
Pantheon Wind and Snow

In a world where gods exist, a small baron from the Gota Fria Kingdom dreams of becoming a god. Watch Filipe Wind fight against the odds to build his own Pantheon and reach the pinnacle of this continent with his friends.

FilipeWind · Fantasie
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23 Chs

Promotion to Viscount

- Stormwind City, Tier One City

Stormwind City is the capital and largest city in the West region of the Kingdom. Being in the mountains, where the element of Wind is abundant, the number of awakened Mages of the Wind element every year is much greater than in other places, which even transmits Mages of the Wind element throughout the Kingdom. That's why it was called Stormwind City by the people.

As a Tier One City, all cities in the southern region of the Kingdom are under your supervision.

Then the classification management of these cities, and if any merits or demerits were made. Everything goes through this City, and then it was forwarded to the Royal City of the Kingdom.

Today is another one of those days for Leon Stormwind, receiving news from all Cities that have already gone through information screening and need their stamp for approval in handling mode.

Like here, one person reached the gold level. Only one baron, his city is at the bottom of the third level. It is recommended to increase your Baron Nobility Title to Viscount.

"Do you have a problem with this news?"

"Must not have, if it got to me. It must have been checked."

"Interesting, a wind element mage. His name is Thomas Wind."

After stamping it as approved, Leon Stormwind approved the promotion from Title to Viscount. And he forwarded the news to the Royal City. This news involving titles of nobility must inform the Royal Family.

"So as a wind mage, my Stormwind Family is very interested. I will send Bruno Stormwind and his unit of Gryphons."

- Wind City, Third Tier City

"Captain, are you sure that there is a gold level promoted mage, in this corner of the western region near the sea?

"You can see the whole city from here. So small, I don't know how it hasn't been swallowed up yet by the magical beasts of the sea."

A group of people flew on Gryphons, with high altitude towards Wind City. Due to their relaxed way of talking, they weren't afraid of being attacked by magical beasts on the way.

"Enough talk, we're almost there. Show the bearing that the Gryphon Knights must have."

shouted Bruno Stormwind to his subordinates. He doesn't just represent himself today, but Stormwind City. So he has to show prestige, when he gets to small places like these Third Tier Cities. They live very far from the Capital, and they don't even know the prestige of a big City.

"Now I'm going to show you, that it doesn't matter if you have a gold level mage. Small City must have the bearing of Small City."

Along with Bruno Stormwind's command, his Bronze Level aura, along with the momentum of the entire battalion lit up one side of the sky. The Wind element has shifted one side of the sky and it is spreading out and heading towards the Wind City.

- Wind City, Meeting Room

More than three months have passed since the beginning of the testing done by the Kingdom.

Today Marcus Wind is having a meeting about City management with other Families. When suddenly his face changed from calm to scared and he ran towards the window and looked up.

Seeing Marcus Wind's overreaction. Other silver level mages and heads of City Families looked at each other, and went to see what was going on.

The fastest was Robert Blaze, with his fire element and inflated character he was already beside Marcus, when the others were still getting up. And his countenance was the same as Marcos, only more realistic. Making people hurry up and see what was going on.

"Oh my god, the sky is falling."

"The City will be destroyed."

"It looks like a natural disaster covering the entire sky and it's heading towards us. But there's a lot of Wind element gathered, it must be man-made."

Afonso Stone and Vanessa Rain soon arrived with other heads of Familia, and commented on the disaster that was coming towards the City.

"Look the sky above us is also gathering Wind element and changing."

"Its momentum is a little less than the one coming, but it is on the same level."

Everyone saw that the wind that was already destroying houses in the City suddenly stopped. And an Aura of the Wind element protected the City, and it was changing the sky above it to face the other side of the sky that was coming.

It was Thomas Wind who fired to protect the City against the disaster that was coming. As a gold level mage, he noticed that there was a group of people heading towards the City. He didn't know their motives, but they arrived breaking into his house, so he'll also show you why gold-level mages are at the top of the Kingdom's cutting-edge power ranks.

"Even if I show some cards, I have to maintain the facade of the City."

"If not, it would be more difficult to get up after it was stepped on by outsiders."

Soon, the two terrible Wind Element auras began to clash.

On the one hand, it was strengthened by a gold-level wind element mage and his squadron of Gryphons who were at the silver level.

On the other hand, it is the power of a gold level wind element mage who is protecting a City.

The collision of the two caused a huge change in the sky, half was like the Wind that comes to destroy everything, and the smaller half was a calmer Wind that protected its side from being invaded.

"As I said, Small Town must have the size of Small Town."

"At least it's holding up for a while. It already proves that it is at the gold level."

Bruno Stormwind saw the aura mixed with the Wind Element protecting the City, and it was clear what the result would be like.

"Just a little more and we'll enter the City's area of influence."

"Unleash the final attack and destroy this protection that is in the way."

When the confrontation was about to be decided, people on both sides already predicted the result.

And when the people of the Town saw that it was made by a squadron of Gryphon Knights, they had no more hope. After all, despite believing in Sir Thomas Wind, he was alone facing a squadron of Knights and his Wind Element Aura, it was already weak and could only defend the City.

"Woooooo, Woohoo, Woohoo..."

A noise of Wind suddenly came from the City, and a Wind Element Aura like a Domain expanded from the City and went towards the Sky covering the entire territory of the City and forcing the two Auras that were clashing in the Sky to retreat.

Bruno Stormwind and his Griffin Knights, only saw that when Sky changed with a Wind Element Aura even stronger than theirs, and pushed them away from the Wind City Territory, forming a Wind Element Domain in their territory.

"How can that be?"

"This is a Domain, only Legendary beings possess."

"Calm down Captain, it's not a Domain made by a Legendary being. Must be done by a City Guardian Beast. In their territories, they can use Domain and some can even fight the Weakest Legendary level."

After being reminded by his subordinate, Bruno Stormwind calmed down. But also, he felt unhappy. How could he know that a small Town like this had a City Guardian Beast.

As far as he knows, and it's common sense in the Kingdom.

Only the ten Second Tier Cities have a Guardian Beast. Going into these Cities, until nominally they are over your Stormwind City, but they only superficially respect you. In their territories they don't fear the people of the Capital, because they have Guardian Beasts for protection. And the Kingdom, would never destroy a territory with a Guardian Beast that can be left alone to defend one side.

"Come on Captain, the Domain has already been lifted."

Seeing that Heaven was returning to normal, Bruno Stormwind could only go ahead and do what he had to do and leave.

Marcos Wind and the heads of the City Families, after so much upheaval, calmed down. And they sent the people in charge to see the damage done to the City and to go fix it and calm people down.

While they would go to the entrance of the City with Sir Thomas Wind, who called them to go with him to receive the guests.

"On behalf of the Kingdom of Gota Fria, with this decree, you will now be promoted from Baron to Viscount."

"Congratulations Mister Viscount Thomas Wind."

Bruno Stormwind and his entourage presented themselves, and with the decree sent by the Royal City. They handed the same to Thomas Wind, and out of ceremony he was canonized as Viscount of the Kingdom of Gota Fria.