
Paragon of Wrath

A boy who's happiness is ruined again and again. Is it fate?Or is this God's wrath? Is it just bad luck? Will the boy face it lying down. Or give back with a greater wrath.

zippzapp · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Curious Bunch

In a forest a bit far away from a burnt patch of woods three people were walking in silence, to be more exact a man with fiery red hair and two kids.

After walking some distance from where the burnt patch the old man suddenly stopped and so did the kids walking behind him.

"This should be good enough. " The old man said after looking around the area thoughtfully. He sat down near a tree with a patch of grass under it with his back against the tree and his legs crossed.

The boys looked at each other then at the sky that had started to turn dark and then at the man sitting under the tree with his eyes closed nervously.

After staying like that for a while Kazuki finally opened his mouth.

"Tha- That ! senior how long are we staying here. "

The old man opened his eyes and looked at Kazuki as if he was annoyed but didn't say anything and again simply just closed his eyes.

After waiting silently for a while the boys realised that they probably will get ignored if they asked anything so they just chose to sit down as well.

They were 10 year old kids afterall, they had been already walking around the woods for a while now so they were feeling a bit tired as well so they weren't really against the idea of getting some rest. Just as they the were about to sit down though they were stopped by the cranky voice of the old man again.

"Did I tell you to sit? hmm".The boys were startled by the sudden voice and as they tried to stop themselves but they lost their balance and landed in strange postures Milo on his butt and Kazuki on his face with butt facing the sky.

" Arghhh! " They both grunted at the same time Kazuki's grunt being muffled since he was laying face down.

The old man's stiff face loosened as he looked at them there was even a slight smile on his face which the boys couldn't see because it was masked again by his cranky face.

Milo stood up dusting his butt while Kazuki stood up and spat the dirt and leaves from his mouth.

"Go and get me some food ." The old man said in his usual annoyed tone.

The boys looked at each other with confusion it wasn't like there wasn't any food but it required them to hunt some animals and they didn't think it was possible for them yet. Moreover the sky was getting dark and dangerous animals appeared during this time so there was hardly they could get to eat.

But as they suddenly remembered about the dead rabbit that they had left near the burnt woods earlier light returned to their eyes and they nodded and left towards the place they had come from.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at the departing back of the two boys with complicated emotions .

This old man had lived a solitary life for long till now and hadn't really thought of getting close with anyone. Earlier he had lost control of his emotions for a while and just wanted to relieve some anger.

Unfortunately the little kids were the ones that had become targets of his annoyance.

"What was I even thinking. " The red haired man sighed as he looked in the direction the boys had gone to with his calmed emotions.

'It's not like they are going to get anything to eat in these woods. Better use this opportunity to run away to your mom brats.Slaves? hah. ' The red haired man thought to himself with a slight smile as he was sure that he wouldn't see those kids again. After all even if they were kids who would like to be slaves in their sane mind.

The old man again closed his eyes and sat there unmoving.


As the two boys reached the location they found the rabbit they had they had left in the shrubs they were hiding in after some searching. But now that they were away from the old man and calmed down enough they found themselves confused by what to do next.

They could now possibly run back to the orphan house that had been living in till now or they could go back to being slaves for the old mage.

Although they had been poor from when they knew what was poor they had been happy enough living that life. They had a caring sister to look after them although not a mother but they still thought they were fortunate to have her, some more kids they lived with even though weren't their brothers or sisters their relationship wasn't bad. They only had some fights over food sometimes but that wasn't a reason for them to hate them.

They could return back to that life but they hesitated and it was because of only a single feeling. The feeling that coursed through their entire bodies when they witnessed real power of magic. They wanted to feel it again and they knew that they both were thinking of the same thing by the look in the other's eyes.

"But he always has a annoyed face. I don't even know what he is thinking.That old man. " Said Kazuki with puffed cheeks that made him look just adorable.

"You sure hit bullseye there." Milo also laughed as he nodded.

Now even though they were a bit mature for their age they were still kids it wasn't anything grand like the promise they made with the old man or the thought of how fortunate they were for having a caring sister, it was pure curiosity towards that unknown emotion that led them to their next action.

"But I don't think he is a bad guy though and I know you feel the same. " said Milo with a confident smile.

"Huh! if you say so. " said Kazuki with a shrug of his shoulders while scratching his head.