
Owning the world,Destined Hearts: Lilian's Odyssey to Love and Success

Follow Lilian's journey as she navigates the challenges of an arranged marriage, confronts her past demons, and strives to overcome obstacles on her path to success. Amidst unexpected turns, a budding love story, and the weight of her family's expectations, Lilian must find the strength to rise from the depths and claim her place at the top of the world. Will she triumph over adversity and find true happiness in the end?

vickyray · Fantasie
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27 Chs


  Lilian had been surprised when Caleb had called her to inform her about what his grandmother had talked to him about, she had been skeptical to believe him but her meeting with his grandmother had convinced her that she was not going to jab at her, humiliate her or behave as rudely as she had before. 

  Lilian was running through the street she was a few minutes late for her meeting with Mrs. Aurora which would give her much more leeway to harass Lilian, she hurriedly stopped in front of the door of the cafe and tidied up herself before going into she saw Mrs. Aurora at the third table and goes to her 

" Am sorry, I got held up at work " 

Surprisingly Mrs. Aurora smiled at her

"It's okay dear I understand, Caleb hardly has time for us ever since he became CEO it has only been a few months now since he got the position and I would say he is doing very well the company has grown under his leadership" 

"Oh um that's, good, " Lilian replied uncertainly not knowing what to say to that. 

Lilian sat in the quaint little cafe, the morning sun streaming through the windows, casting warm rays across the cozy space. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mixing with the soft chatter of patrons enjoying their conversations. The cafe had a homey ambiance, with mismatched wooden chairs and tables, potted plants on the windowsills, and a chalkboard menu displaying an array of beverages.

As she spoke with Mrs. Aurora, they sat at a corner table by the window. The table was adorned with a small vase of freshly picked flowers, adding a touch of elegance to their discussion. Mrs. Aurora's smile was genuine, and Lilian couldn't help but feel welcomed and at ease in her presence.

" I do want to apologize for the way I treated you the other day it was my fault, it's just that my family experience about three years ago with Cole's mother was not good so am very cautious and protective of my grandson, I hope you understand," she says gently patting Lilian's hands.

  But Lilian is only concerned about the information about Cole's mother but she knows not to be too inquisitive " I understand mam, it ok" she replies

" Thank you so much my grandson spoke well of you and he was not exaggerating you do have a kind heart" 

Lillian can't help but blush "Thank you ma"

"Ma you mentioned something about Cole's mother would you tell me about her"

"I do want to tell you but I think it is best if Caleb tells you himself " 

Lilian sighs as she nods to herself understanding that it wasn't something Mrs Aurora could tell her. They continue to talk about little things before Lilian goes back to her work.

  Since then she has met Mrs. Aurora a couple more times and she has been polite and kind to her she is just so happy. Lilian's dream was not been too complicated just to have a loving husband and her family around her, she smiled she was going to meet Mrs Aurora today to discuss the venue for the wedding.

Lilian hadn't had breakfast yet when she headed to meet Mrs. Aurora. She had just freshened up after her night shift and decided to take a cab to the cafe. Upon her arrival, Lilian found Mrs. Aurora already seated and had even ordered a drink. They immediately began discussing the upcoming event.

As they delved into their conversation, a sudden realization hit Mrs. Aurora, and she exclaimed, "Oh no, I can't believe I forgot!"

Concerned, Lilian asked, "What is it? What did you forget?"

Mrs. Aurora explained, "I had a delivery to pick up from the post office, and I completely forgot about it. I just sent the driver on an errand, and he will take a long time to return. The pickup time is at 3, and it's already past 2."

Without hesitation, Lilian offered her assistance, saying, "How about I help you go pick it up?"

Mrs. Aurora hesitated, not wanting to impose, and replied, "No, I really couldn't ask you to do that, dear. I'm sure you haven't even had any sleep yet, and I shouldn't have scheduled this meeting for the morning. You look exhausted."

Lilian insisted with a warm smile, "Oh, don't worry about it. I'm feeling just fine, and I genuinely want to help you."

Overwhelmed by Lilian's kindness, Mrs. Aurora finally relented, saying, "Oh, dear, you are such a darling. Thank you. Here are the keys to the car. I'll be here waiting."

With a nod and a promise to return soon, Lilian left the cafe, ready to assist Mrs. Aurora with the errand.

