
Short update


Im here to update you all that i may or may not continue writing this or either all my fanfics as i believe that i cannot create a good enough fanfic for the show's i write fanfics about as i am a perfectionist for mostly the plot that i end up just scrapping draft after draft and ending up with a mundane, short and boring story.

I believe i cannot do justice to the ideas or concepts i want to incorporate into my fanfics properly and therefore just making all my fanfics just a carbon copy of other lackluster fanfics just with a different look and i dont really wanna go down the path of just doing that and i know you all would also not like to see another overpowered mc with a harem or smthin (FYI i was not planning on making harems or anything dont worry).

I just believe i cannot write fanfics properly and ive even resorted to just abusing cliff hangers nowadays and that strategy is just not right so i shall give up trying to write fanfics.

Anyone can just take these ideas of mine if they wish to, i dont really mind.

Anyways i quit, just posting this to not keep you all in suspense and im sorry to those who had high expectations or smthin for my fanfics i just cant write properly lol, bye.

Also idk how powerstones work but if i can i will give back the powerstones people gave me, if i can idk rly know what its for, i just use this app to read and write and nvr rly used it.