
Owning A Mythic Item In Fairy Tail

The Grand Magic Games, which was meant to be a happy and joyful event/occasion, had turned out to be an absolute disaster full of despair and death. A guy, one of if not the ONLY survivor of the Grand Magic Games incident, was fortunate enough to acquire a mythical item which sent him back in time: Odin's Eye. Unfortunately, his body was too weak to handle being sent back in time, dying in the process. Instead, God had transmigrated another's soul into the body of the guy, giving him a second life in the world of magic and wizards: Fairy Tail I Don't own fairy tail, or this cover art (Found it on pinterest), or I obtained a mythic item. All I own is my MC and this fanfic

Darkened007 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 3: Fairy Tail

"Wow..." Lucy and Shiki both gasped at the size of the guild from the outside, "It sure is big!" Lucy said.

'It's a lot bigger in person... though that's kinda expected to be fair' Shiki thought to himself, 'I can't believe it, though, I'm really standing in front of the Fairy Tail guild... nothing beats this!' 

Looking at Shiki and Lucy's reaction, Natsu couldn't help but smirk to himself before speaking up to say, "Hey hey, watch this!" He urged them to look at him before walking in front of the closed doors, taking a deep breathe, raising his foot and...

"I'M BACKK!" Kicking the door down, breaking it in the process as he roared out his return to the Fairy Tail guild, with Happy walking beside him with a "We're back!" 

The guild members turned their heads to the door like a pack of flamingos and welcomed Natsu and Happy's return, before Natsu ran over and jump kicked a guy with bunny teeth in the face angrily

"You bastard!! That info you told us about salamander was all lies!!" Natsu shouted, grabbing the man's collar and shaking him profusely before punching him and sending him a few metres in the air before crashing onto a table.

"Ah, there it is. The minute Natsu gets back, the place is in danger of breaking" A beautiful woman with long white hair and a red dress giggled with a smile, standing beside a man with a brown pompadour who looked at the scene of the guild fighting and breaking everything in horror, "IT'S FALLING APART ALREADY!" He screamed.

"Incredible... I'm really here in Fairy Tail" Lucy muttered in disbelief, spectating the guild members fighting one another as they broke a bunch of furniture.

"It's very loud" Shiki laughed, "They're all fighting amongst one another, isn't that fun!?" 

"Um... how in any way is that fun, exactly?" Lucy asked, her eyebrow twitching before a shirtless black-haired boy bumped into her, "S-Sorr- WHERE'S YOUR SHIRT?!" She shouted with a blush, covering her eyes with her hands - though her fingers had a small gap to see through.

"Natsu's back, ay!?" The black-haired guy ignored her, calling out to Natsu, "You lousy bastard... let's finish it this time!"

A brown-haired woman wearing nothing to cover her upper body except a bra, asked the guy "Gray... what kinda getup are you walking around in?"

"Huh?" Gray looked down to see he was shirtless, "Oh, DAMNIT!" He grabbed his head in surprise, looking around the room for any signs of his lost shirt.

"Haa..." The brown haired woman sighed, "The men in this guild have no class" She said before grabbing a barrel full of beer and chugging it, causing Lucy's eyes to nearly burst out of their sockets.

"Is she not cold? She's just wearing a bra" Shiki asked to no one in particular, but was cut off by a big man with white hair walking past him towards the fray of the barbaric guild talking about men and fists before being punched away by Natsu and Gray.

An orange-haired guy with glasses then spoke up, to which Lucy fangirled a little and said, "It's Loke! One of the top-ranking men for 'The wizard I'd like to be my boyfriend'!" She dropped to the floor when she realised he was simply a playboy with a women in each arm.

"What's with this place... is there not a single regular person?" Lucy groaned in complaint, Shiki standing beside her when the white-haired girl walked over to them and asked

"Oh! Are you guys new? I saw you both enter with Natsu and Happy" Lucy's eyes widened, picking herself up as she screamed

"M-MIRAJANE!? Eeeee! It's you, in person!" She squealed, before breaking out of it, "Ah, shouldn't you be stopping them?" She pointed at the guild members still fighting.

"This happens all the time, it's best to just let it be" Mirajane replied with a smile, her hands resting on her hips before turning her attention back to them, "So, who are yo-" 

Lucy watched as a flying table headed towards Mirajane, "Watch out!" She couldn't help but call out as she was too slow to do anything else, her eyes full of worry as she watched the table get closer and closer towards the woman.

"Eh?" Mirajane slowly turned her head, the table mere centimetres away from her face when suddenly it stopped thanks to a small pillar of black ice freezing it in place, mere centimetres away from her.

