailman.

"Thank you." The mailman said.

"You are welcome." Eric entered the house.

"What are you holding in your hand?." Elijah asked curiously.

"A letter from Jessica," Eric replied.

"Read it."

When Eric opened it, a note was inside. He started reading the letter aloud so Elijah could hear.

"Since you already know the writer of this letter, it will be good if I move straight to the point. This letter is to let you know that I am willing to fight with you to secure my position as the leader of the witch coven's throne. I could have fought with Isabel but that's not part of the bargain. I believe that you already know our agreement. You have until the next blood moon to battle with me for the throne."

"You have to win this battle, Eric. No matter what it takes." Elijah said.

"I don't need your words of encouragement, brother. It means nothing to me." Eric pushed past Elijah and went to his room.

Eric is truly afraid about fighting with Jessica but he doesn't want Elijah to pity him. He tries to act all brave and tough but in reality, he's as fragile as an egg.

In the world of the witches, the blood moon has arrived. The witches gathered to witness the fight between Eric and Jessica. Johnathan, Elijah, and Juliana were all there. King Jasper and Queen Greta were sited on the throne because they are still the reigning rulers of the coven. However, their reign has come to an end because Eric and Isabel were already eighteen years.

Jessica and Eric were under the ray of the moon. They were given a sword by a man in a mask who provided them with one sword each.

King Jasper was clad in a white robe with a crown perched atop his head. He stood up from the throne and cleared his throat before he began his speech. It appeared as though his cough had total control over everyone because they all kept their mouths shut.

"This has been passed down from generation to generation. But today things have changed. An ordinary witch has never been able to compete for the throne in the history of witches. The crown is entitled to the royal bloodline. We are aware that once the first child of the king is born he or she will be the king or queen once they or turn eighteen. But if the king's firstborn is twins, they will both battle till dead once they are eighteen and whoever survives would be the next king or queen." He paused to look at the crowds but everybody was paying attention to him. He then faced Jessica and Eric and addressed them as well.

"You are each provided with a weapon, do not use your powers no matter the circumstances or you will be permanently eliminated...Let the battle begin."

The fight began and it was bloody. None of them were permitted to use their powers throughout the battle. They are to fight with a weapon! That's the law. But Jessica violated the law by using her powers to eliminate Eric. At once, Eric lost his balance.

When Eric lost balance, Jessica saw it as an opportunity to strike. As she was about to separate Eric's head from his body with her sword, Elijah attacked her! Juliana rushed to meet Eric and rushed him to the hospital with the help of Johnathan. 

Juliana was so terrified of losing him. She cried nonstop for months when Eric fell into a coma. The doctor warned that he might not make it out of the coma because he sustained numerous injuries during the battle.

Meanwhile, Jessica forcefully seized the throne and imprisoned Eric's parents. If she should know that Eric is not yet dead, she would make it her mission to get rid of him. She wouldn't want Eric in the way of her success and doesn't mind killing anybody to get what she wants.

She was kind enough to release Isabel because she was no longer needed. Isabel moved in with Elijah. Isabel might be Eric's identical twin but she is completely different from him. Isabel is very brutal.

Juliana made it her job to visit Eric every day in the hospital and prayed for him as well. One day, after returning from the hospital. She started preparing to leave for her per-time job when she heard the doorbell ring so Juliana opened the door. It was Isabel and she walked right in.

"Isabel what a pleasant surprise. I visited Eric in the hospital today. He is receiving the greatest care possible from the doctors, and I believe that he will survive." Juliana said.

"Let's cut to the chase. I don't like you and you are aware of that. I came to let you know that there is a way to bring my brother back to consciousness. We can turn him into a vampire. If Jessica could cure herself then there is nothing to worry about. Eric would also get a cure as well."

"No. Never. We can't risk it." Juliana shook her head in disagreement.

"Who do you think you are? Have you forgotten Eric is my brother? There is no other option, this is the only way to revive Eric back to life." Isabel's enraged eyes glared at Juliana.

"Believe me, I'll do anything to get him to wake up but I don't want him to become a murderer. He would hate himself and I would regret it for the rest of my life." Juliana cried as she spoke.

"I don't care if he would hate himself. He is in a coma right now and there is a way to save him. I'm more than willing to make him a vampire. And believe me when that I will transform him with or without your consent."

"Isabel I beg you in the name of God. Do not make Eric a vampire. I'm a bit late for work. I'll talk to you later." Juliana gave her a shoulder pat and then got ready for work.

Jessica sat down and combed her hair in front of the mirror in her room. The door opened and Tiara walked in. Her boots make a sound with each step she takes. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail and was dressed in military garb. Jessica put down the comb she was holding and got to her feet. She gestured for Tiara to come seat beside her as she gently sat down on her bed. She quickly did as Jessica told her to. Jessica held Tiara's hand.

"I want to tell you a secret. I have to let you know the truth now. I have never told you this before but this is the right time for you to know."

"A secret?"

"Yes, a secret. Tiara, you are not my sister." Jessica finally let out the truth to Tiara. She paused and turned to look at Tiara's face but it was already filled with tears.

"Tiara, your mother left you with my mother when you were a baby."

"What do you mean? Did my mother abandon me?" Tiara broke down in tears. "Jessica, please tell me this is not true."

"I'm telling you this because have achieved the throne, thus you are no longer necessary. You can leave the palace first thing tomorrow."

"I did unimaginable things to please you because you are the only family I have left. Where do you want me to go? After all, I have done for you, is this what I deserve?"

"I'm giving you the privilege to leave and build a family of your own. Consider it a gift from me in appreciation for everything you have done for me in the past."

"You monster! You are a selfish filth bag. Such a jerk of a sister.

"Guards," Jessica called.

Two men quickly walked in and bowed to Jessica. "My queen, you sent for us."

"Get her out of her and lock her up in the dungeon," Jessica said without hesitation it remorse.

"You'll pay for this. Let me go. Take your filthy hands off me." Tiara screamed in despair as the guards seize her hands and hauled her away. Tiara struggled to get herself free but they were too strong for her.

As the men dragged her away, Tiara used magic to freeze them and took to her heels.