
Overpowered Hero In Search Of Battle!

Sedah is an overpowered typical fantasy hero whose gone through trials and tribulations and has saved humanity, but after centuries of peace across the world, he has become bored and empty, hoping to find someone strong to kill him in battle.

PlipPop · Fantasie
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17 Chs

Slipped Memory!

"Arthur! Your finally back! How was the hunt? Did you manage to hunt your very first A - Class monster?" Sedah said with a somewhat excited expression.

Arthur walked over to Sedah exhibiting a miserable aura, walking slouched.

"...No good, huh? Don't worry about it! We'll just train even harder!" Sedah had put his thumb up, smiling in attempt to lift Arthurs mood.

"...just kidding!" Arthur changed his expression, grinning from ear to ear, putting his thumbs up.

Sedah gave a sigh of relief, "So you finally managed to hunt your first A - class monster! Good job! I think your strong enough to get your own weapon now."

"My own weapon? I already have a sword though? What do you mean?" Arthur asked in confusion.

"Do you remember that swordsman that had come to our cave before? When you were a child?"

"Yeah, his presence was strong, I'll never forget it!" he said in admiration.

"Remember when his arm stretched outward and a katana appeared out of thin air, well you see that's actually his own personal weapon that came from within himself. It's like a manifestation of ones spirit and you Arthur can do the same as him!"

"I can?!" Arthur had stars in his eyes. "That's so cool!" he said excitedly. "How do I do it? How do I do it? Tell me now!" Arthur was raring to learn.

"Not too fast now! I did say you were ready to learn, but it takes a long time for you to study on how to manifest a weapon and it requires a deep understanding of yourself."

"Wait! Master! I've never seen you manifest your weapon yet! Show me! Show me!" Arthur said enthusiastically as he jumped up and down like a playful child.

"...Well, actucally I can't do that.." Sedah said scratching his chin. This was a first for Arthur, something Sedah couldn't do but he could? However, Arthur didn't care about that as he was swept with disappoontment.

"...Tch...that swordsman is way cooler than you.." Arthur spoke harshly, having stung Sedah's feelings.

"It's because I'm a demon, as you know so it's a bit more complicated."

"Ah, master! I haven't gotten a contract yet, why don't you make one with me? I mean your a higher demon aren't you?"

"Sorry I can't do that for you, I've already given my contract to someone else." Arthur saw Sedah's face, it was as if his smile was forced as he spoke. Arthur could sense his pain behind those words.

Of course, Arthur was curious as to who he had contracted with but felt it was appropriate to not ask.

"Ah, I see. So how do I get my sword anyways?"

"Well, it doesn't neccessarily have to be a sword, anyways I won't be the one teaching you."

"Then who will?"

Behind Sedah was the cave, and deeper in the cave was a silhouette of a man growing closer and closer after each step he took. Arthur hadn't noticed this mans presence until now.

"Who are you?" Arthur had changed to a more serious tone, feeling a little tense.

"Now, now! Arthur don't you remember my voice?" he opened both his hands to show he wasn't a threat wearing a big smile. His hair long and crimson, wearing an eyepatch. His robes black.

"It's me! The swordsman cooler than the hero." He hadn't let his presence known to Arthur, eavesdropping on Sedahs and Arthurs conversation. Obviously Sedah knew he was there because he had invited him over with one of his ravens asking him to teach Sedah.

"I was surprised when I recieved a message from none other than Sedah the hero, and on top of that he was asking for my help? How can i refuse?" He said in a saracstic tone.

"More importantly, Arthur remember that northern kid we had rambled on about and how we wanted you to fight him? That fight might be sooner than expected." The swordsman warned Arthur.

"Wait doesn't he have a contract, how could I beat him?"

"Don't worry about that! He might have a contract but that doesn't mean he's unstoppable. To be honest actually we haven't heard anything about him for about 9 years now. However, I have a hunch that the battles to come in the war between Vastos and Coldera will have something involving him in it."

"Wait, what war??? A war?? Did you know about this master?!?"

Sedah looked away.

"Ahhhhh!! You did know, why didn't you tell me?!"

"Sedah, did you really not tell him about our country being at war?"

"Well, I didn't think it was that important...you know?"

"Not that important!!?" Both Arthur and the Swordsman shouted out in confusion.

"If you've been around as long as I have these type of things kinda just slip your mind!" Sedah had exclaimed in retaliation.

Hope you enjoyed another chapter! :D

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