The Fairy Tail members, their interest gained, turned their attentions to the perpetrator: Shiki, who produced the ice from his foot to freeze the thrown table.

"Woah! What kinda magic is that, newbie?!" A few of the guys ran over to Shiki and surrounded him, barraging him with a ton of questions.

"Oi, Natsu" Gray walked beside Natsu, still shirtless, "What magic is that?" He asked, his interest piqued as he watched Shiki sweat a little from all the attention from the people surrounding him so closely.

"Uh... I don't know? I never asked, eheh..." Natsu rubbed the back of his head before running over to Shiki, kicking and punching everyone away leaving just Shiki, Lucy, Happy, and Mirajane around him.

"What was that?! That was cool!" Natsu asked excitedly, getting up close to his face

A little too close as Shiki had to step back a little, "Too close" He stated, to which Natsu stepped back a little before carrying on, "My magic's-" He was about to answer when suddenly a shadowed giant appeared in the centre of the guild.

"CUT IT OUT, YOU DOLTS- Oh, you already have" The giant stopped its shouting in realisation of the passive guild members, much to his embarrassment and surprise as he instantly shrunk down in size to reveal a short old man, "Hoh? A couple new faces" The old man walked over to Shiki and Lucy, raising his tiny arm up, "Nice to meet you! I'm the guild master, Makarov"

Before either Shiki or Lucy could even raise their hand, Makarov jumped up high to the second floor railing, doing a couple backflips but not before bumping his head, causing him to weakly crawl up the railing before eventually standing on the edge of it as he looked down at the guild.

"So you idiots have done it again!" Makarov shouted, pulling out a stack of papers and showing them off to the guild, "Just look at all these letters from the council!" He said, smacking the papers in his hand to get his point across.

Makarov then began to list everyone's mistakes - mainly breaking stuff which cost the guild a lot of money - and what they did to anger the council before saying, "All of you... have done nothing but make the council angry at me!!" Makarov began to tremble, his hair shadowing his face as he clenched his fists as the sound of paper crunching could be heard, "But..." His tone deepened

"The council can eat crap for all I care" Makarov stated with the tone of his voice raised, burning the stack of papers aflame, throwing it away but not before Natsu jumped up and ate it, patting his belly a few times in satisfaction.

"Listen! Our magic is a power that goes beyond the bounds of reasons. But it is born out of reason itself. Magic isn't some miracle. What we do is match the energy that flows between us... with the wavelength of the world's natural energy... and take what is embodied in that union... using our force of will and concentration. More than that, we pour our entire soul into it to make what we call magic. If you spend time worrying about what those in authority will think of you, your magic will never advance! So don't let those idiots on the council intimidate you!! FOLLOW THE PATH YOU TRULY BELIEVE IN!! THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE A FAIRY TAIL WIZARD!!! Makarov finished his speech with his arm raised high, with the guild erupting into a loud cheer, "NOW LET'S PARTY!!"

And so, the guild spent the next few hours partying, with Shiki walking around and getting to know most of the guild members including Gray, Cana, Elfman, Loki, Wakaba, Levy, Mirajane and Makarov. And obviously Natsu, Lucy and Happy as well.

With the party nearing its end, having passed midnight already, it was finally time for Lucy to receive her guild mark.

"Are you sure you want it there?" Mirajane asked Lucy, to which she nodded her head causing Mirajane to stamp the mark on her right hand as she began to show it off to Natsu and Happy, "And what about you, Shiki?"

"Hmm..." Shiki took some time to think before saying, "I'm still unsure about joining the guild, I mainly want to check it out and possibly take a job or two for some money since I've got zero jewels to my name" He admitted, slightly embarrassed at that fact, 'I'll be rich someday!'.

"Ah, no worries then!" Mirajane said with a smile, putting the stamp away, "If you're looking for a job, just look at the board over there!" She pointed towards the job quest board that Natsu could be seen standing in front of, his arms crossed as his eyes peered over each job one by one.

"Thanks, Makarov won't mind, will he?" Shiki asked, not wanting to sour his relationship with Makarov because of a small mistake.

"Not at all!-"


The sound of Natsu punching the job request board rejuvenated across the guild building, before he left the guild to chase after a young boy who ran off crying after punching Makarov in the face.

The young boy, Romeo, had come to Makarov - whilst Shiki spoke with Mirajane - and begged for him to rescue his father, a man named Macao, who had been gone for a long time but Makarov refused and insisted that "if Macao couldn't handle such an easy mission, then he's unsuited to be a wizard of the guild". And that's when Romeo shouted at him in anger, called him a "Meanie" and punched him in the face before running away crying tears of both anger and sadness.

