
Lost Travellers

[-7 HP]

Exile cursed as he swung his shield to block the next blow. The creatures were fast, but they were not anything that he had been expecting. 'Where the hell are these things even from?' They were certainly not dwarves, and they did not look capable of the intricate architecture he had seen on the columns. Which meant that these things were the cause for this place being abandoned. Or they had moved in when the original inhabitants had left. 

Every time he almost caught a glimpse of them, they seemed to elude his eyesight. It was as if he were incapable of registering their true form! Exile lashed out with his axe and a high-pitched scream followed the wild attack. 

[Divine Power Damage Check… Enemy Authority 8. Your Authority 17. Your Divine Power is superior. You have dealt -9 HP to Deep Stalker (Infant)]