
Paimon: The Guide Of Celestia

THIS FANFIC WAS CREATED FOR AN OFFICIAL CONTEST IN WHICH I WON SECOND PLACE. THE CHARACTERS AND WORLD ARE THE PROPERTY OF MIHOYO. — Did you ever wonder about Paimon's origins? We still have no answer and we probably never will. So, why not let our imagination run wild a little? In this one-chapter story, Paimon was a Guide of Celestia before being abducted by a somewhat-familiar entity. — Also published on Royal Road, Scribble Hub, and Wattpad (in Spanish).

Sosin · Videospiele
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Far away on floating islands, Celestia watched over Teyvat. The celestial city where gods resided. Where heroes whose deeds were worthy of a god dwelled alongside them. Although these heroes were the strongest humans the world had ever born, it was impossible to transition into a realm whose laws differed so much from mortality. This is why the Guides of Celestia existed.

The Guides supported every inhabitant, whether a god or an allogene. However, even Guides had to learn how to guide. They had to study for years before becoming a guide to an allogene and then be promoted to an assistant to a god. Everyone tried, but few succeeded.

Paimon had finally graduated. It was time to be assigned to an allogene, something that could take days or months. Fortunately, a new hero ascended soon after and Paimon was chosen as his guide.

The allogene and Paimon got along very well. Both personalities hit it off perfectly. Giggly, talkative, foodies, and somewhat clumsy. As if the choice to work together had been arranged on that basis.

They both learned from each other as they explored Celestia and watched over Teyvat. The allogene smilingly told his stories and Paimon couldn't help but be moved each time. Their bond never stopped growing closer.

Months passed. The Guides aged rapidly, forcing the god assistants to retire regularly, making room for new ones. If a guide didn't ascend in time, their life goal couldn't be achieved. Paimon constantly reflected on this along with the allogene. She even suggested never ascending to stay with him, which the allogene flatly refused. He wanted to see her reach her full potential. Paimon, still reluctant, heeded the allogene and continued to give her best for the next months.

Two years had passed since their destinies were united. Even as more Guides retired and Paimon improved, she hadn't been promoted. The average ascension time was two years, so she and the allogene began to worry. Ascension seemed further and further away. Although they were both looking forward to it, Paimon was also happy to know that she was going to spend more time with him.

One day, Paimon was floating with the allogene through the gardens of Celestia when, suddenly, a red spot appeared on the grass. Curious, they approached it, keeping a distance they thought was safe, but they were wrong. Red cubes emerged from the ground, forming a tower until they reached Paimon's feet. It happened so fast that she had no chance to fly away from them. The cubes slowly covered Paimon, while the allogene never stopped holding her hand.

"Let go of me, it might hurt you!" screamed Paimon.

"No way! You still have to ascend!"

When the cubes reached Paimon's hand, the allogene stopped feeling it.

Paimon saw nothing but glimmers in the darkness. Seconds later, she opened her eyes. She was sitting on the sand of a land's shore she didn't recognize. She flew instinctively to see an endless sea in front of her, then she turned around to see a road between two hills.

She remembered nothing but her name: Paimon. She knew that her objective was to guide and support whoever she was assigned to, but how was she supposed to know who that person was? There was no choice but to find out.

Carefully, she flew between the hills and followed the path. She encountered lakes, forests, and monster camps before spotting a city in the distance. Without hesitation, she headed towards it and that was where her adventures in Teyvat began.

She met its inhabitants during her travels; hundreds of adventurers whom she either deeply respected for their ardent bravery or despised for their incredible selfishness. Still, she never stopped learning and having fun. Although she didn't know it, her old habits remained ingrained in her, the most notable being eating.

Years later, something prompted her to return to the place where she had first awakened. As she flew, she was blinded by a glimmer coming from a lake. Stunned, she went to inspect it. Her jaw dropped when she saw a rainbow-colored fish in which the sun's rays were reflected. She didn't know why, but her mind told her to catch it; that it was going to be delicious.

Without a fishing rod, her only option was to look for someone to ask for one. Glancing around the lake, she saw someone fishing. She looked like a traveler from a faraway place, wearing extravagant clothing.

"Hey! Can you help me—?"

Before she could finish saying it, something jumped out of the water beneath her and pulled her by her legs. Choking, she screamed for help, although now for her life.

Certain that she had reached the light at the end of the tunnel, something hooked on her clothes and pulled her out of the water. She had been fished by the extravagantly-dressed fisherwoman she had just seen.

Now seeing her up close, Paimon instantly knew that she was the one she was supposed to guide. It was she to whom she had been assigned.

As mentioned in the synopsis, this fanfic was created for an official contest that took place 1 year ago. I won 2nd place with it, but I hadn't published it anywhere else because it was written in Spanish and I had to translate it. So, 1 year later, here it is.

I hope you liked it. Please check my Carrd to find more about me and my many projects.


Thank you for reading.

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