Shiki then walked over to the board as Mirajane began explaining to Lucy about Natsu's backstory of him being raised by Igneel, a fire dragon, before disappearing one day and leaving Natsu alone.

 'Hmm... what job to take...' He did a quick scan of the board, and after doing so he picked out the best-suited job for him:

'Subdue a group of bandits. Reward: 200,000J' He read, looking at the location of the job which was only an hour away on train, taking the job for himself before walking over to Mirajane, "Can I do this mission tomorrow morning?" He asked, handing the job over to her to gloss over.

"Of course!" She said with a smile, handing the job request back to him, "Ah! Before you do it though!" She grabbed a stamp from under the table, "You should probably wear a temporary guild mark, so that they definitely know you're taking the job for us" She suggested, awaiting Shiki's response.

"Sure" Shiki nodded, pulling the top of his shirt down slightly to reveal more of his neck, "Could you put it here, please? Red, preferably"

"No problem!" Mirajane stamped the temporary guild mark on the right side of his neck, putting the stamp away once it was done "It goes away after 3 days, so come to me when you need a new one and I'll give you another!"

"Got it, thanks for the help" Shiki nodded, shoved the job in his pocket, stood up and was about to leave when suddenly he realised, much to his embarrassment, "Um... do you, by any chance, have a place I could temporarily stay in? Ahaha..." He rubbed the back of his awkwardly as he turned his head back to her.

"Uh... let me check with the master!" Mirajane ran over to Makarov, where they spoke for about a minute before she came back with a smile on her face, "There's a room on the second floor, I'll show you to it now, if you'd like"

"Thanks, again. Looks like I owe you quite a bit now" He joked as they walked up the stairs to the second floor, confusing Mirajane.

"Eh? Why would you need to do that?" She asked, tilting her head cutely with her finger on her chin.

"I mean, you've given me a chance to make money and a temporary place to stay, even if you did it indirectly" He answered, following Mirajane where they soon arrived in front of a door which he presumed to be his temporary place to stay.

"Oh... in that case, if there's anyone you should owe, it's the guild master!" She said, opening the door for Shiki, "I should return downstairs now. It was nice meeting you, Shiki. Goodnight" She gave a small bow before rushing downstairs leaving no time for Shiki to respond.

Now that he was left alone, Shiki sat on the edge of his bed for a few seconds in silence before falling backwards onto his back, looking up at the empty ceiling in thought.

'Fairy Tail, ay...? I'm really here' He thought, still finding it unbelievable that he had died, met a God, and transmigrated into an anime world, 'While I'm alone, I should probably plan for the future' He jumped off his bed and searched the room for certain items, "Yes!" 

He cheered, walking over to the desk and sitting down on the chair with some paper and an ink pen in hand.

'First, I'll write everything I can remember in terms of the plot and arcs in order, so that I don't forget it overtime even though I'm sure I won't - better safe than sorry.

Second, I'll write and ideas and plans I come up with as I live my new life in this world with my new system.

And third... well, I just gotta make sure I hide this well enough so that no one ever finds this and questions me or something' He finished his monologuing, writing down everything for the next half an hour or so.

'So, in terms of arcs, Natsu and Lucy will finish the Macao arc tomorrow morning while I'm gone on my mission. Then there's that book arc after, then the one with the dark guild and wand, then the Lyon arc - which will be important for me - then the Phantom Lord attack, Tower of Heaven, that Laxus arc, Oracion Seis, Edolas, and then Tenrou where the guild members then vanish for 7 years' He wrote about the arcs after the 7 years, but for now these were the main ones to worry about.

'As for my plans, I REALLY want to obtain a blank card and copy either Gildart's or Ultear's magic, most likely her's. Ooo, actually, maybe Arc of Embodiment or- Wait, no, maybe I can copy them all if I have enough Blank cards... hopefully' He began to scribble out and write some more stuff, ultimately ending up with the decision to use a blank card on Ultear when he next gets one, which hopefully won't be too long.

'And now, where to hide this exactly?' He held the stacks of paper in his hand, looking around the room before saying, "Hey, do I have an inventory?" He asked the system, but no answer 'Damn, that's not good... I can't hide it under the bed or something obvious like that since there might be a cleaner that cleans the room and finds it... what to what, what to do...'

After a few seconds, he decided to fold the bits of paper a bunch before shoving it in his pocket until he finds an actual secure place.

'Alright, time to sleep' Shiki jumped onto his bed, throwing his shirt, socks and trousers off the bed as he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep after a few minutes.


Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed

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