
Chapter 1 - The Fight

"Impressive Exia, to be able to last this long against us. You are indeed worthy of the title of Prime." a soft voice came from the lips of a beautiful maiden whose eyes shaped like a cat that glows red.

"You think you'll be able to get what you want?" Exia said while huffing, one of his hand cupping the wound on the right side of his abdomen and staring at the four people in front of him. "It doesn't matter if I die here, the thing you are seeking is already hidden safely."

"To be honest, we really don't care Exia, one way or the other, we will claim that thing." a cruel voice came from the man wearing a blue cloak next to the beautiful lady.

"Just as Rhea says, I'm a Prime. If I decide to hide something, you'll find it troublesome to locate it, even with your mastery over the Space-Time." replied Exia.

"Grrrr, you are really asking for a fate crueler than death." Rhea said and gave a hard look on Exia.

"No need to get riled up Rhea, I still have a solution". said by another man wearing a white robe while holding a staff beside Rhea."you might be able to hide that thing but you wont hide it without you knowing it. All of this points that you will definitely hide it at your castle, the Palace of Eternal Dark. I know you Exia too well". after saying that the other three people looked at the white robed person.

"Exia, I know that your mastery of Space and Time is also very high and together with the ability of your palace it would take forever for us to locate it, but I know that your castle is also linked to you. so all we need to do is the take a look at your sea of memories and we will be able to locate the Palace of Eternal Dark, simple isn't it?" continued by the white robed man.

Exia laughed at the four people in front of him while saying, "True! With four people whose at the Prime level you can definitely pry open my sea of memories and look for the connection to the castle, but you guys are late, I have accounted everything already before coming here. I may not know that it was you guys who lusts over that thing but i know for sometime that there were people that really want it. I don't know what plans you guys have in using that thing, but i know one thing I cant allow you guys to wield it, even if it will cost me my life!" and he shouted, "Activate!"

"No!", the four people shouted because they find out that they are inside a magic circle with runes glowing with Dark light with a radius of fifty meters. the ground was shaking and the whole area is now being lit by the magic circle, they could feel that the magic circle is gathering energy from the surrounding area and from them. It was feeding from their power as well

"When did he draw this magic circle? If this fully activates it would be devastating, we will not be able to escape here unscathed!" shouted by the man in white robe, he didn't expect that Exia could still draw a magic circle this strong and complex while fighting the four of them. They really have underestimated him.

"lend me your strengths, I will try to counter the power of the magic circle's activation, destroying the circle will mean instant death at this stage" said by the fourth person in the group. the other three people nodded and stretch their right hand touching the fourth person while channeling their power transferring to the fourth person while he was chanting a spell, and a vile gray energy dome took form and surrounded the four people whose surface is now laced with lightning sparks from the collision of power between the magic circle and the vile gray dome. this took time to describe but it was just a moment when it happened.

Exia laughed maniacally while this is happening and he chanted a spell of his own and a symbol appeared on his forehead glowing with golden light. After completing the spell the symbol on his forehead floated away from him flying across the skies at a speed invisible to the naked eye, then he yelled looking at the four people inside the vile gray dome, "Good luck in finding my castle!"

And finally the magic circle fully activates. Consuming the energy it gathered creating a pillar of black light it covered an area of 1 km decimating everything inside it. After a minute or two the pillar of light lost its power and finally dissipated creating a crater of at least 100 ft deep and a radius of 1 km. At the center of the crater four people are standing with tattered robes and various wounds can be seen on them. It is easy to see from their posture and general demeanor that it took everything they have to survive that explosion.

The white robed man shook his head and said."He is indeed the strongest amongst us if we didn't isolated the space and time of this area the whole world would have been destroyed, but even after that the spatial seals and time lock has been destroyed from that explosion. If any one of us is not here while fighting him he would have preserve his life and escape, a pity he has to die".

"That bastard! he was able to send his sea of memories away before dying! Now how can we locate his castle?"Rhea shouted.

The blue cloaked person replied grimly, "No problem. Though he was able to send his sea of memories away that means it will not last long without a host, it will need a mind for it to survive before long it will enter another persons mind and settle. All we have to do is wait for that person."

"A pity that we are too busy defending from magic circle or we could have intercepted the flight of that sea of memories of him. He even drained us of our powers and gave us serious injuries it would take at least a months for us to return to our peak." the fourth person said. "This is a grave miscalculation on our part!"

"Let us depart for now, I have erased our traces from this area, no one will be able to link this fight to us. We will convene again on my palace after we are fully healed" commanded the white robed man.

"Agreed!", Rhea said while the other two person nodded in agreement, and with a flash of light they disappeared.

so this is written and edited by me alone so please bear with any written errors you see..any way hope you will enjoy this novel and i will try to upload at least 2 chapter a day

Pure_Firecreators' thoughts