
Owning the world,Destined Hearts: Lilian's Odyssey to Love and Success

Follow Lilian's journey as she navigates the challenges of an arranged marriage, confronts her past demons, and strives to overcome obstacles on her path to success. Amidst unexpected turns, a budding love story, and the weight of her family's expectations, Lilian must find the strength to rise from the depths and claim her place at the top of the world. Will she triumph over adversity and find true happiness in the end?

vickyray · Fantasie
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27 Chs


The next day, Lilian called for an impromptu meeting with the president and the elite families. She gathered them to deliver the news that she had accepted the mission to infiltrate Michael's mafia. The room was filled with a mix of relief and concern as they listened to her determination

Lilian looked around the room, her expression serious and resolute. "Thank you all for coming here today. I've made a decision that I believe is the best course of action to take down Michael's mafia. I've accepted the mission to infiltrate them."

The president nodded solemnly. "Lilian, we appreciate your bravery and commitment to this cause. It's a dangerous path you're choosing, but if anyone can pull it off, it's you."

Milan, a trusted member of the elite families, spoke up, his voice laced with concern. "Lilian, we support your decision, but we must ensure your safety. That's why we've arranged for an experienced agent to mentor you."

The agent, a seasoned professional, addressed Lilian. "I've trained many agents for missions like this. You're in capable hands, and I'll prepare you for every scenario. We'll start your training immediately."

As the meeting cleared out only Lillian the agents and Caleb were left in the room.

The president cleared his throat and offered guidance. "To succeed, we need to convince Michael that Lilian is no longer a threat. This requires a plan to fake her death."

Milan spoke up, explaining the details. "We'll need to alter your appearance significantly, Lilian. Change your identity, so Michael won't recognize you. Our spy networks will assist in this process."

Lilian, with a mixture of fear and determination, questioned, "What about my father? ad Amber Will they be told?"

The agent answered firmly, "No, we can't afford to involve him. They will believe you're gone. It's a necessary sacrifice for your safety."

Caleb clenched his fists, trying to hold back his emotions. "I understand, is there anything else" his emotions were fluctuating and he did not know how he felt he could feel different emotions at once it felt overwhelming.

The room was filled with a heavy silence as they absorbed the weight of the plan. At that moment, they knew that they were about to embark on a dangerous journey with no guarantees, but it was a path they had chosen to take, and they would face it together.

Lilian took a deep breath and looked into her father's eyes. She wanted to say goodbye without revealing the true purpose of her departure, not wanting to burden him further with the dangerous mission she was about to undertake.

"Father," she began, her voice quivering with emotion, "I just want you to know how much you mean to me. You've always been there for me, and I appreciate your love and support. I'm going on a journey, but I promise to come back to you."

Thomas, though puzzled by her words decides not to think too much about it maybe she is finally going to safety, and feels a surge of warmth and pride for his daughter. He held her face gently in his hands and smiled, his eyes filled with affection.

"promise I'll do my best to stay safe," Lilian assured him knowing he was worried about her.

"Lillian I also need to tell you something. The guards, they've been acting strangely around me I think they're hiding something from me. You need to be cautious

Lilian frowned, her brow furrowing with worry. "You think they're hiding something? What could it be?"

"I'm not sure," he replied. "But you must be vigilant and try to find a way to contact Henry. He is a child that I helped off the street and a very good hacker he might be able to and  might have valuable information that can help us."

Lilian nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I'll do my best, Father but promise me you'll stay safe. You mean the world to me."

Tears welled up in Thomas's eyes as he hugged his daughter tightly. "I promise, I will be fine"

They chat for a while before Lilian asks "Father do we know have our information on the state system, all our information is not there how is that possible ?" Lilian had at least used her fingerprint and made other registrations to school or hospital even if it was not as much as others as her family had private doctors so why did their family record disappear.

" it was possible through Henry that is why I want you to contact him as he might be able to help, in my journal you will find a way to contact him there "

" Okay I understand, thanks dad "

"It's the least I can do," he says pulling her into another hug.

They held each other, both fearing the uncertain path that lay ahead.