

"Hello? hello? " Han Peng yelled in the line but it was the dial tone who answered him.

He cursed and tried to dial again but the phone was turned off. His fatigued eyes showed irritation as he marched into the living room.

"What did she say, husband?"

"That good for nothing daughter of mine dropped the call on me," he replied to his wife with anger evident in his voice.

"Don't be mad. Maybe she has reasons. I will contact her tomorrow. I'm sure she will listen to me." Wang Hua assured him. Jingyi always followed her instructions.

The anger in Han Peng's face disappeared as he looked at his second wife. He thought it was wonderful to have a very understanding wife like her. Unlike his first, Jingyi's mother who always argued with him.

"You need to convince her to drop the case. If not, it would be difficult to get General Xiao Ping's support in the next election. The General is the backer of Minister Chen."

"I know what to do husband. I will do my best to convince her. Don't worry." Wang Hua assured him. She desires to become a Minister's wife so she will support his husband in everything.

"Thank you, my wife. For treating the two like they are your children."

"Don't say that. Of course, they are yours. So they are my children too. But I feel sad that Han Mei is no longer with us." Wang Hua teared up with the mention of his first daughter who has gone missing for 10 years.

Han Peng hugged his wife and kissed her forehead to calm her emotions. Every time Han Mei's name was mentioned, she cries. His respect for his wife went a notch higher.


The next day, the sky was blue and the sun wasn't as scorching hot as it was in the summer. It was such a fine day in the capital. However, in one of the most exclusive villas, the kitchen appeared to have been ravaged by a typhoon. Kitchen scraps were strewn on the kitchen counter, liquidy stuff dripping on the floor and dirty pots in the sink. The smell of food being burnt permeated everyone's nose.

The maids and the butler who stood on the side watched helplessly as their young master turned the squeaky clean kitchen into a dumpster. Since he woke up this morning, he'd been in the kitchen, trying whatever recipe he'd dreamt of.

"I think I've put too much salt." He winced after giving it a taste.

Rinsing his hands, he mumbled, "Throw it."

The butler was about to place them in the bin when he heard him order, "No, give it to K1. He'd be honored to taste the food I made."

'Honored? It's poison Young Master. Do you want to poison him because he failed his last mission?' The butler tried his best to mask his grimace. He looked at the dish. It was barely palatable.

"Are you still there?" Yun Jinghan asked his friend who he was having a video conference with.

"Hmmm" the other man answered as if bored after watching him cook for more than 4 hours.

"There's an easy way to solve all your problems man. Talk to a doctor. I know someone in the circle. I mentioned your case and she recommended hypnosis."

Ever since Yun Jinghan woke up from his accident 8 years ago, he had these strange dreams of being in a strange land. This is not the first time his friend convinced him to see a doctor. And like many times in the past, he shrugged his shoulders and told him, "Life would be boring without these mysteries."

"Up to you. I just wanted to make your life eas—" he paused because Yun Jinghan ended the call.

Yun Jinghan heard his grandmother bellowing at the main door.

"Where is that despicable boy?!"

"Boy? I'm not a boy grandma. Your good looking grandson is a man." Yun Jinghan placed an arm on his grandmother's shoulders.

The old woman extended her cane and hit him on the leg.

"You brat! It took me a month to set up that date with Song Huan. Why didn't you show up?!"

"What date?" He squinted, looking confused.

'Please, stop pretending Young Master. You used the same drama two weeks ago.' The butler thought.

"Do not use those tactics again on me." Grandma Shen fumed. The old woman was well aware that it was his way of evading the topic of marriage.

"What tactics? Aiyah-grandma, how could I cheat on you? You are my most beloved grandma in this world." Yun Jinghan smiled, showing two dents on his cheeks. That enchanting grin made grandma soften up however, she masked it with an angry face.

"You are just like Nick. You all come up with reasons to avoid marriage. It's good that he met Blythe and has gotten married. Now, Trinette calls me every day and boasts of the triplets. They are my grandchildren too but I don't understand why the kids are always in France." She was referring to his first cousin on his mother's side. Grandma Shen gave birth to triplets. Shen Qiao, Shen Lei, and Shen Ming. His mother is Shen Lei while Nick's mother is Shen Qiao.

"Of course because my cousin-in-law is very busy at this time. It's fashion week in Paris grandma." He reminded her that Blythe is now a well-known fashion designer in the circle. Even if she didn't bag the first place during the WDN Designing Contest, she emerged as the most successful one because she got offered by a top talent house right after the contest. From then on, her career soared. He is happy for his cousin but he didn't want to be like Nick, following his wife everywhere. Nick moved his company's headquarters in the capital but he manages it remotely, assigning most of the front line works to his right-hand man.

Grandma Shen's eyes smoldered with resentment. She wanted to cuddle those 3 little munchkins longer but the couple's primary residence was in France. The rest of the year was divided into different cities where Blythe showcases most of her works. Jealousy was seething in her as the thought of Trinette monopolizing the kids.

She also wants great-grandbabies. She felt a flash of irritation when she thought of her other two grandsons who didn't seem to have plans to get married.

By hook or by crook, Yun Jinghan and Shen Wei have to get married. How could she let them stop their lineage?

"I am contacting Song Huan. You will meet her tonight." The old woman called out the butler to contact the Song family.

At the same time, rushed steps were heard on one side and a woman's voice reported, "Boss, bad news. Yun Jian got shot yesterday."

"What?! What did you say happened to my great-grandson?" Grandma Shen's face suddenly lost pallor. She has forgotten what she was about to do seconds earlier.

"Reporting to Chairman, he was partying with his friends when a gunman fired inside the bar. He was unresponsive but the EMT still rushed Yun Jian to the nearest hospital. Luckily, he survived." Amy reported. She is Yun Jinghan's assistant.

"Why none of it was reported by the media?" The old woman was surprised as her granddaughter and her husband have a highly publicized life.

"It was but I used TFC's connection to seal the news immediately." TFC refers to Terra Firma Corporation, which is owned by Yun Jinghan.

"I can't believe someone wanted to murder my favorite great-grandson."

"Grandma, I thought I'm your favorite." Yun Jinghan pouted.

"Get a wife and I'll call you my grandson." The woman scowled at him.

Yun Jinghan's expression dulled which looked comical to the eyes of the people around them. Only in front of his grandma that he uses this look.

"Let's go. What are you standing there for?" The old woman was already heading to the door.

"Yeah, let's go." Yun Jinghan put his hand on Grandma Shen's arm to support her. At the same time, he gave a wink to Amy. Her timing was right in time. At least, his grandma would have forgotten the date for now.

On the sidelines, his butler and the maids shook their heads. The subject of marriage has been avoided by their young master since time immemorial. He doesn't avoid women like plague as most fiction would paint powerful CEO's but he hasn't found Ms. Right yet. He always told them, marriage is a lifetime commitment. He's going to marry when he finds the one.

"Well done Amy. I'll give you a raise." Yun Jinghan tapped Amy's shoulder before he entered the car with a grin.

I made a mistake with her father's name. Amended it now.

And so, the ML makes an appearance and a bunch of characters too. I hope the names are not overwhelming.

Plus, Nick, Blythe and their lovely triplets are mentioned. You'll see more of them in the future.


Next update: 16 hours later.


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