
Chapter 148: Varian's Wonderful Adventure (Combined Chapter)_2

The Orc army fled in disarray, eventually escaping through the Dark Portal, and with the help of the Adventurers, Prince Varian pursued them all the way to the Dark Portal. As the Dark Portal was destroyed, the crisis was finally brought to an end.

The fame of the thirteen brave warriors of the Dark Portal thus became the stuff of legend.

Upon seeing this, Mo Fei didn't even know what to say—this plot was a bit too fantastical, wasn't it? A lone figure, leading twelve human civilian warriors, defeating an army of a hundred thousand Orcs; even fantasy novels wouldn't dare to write this.

The event records did mention several times 'with the help of some Adventurers,' but just how many were these 'some' anyway?

It sounded like these Adventurers barely made any impact, but just thinking about it, one could tell that certainly wasn't the case.