

Sometimes our choices lead to success and sometimes destruction. My one wrong choice and everything ended infront of my eyes. I Ishani a middle class girl fall in love with a wrong guy . he killed my whole family brutally and I end up in jail for the crime I never did. But before I can executed i transmigrated into another body named Anjali. God gives me one chance and I will make one enough.

Cloud_Diva · Urban
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11 Chs

My rebel reflection

After working for the whole day I went into my room . Firstly I wash myself and than I open my laptop for working. It's time to make them taste their own medicine. I created a different account with different IP adress so that they cannot locate me and than I published Varun and my old photographs on the internet with a #Agirlkilledherfamilyforlove.



As I was connected with the internet I know how to uses it properly. Soon these photos become sensational all around. After doing this I put my laptop on the table and went to sleep . But before I can comfortably lay on the bed . Someone knocks on my door. I gritted my teath" what the hell is this why they didn't let me sleep peacefully".

But as I can't do anything i plastered a calm face and open the door . It's Aarav standing there with cupcakes and coffee. Before I can say anything he rushed inside my room and comfortabley sit on my bed after putting them on the table" So how's your day in this devil mansion".

I really smiled on his actions. I think this was the first time after that incident I smiled genuinely.

I take a deep breathe and say" Not bad , what can we expect from devil mansion"

Aarav chuckled and said" That's my girl, now you're looking like real Anjali".

After listening this my smile vanishes in few seconds and I filled with anxiety. Why he was saying to that did I do something which make him think that I am not Anjali. My inner thoughts start conflicting.

He again patted my head as always which break the chain of my thoughts and I come back to reality. I forced a smile and asked ," As you know I don't remember about my past. Will you tell me something about it". I asked while making a cute face.

He sighed" You will not change . Ok, I will tell but please don't make this face you look like pig ".

My eyebrows frowned as I watch him but seriously although I don't know him but after talking with him it seems that he was my long lost friend. I nodded my head for saying.

"You know I know you when you were little my father Suraj singhania left me and my mother alone for dying. But your mother was my mother's bestfriend that's why she take us in . You know when I first meet you I was very shy . Because as I was an illegitimate child no one wants to befriend with me . But you was the first . Soon we become best friend we play and eats together. But My mother was soon diagnosed with last stage of cancer and after she died Mrs. Singhania take me back into this villa and give me the surname singhania. But even after coming here we always meets in the school as I have requested Mrs. Singhania didn't changed my school but when we're in our senior secondary school your mom passed in an accident and after that your relatives take you away. That was the last time I see you . After that I try every means to find you but there was no clue. You how much happy I was when I see you at our home. But I didn't say much because it will only increase your problems". He gently wipe the corners of his eyes. I can see the pain of losing Anjali her one and only friends. I patted his shoulder for comforting him.

Although this was sad moment but he forced a smile on his face and said" Ah... Man this tears well I am not crying don't you dare to tease me about this you little pig".

I chuckled softly after listening him and thought"Oh Anjali how unlucky you're. You have a best friend like Aarav but still you decide to suicide ".

He flicker on my forehead which break my chain of thoughts and I came back to reality, "What are you thinking?? It seems that after accident you become an over thinker. And yes , it's already 10 'o clock I will be going now there are your favourite snacks and coffee make sure to finish them".

After saying this he leaves . But don't know why I was smiling. I taste the cupcakes and start thinking when my brother after every fight loaded my table with the snacks . I chuckled slightly but soon the tears start streaming from my eyes i try to stop them but after realising I am all alone in the world and now no one will do this to my heart sank in the depth of darkness.

After finishing them I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. But suddenly, I saw I was running and someone was following me but wait it wasn't me it's the host's body. Wait, what's that there was no way the person is standing infront of her he is coming closer .the girl was shivering from fear. Tears were continuosly flowing through her eyes. She is screaming for help but no one was there. The came closer try to touch her and tear her clothes but she immediately took the stone and hit the persons head . She person fell unconscious. Than she slowly goes close she found that he was dead.

She tried to run but from the other way police came and arrested her .

What is this?? The memories were blurry and nothing was clear.

I opened my eyes and my heart was beating fast. I took a deep breathe. Although I was not the girl but surely I can feel her pain . This was ridiculous how can they arrest her when she was only do this in self defence. But what can we expect I was also a victim of this system.

When I checked the time its about to 4 O'clock that why I wake up and washed myself.

I was standing infront of the mirror as I was making my hair. But suddenly my reflection in the mirror smiled at me and waved her hand I was shocked that i screamed and jumped over the bed .

Oh no poor aarav

Cloud_Divacreators' thoughts