
Pale Flame

Kenzō was returning from his work happen to discover a brunet sitting in the snow. Poverty was not uncommon in Osaka, but Kenzō started to talk to the stranger. Image is hand drawn.

Ade_Xenko · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Hikari’s Backstory

3rd of January, SundayA soft, sticky tongue pressed against Kenzō's cheek, imploring him to rouse for his slumber. Kenzō grumbled faintly as he attempted to wrestled the Shiba Inu off him."Let me sleep." He complained, rubbing his eyes wearly. "I know I promised you and Hikari to take you both to the lunar year carnival, don't make me regret the decision."The Shiba Inu whined sympathetically and nudged him awake again. He growled at the clock on the nearby table. Kenzō scowled but obediently regarded the time. 9:30am. Kenzō's eyes widened slightly."Shit..." he cursed under his breath, and abruptly swung his legs off the bed. "We have to leave at twelve..."He grabbed the nearest set of clothes and yanked it over himself, swiftly brushing his teeth, then making his way downstairs.He entered the kitchen finding Hikari sitting patiently on his chair, reading a book. Kenzō slid into the seat next to Hikari. The brunet raised his head, making eye contact with the ebony haired man."Good morning." He smiled charmingly, seeming pleased to have his company."Morning..." Kenzō replied nonchalantly, focusing on his phone."I made breakfast for us!" Hikari continued, "I hope you like it.""Mhm... did you? When did you learn that?""Kenzō! I'm not an uncivilised human being, I learned it before, okay?" Hikari argued indignantly."Didn't I happen to pass by to see you sitting in the snow?" Kenzō shot back sarcastically."Y-You don't understand!" Hikari shouted, slightly upset.Kenzō flinched, not expecting the brunet's hurt reaction."Tell me then." Kenzō mentioned bluntly, looking down at him.Silent, Hikari shook his head gradually."I think I'll go to my room for now, to keep my thoughts quiet... oh and sorry for that unpleasant experience."The umber haired man stood up and strode towards his room."Wait.." Kenzō called exasperatedly and grabbed Hikari's wrist gently."Tell me." He mumbled quietly, it's about time I should know, don't you think?"The teenager stayed silently, then he agreed."Okay..."Pleased, Kenzō guided Hikari into the living room, and ensconced onto the couch, facing Hikari.Hikari sighed softly, his hair swaying gently in the breeze."So... it's like this...."The younger brunet clung onto his mother, chatting happily in her arms. "Mother." He chorused, as he snuggled closer.The older female brunette caressed his hair carefully. "Yes, dear?" She whispered, her voice melodic and calming."When is Father coming home?" His eyes lit up with joy, "You told me that he was a heroic samurai protecting Osaka!" He claimed enthusiastically."That's right." She smiled, cradling him in her lap, "He'll come home today with your big brother.""I want to be like them when I grow older!" He whispered.His mother's eyes darkened slightly, but without her child realising. "Very good," she comforted him, "You'll grow healthy and strong right?""Of course!""That's a relief.""Mother." Hikari tugged her arm gently. "Mhm?""Tell me another story about the elemental samurais, like father!"Hikari's mother inclined, as she took a deep breath. "There are only seven elemental samurais existing in this world. Fire, nature, water, ice, electricity, dark and light. The elements can be transferred down through numerous generations but it is immensely rare to inherit the ability, and yet even harder to control it, it requires a certain amount of energy to wield the power. These seven samurais used to have an ancient title, but now has faded of memories already.One day, Osaka faced a perilous crisis during an encounter with a tsunami. The seven gods watched the people of Osaka in intense danger, so they congregated the seven strongest warriors of the mortals, each foreign with each other, but all having the courage to save Osaka. Listening to the gods orders the seven of them swore an oath to Osaka, 'To protect it at any costs, during any crisis.' Soon all seven became good friends.One day, the people of Osaka was informed about the announcements, all aroused and ivoking to them everyday, wishing for good luck, but many had different perspectives. Some people believed they didn't need them, since new technology has been developed and the people of Osaka finally adapted to many crisis. The seven samurais were soon gathered, and had to choose to be exiled from Osaka or seal themselves in a form of energy. No matter how much times the samurais have been driven away, they always chose to protect the country and never betray the oath." His mother fell silent, watching her son's expression."Yay!" He smiled, "I knew they would still be heroes!"His mother regarded him carefully, fondling his hair comfortably."Time for bed, little one." She kissed his cheek softly, and carried him to his bed, where he slept peacefully.His mother gazed at him quietly, knowing there was more to the story...Eventually, samurais grew agitated and left the nation, changing the oath entirely to take over Osaka, and prove that the people needed them. Disappointed the seven gods attempted to destroy them, but taking pity into them. The seven gods tried to seal them in their energy, but the fire, nature, water, dark and light managed to flee. Ice and electricity handed themselves in, believing that they were not good protectors.Somewhat later, the light samurai arrived, not able to find the gods to beg forgiveness, so he sealed himself away, in his own consciousness. The other samurais, hated mortals and immortals, prepared to slay all in their way.Hikari's mother perceive the door opening, she tensed as her older son, sweating and shaking, emerged and immediately went to his room, then followed by their father. "Akihiro..." he scowled disdainfully, "Don't get in my way.""What do you want, Kenji." She murmured, trying to keep him from being irked. "Stop." He hissed shoving her harshly. "Akira!" He yelled for the older son. He barged into his room, dragging him out."Ow!" He yelped, pulling his arm free, shielding behind his mother. His voice trembled with distress, "Mother... help me.""Quit whining and get over here!" Kenji demanded, pointing at the ground beside him, yet Akira refused to move. Kenji tried to seize him, but Akihiro blocked him once more. "Akihiro." He warned, pulling a dagger out. "You're on the edge of my patience.""Can't we discuss this peacefully?" She pleaded, "They're family-"Her voice was cut off as Kenji stabbed her in her stomach. Akihiro coughed and toppled over, her face paling. Akira screamed, and bolted away from Kenji. Akira snatched up the sleeping Hikari and fled, glimpsing his father's unsatisfied expression. You're not safe he mouthed. Akira shivered, feeling like a puppet controlled by his father. His footsteps sedated, replaying the scene of his mother's death, it was too overwhelming for him, abandoning the child in a small bundle, and hanged himself.***The teenage brunet now wanderers around in the streets, no family, no home, and no idea that where his father or family disappeared. Confused and conflicted, he sat in the snow to process these thoughts, it began to become a natural habit for him, just to sit there, maybe the snow calms him down.Hikari snapped back to reality, tears flowing out of his eyes. Kenzō was startled, he pulled Hikari closer into his lap, his head resting on his head, processing the intense information.