However, as Lilian began to drive, an unusual sensation came over her. Her head started to feel fuzzy, and her coordination seemed off. It was as if she had consumed alcohol, but Lilian had never touched a drop in her life. The foreign feeling began to engulf her, and before she knew it, her world went blank.

A bustling hospital, where Fluorescent lights overhead illuminated the sterile white corridors, punctuated by the soft hum of medical equipment. Patients in various states of health moved through the halls, some accompanied by worried family members. Despite the sterile environment, there was a sense of warmth and compassion among the staff as they worked tirelessly to care for those in need.

In the hospital room where Lilian woke up after her accident, the atmosphere was tense. Clinical machines beeped softly in the background, and the scent of antiseptic hung in the air. The room was small, with white walls adorned only by a few framed photographs of serene landscapes. Caleb and Amber sat by Lilian's bedside, their faces etched with concern and anxiety.

She blinked a few times, her head throbbing with a dull ache. As her vision cleared, she noticed Caleb and Amber sitting nearby, their faces etched with worry. They looked as if they hadn't slept in days, their eyes heavy with concern.

The room was small and bare, with white walls that seemed to close in on her. The only decoration was a few framed photographs of serene landscapes hanging on one wall, offering a stark contrast to the current situation.

Caleb reached out to gently rub her hand, his touch warm and comforting. "You got involved in a drunk driving accident," he explained softly, his voice a mixture of relief and concern. "The car you crashed almost killed an entire family but don't worry they were able to come out fine without any scratches" he assured her gently.

" that is right but the problem is that they found alcohol in your system and we both know you don't drink the hospital has already informed the police" Amber says scared for what this could mean for her sister.

Lilian's mind raced, trying to make sense of the situation. She knew she hadn't consumed any alcohol. The only drink she had was the one Mrs. Aurora had ordered for her. The implications of what that meant began to dawn on her.

" it didn't drink the only drink I had that day was the one tour grandmother gave to me I had not even eaten the entire day, you have to investigate"  Caleb is stunned and unable to speak trying to gather his composure begging for a distraction to avoid answering Lilian as his mind whirls with this new information.

As if on cue, the hospital room's door swung open, and two police officers entered. They were dressed in crisp uniforms, and their expressions were stern.

"Miss Lilian Evan, you are under arrest for drunk driving," one of the officers announced, his voice devoid of emotion. "Please remain silent as anything you say or do will be used against you in a court of law."

Lilian's world seemed to crumble around her as the officers handcuffed her and began leading her out of the room. She glanced back at Caleb and Amber, both of them looking helpless and distraught.

Outside the hospital room, the hallway stretched endlessly, its harsh, artificial lighting contrasting sharply with the warmth of her memories at the cafe with Mrs. Aurora. Lilian felt a deep sense of dread as she was escorted away, leaving her family behind.

As the police officers led Lilian away, Amber's heartache intensified with every step they took. She couldn't just stand there and let her sister be taken away. Tears streamed down her face as she watched them approach the police car waiting outside the hospital.

Without thinking, Amber's love for her sister overpowered any sense of reason or fear. She couldn't bear to see Lilian being taken away like a criminal. With trembling legs and a heavy heart, she began to follow them, her footsteps echoing in the sterile hospital corridor.

Her voice quivered as she called out, "Lilian, wait!" Her cries were choked with despair, but she couldn't stop herself. She couldn't let her sister vanish from her life like this.

The police car began to move, and Amber's pace quickened. She ran after it, her breaths coming in ragged sobs. Her vision blurred with tears, but she couldn't stop, couldn't give up on her sister.

Lilian, seated in the back of the police car, saw Amber's desperate pursuit in her rearview mirror. Her heart ached at the sight of her little sister running after the car, falling and stumbling but never giving up.

Each step Amber took felt like an eternity for both of them. Amber's cries grew louder, echoing down the corridor, mixing with the distant sounds of hospital activity.

Inside the police car, Lilian's tears matched her sister's. She wanted to reach out, to comfort Amber, to tell her everything would be okay. But she couldn't. Her hands were bound, her voice silenced.

As the police car turned a corner and Amber became smaller in the rearview mirror, Lilian couldn't help but feel a profound sense of loss. She knew that this was just the beginning of a painful journey, one that would test their bonds as sisters like never before.

Thank you for reading,pls comment and vote it really helps motivate me.and please correct me if you see any mistake

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