
Pacific Island Nation Captures World's Attention

Chen Yang, armed with the legendary [King's System], embarks on an epic journey to found his own nation! Your mission? To transform a deserted island into a prosperous and powerful kingdom, the Kingdom of Yan Guo! But to achieve glory, Chen Yang needs citizens. And the more citizens he attracts, the greater the rewards! With each immigration milestone, Chen Yang unlocks revolutionary technologies that propel him to the top of the world: 1,000 immigrants: Obtain [fertilizers without side effects] and build the world's first farm, exporting coveted agricultural and secondary products to all countries! 10,000 immigrants: unlock the [anti-cancer drug formula], build the world's first hospital, and become the source of global health! 100,000 Immigrants: Master the [Automobile Manufacturing Project] and establish the world's leading automobile manufacturer, with hundreds of car models, from economy to luxury, dominating the streets of every country! 1,000,000 immigrants: Conquer the [Phone Manufacturing Project] and create the most powerful technology giant in the world! On the first day of listing on the stock exchange, shares soar to 80 million, exceeding all expectations! Tens of Millions of Immigrants: Unlock [Information on Nuclear Weapons Research] and make the Kingdom of Yan Guo an unstoppable force on the global stage! But Chen Yang's ambition is not limited to power and wealth. He dreams of creating a haven where everyone is free, prosperous and happy. Join Chen Yang on his epic journey to build a new world from the ground up! “I am Chen Yang, the first king of the Yan Guo Kingdom. My goal in founding this country is to create a home where everyone is free from…” Discover what awaits you in the Kingdom of Yan Guo! **IMPORTANT WARNING** This is just a translation of the novel "I bought an island in the Pacific and founded a country that caused a sensation throughout the world." I don't own the copyright to it. If you are the legal owner and feel offended in any way, please contact me and I will remove it immediately. **TRANSLATION NOTE** If you want to support the work I do in translation, consider joining my Patreon/SolarisVitally to support me and keep bringing me projects and reading more advanced chapters.

Solaris_Vitally · Urban
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56 Chs

Chapter 23: Safeguard Parents, Organized Supplies, and Start of Infrastructure

At night, after dinner, Chen Yang sat in front of the computer to review the quotations and proposals sent by companies from various countries.

He analyzed the size of the other party's company, its operational conditions, and compared the quotations.

The whole process was quite complicated, and Chen Yang felt a bit dizzy just looking at it all.

In China, Chen Yang's hometown is in Shandong Province, in the City of Rongcheng. In recent days, Chen Yang's parents have become the center of attention in Shandong Province.

They are ordinary employees of a local company. For half of their lives, they were simple people, with the dream of buying an apartment for their son in the city, seeing him get married and have children, thus completing their lives.

However, suddenly the couple in their forties had their lives drastically changed when their son decided to buy an island and establish a country.

When they heard the news, their son was still in the crowdfunding stage.

But in just three or four days, he had already established a country and even raised 6.9 billion through the sale of government bonds.

When they visited the tomb during the Qingming Festival°, they had never seen such a large sum of money before.

In just four hours, your son achieved this remarkable feat.

At the office, the company bosses expressed heartfelt condolences, gave them a raise, and even allowed them to freely choose the positions they wished to take on.

The sudden special treatment made them very uncomfortable.

Upon arriving home every day, they found the doorstep crowded with visitors. Distant relatives they hadn't been in contact with for years, matchmakers popping out of nowhere, local businessmen, and even municipal leaders they had previously only seen in newspapers, all came with shy smiles and spoke with respect.

While close neighbors expressed words filled with envy, incessantly repeating, "Your son is truly promising."

Though they expressed humility in words, happiness overflowed in their hearts.

After dinner, the mother sat on the couch and expressed her concern: "I don't know how little Yang is doing there. I heard the island doesn't even have a bathroom. Do you think our son can live there?"

The father reflected, "But isn't it under construction?"

The mother glanced at the phone and suggested, "How about calling Yang?"

The father shook his head, "Let's wait a few more days. Yang has been very busy lately, so let's not disturb him."

"I wonder why this boy suddenly decided to buy an island and establish a country? It's such a big thing..."

As he looked out the window, the father furrowed his brow slightly, unnoticed by his wife, but noticed by himself.

Since yesterday, a series of unfamiliar faces suddenly appeared in the building.

The neighbors next door and upstairs rented out their houses all of a sudden.

Even though it's straightforward, he realized the government was probably secretly protecting them.

After all, they are the parents of a king.

Though this country has not yet been internationally recognized, Chen Yang's recent movements have caught the attention of several nations.

As an ordinary person, with little formal education and limited knowledge, he wonders if this attention is positive or negative.


At two in the morning, Chen Yang finally completed identifying the winning bidders and buying companies.

He responded to all emails and now only awaits for the stakeholders to deliver the materials.


Twelve days passed in the blink of an eye.

During this period, the supplies he procured were delivered one after another.

And today is the day when the winning bidder will finally arrive.

To optimize time, he selected a bidder neighboring China as the winner.

For the procurement of supplies, the Philippines were chosen due to their geographical proximity.

Cargo ships docked one after another on the coast. After a thorough check by Chen Yang, all remaining balances were quickly settled.

Engineering robots were then organized to unload the goods.

Around 11 o'clock, several Chinese bidding winners also arrived.

They are responsible for constructing base radio stations, installing submarine cables, power plants, water plants, etc., on the island of Yan Guo.

These companies will provide materials and guidance, while Chen Yang will oversee the direct work.

With everything properly organized, the construction of Yan Guo's infrastructure finally officially began!

In Yan City, 35,000 engineering robots were mobilized.

At the airport, 25,000 engineering robots are in action.

At the port, another 25,000 engineering robots are working.

While awaiting supplies, Chen Yang specifically coordinated these robots to plan routes between the three locations and remove any obstacles along the way, such as trees and debris.

Although it's full of holes, it can be navigated by construction vehicles.

Chen Yang remained on the coast, watching the engineering robots busy at work building the port. He picked up his cell phone and started the first live broadcast in over ten days.


(translation note:

Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Day or Shining Purity Festival, is a traditional Chinese celebration held in early April. It's a day to:

Paying homage to ancestors: People visit the graves of their deceased family members to clean, make offerings and pay respects.

Celebrate spring: The festival coincides with the beginning of spring in the Chinese lunar calendar. It's a time to appreciate the warmer climate and the rebirth of nature.

Family reunions: Many families take advantage of the holiday to get together and visit relatives.

It is an important holiday in Chinese culture, which combines aspects of respectful mourning with the celebration of the new season.

If you find any errors in the translation, please let me know so I can correct them.

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