
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Bücher und Literatur
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36 Chs

Transmigration (1)

It had been a long time since Touch-me had left the Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown and the game of Yggdrasil, he was followed soon by the player who was most at odds with him, Ulbert Alain Odle.

These two were the only ones among the players who came one last time to visit Shuten Dōji before leaving, for which he was thankful, but it also hurt him a lot.

He had developed a sense of loyalty towards the players of Ainz Ooal Gown already shortly after being reincarnated as an Npc.

This Loyalty, over time grew only stronger and his former identity as a human started to fade away.

He even felt that it was normal to be loyal towards these great beings who made him, even when he clearly knew they were just humans playing a game.

Ulbert had done something similar to Touch-me, coming over one last time to give him a last farwell gift before leaving.

For Shuten Dōji, it was the same sadness and helplessness all over again, although he was thankful for the Shenlong he got before by Touch-me as well as for the new gift of Ulbert, he would have them rather stay with his last remaining creator than getting those things.

What Ulbert had brought him was something he didn't expect at all, it was a weapon for him, but not another Kanabo. Ulbert had made him an Oodachi with the help of another Guildmember, Takemikazuchi.

The Oodachi had an overall length of 2m, the blade having 1.60 m while the hilt had 0.4 m. The sheath had a beautiful purple color, further accentuated by beautiful gold colored ornaments.

The Hilt was wrapped in purple cloth, with black and white striped strings and the guard of the Sword was in the Form of a pruple lotus flower.

The blade itself was as black as the night, with a dark green flame pattern embedded into the single edge of the blade.

It was truly a beautiful weapon and its attributes were as frightening as the weapon looked, reaching a high rank among the divine weapons, similar to his "Asura's Kanabo", Ulbert gave the Odachi the name "Purgatory's Wrath".

Shuten Dōji was really astonished and baffled with this beautiful weapon, although he didn't have special attributes for swordsmanship, he had enough classes that allowed him to equip it.

And what was going on now?

Now even the Nightwalk of the Hundred Ghosts and Monsters was put on hold for a long time, it seemed that it consumed a lot of resources for them to do this on a regular basis and now that Momonga basicly did everything alone, he couldn't keep it up.

So Momonga had disabled it for a while now, he had long lost any sense of time since then as he had not left his room ever since.

Over time even Momonga didn't come over anymore, he didn't even remember when was the last time he had come to him at all.

'The time to go to the new world should be near...' Shuten Dōji thought to himself, while laying in his room as he always did.

'If Momonga at least came when the serves would be about to shut down, then I might know when the time has finally come...'

There was nothing more he could do then wait by himself for the moment, when he and the other Npc's would finally gain life.




Momonga, a player of Yggdrasil, a DMMORPG which held itself at the top of the game industry for 12 years, sat on a black Throne.

He was in the Form of a skeleton, wearing an immeasurable expensive looking Raven black gown. His chest area revealed for all to see was a bare fleshless ribcage, a red Orb sitting in the place where probably his stomache would be if he wasn't a pure white skeleton.

Each of his bare skeletal fingers was adorned by a ring, which seemed to be as magnificent as his robes.

But the most astonishing thing was the staffe he held in his hand, it was golden in color, there were seven snakes curling around and each held a different colored jewel in the mouths.

This staff was called "The Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown", it was the guildweapon created through the unrelenting efforts of the whole Guild of Ainz Ooal Gown.

It was the most priced possession of the guild and also its strongest weakness.

Guildweapons were the core of a guild and when the weapon was destroyed, then the guild would also dissapear with it.

He wasn't sitting there alone, in front of him knelt one of the most beautiful beings one could imagine. Although everything about her seemed to scream at you that she was a pure being, the horns sprouting on her head and the black fethered wings sprouting from her waist denied all the purity she seemed to exude.

This was Albedo, one of the Npc's created by the players of the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown to protect their guildbase, the Dungeon called the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

She was very close to the Throne, kneeling on the podium on which the Throne stood, but below the steps were more beings.

At the head was an old butler and behind him were 6 beautiful Maids, though they seemed not be simply Maids, as each wore a maid outfit that integrated armor into it.

The woman were almost as beautiful as the Succubus Albedo and probably all mortal beings would fall for their charms immediatly upon seeing them.

The man in front was called Sebas Tian and was one of the Lv.100 Npcs like Albedo, he could be said to be the Floor guardian of the 10th Floor if it had one..

The Maids were also Npc's but not as high leveled, probably between lv.50 and lv.60, they were called the Pleiades, the battlemaids of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

Each of these beautiful woman had different colored hair, ranging from black, purple and blond, to red and orange. They also wore them in different styles, French curles, open or in braids.

Momonga was currently sitting here and waiting to be send back to reality, as today would be the last day of Yggdrasil, before the server would be shut down.

"In the end only Herohero came one last time..."

Momonga was in a deep depression in his own heart, because for him this place and the friends he had made here in this game world were far more important to him then the real life.

He basicly only worked to get by and spend all the money he could on the game.

Real life had no value to him anymore, he didn't have real friends and his parents had died long ago.

"Haaa... This was really the best time... I will miss it a lot..." although with time his friends went back to the real life and destroyed their avatars after giving all their possessions to him, he always hoped they would come back one day, though in the end it never happend.

"It is a pity that no one ever reached beyond the 8th floor, I would have liked to see how they fought with the 9th Guardian... and since i deactivated the Nightwalk, he is just sitting in his room alone all day long..."

Even on this last day, Momonga was prepared to defend any attempts of players at conquering Nazarick, but no one showed up.

Nazarick was often invaded, the main reason being the players who made the guild, as each of them basicly roleplayed as a different kind of eldrich horror or villain.

The Tomb was also made in a similar fashion, with nearly all of the beings inside the Tomb being of the Heteromorphic Race, while most of them had negative Karma values as well, it was basicly filled to the brim with villainous monsters.

A Dungeon made to be the hideout of the supervillain of a story and the final destination of the hero.

Each of the Npcs was worse then the one before, there was even a complete floor dedicated to only Demon Kind, the 7th Level, the so called "Burning Shrine".

Turning his eyes to Albedo, Momonga got curious, he had never read this Npc's bio and so he opened it to have a look.

The moment he did so, he already regretted it.

"Oi Tabula is just crazy with his backstorys..."

The player of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown, could be said to have a few screws loose sometimes. Among them Tabula, who made Albedo, had a huge interest in making crazy long ass backstorys for his Npc's.

Albedo wasn't spared either, as Momonga seemed to scroll through it for far more than a minute before finally reaching the end.

The problem was, the moment he did, he regretted it, "How can you do such a thing... isn't this a bit much?"

Although he liked his friend, the last sentence, was in his opinion a bit much.

"Why would you make her a slut?" He was really a bit irritated by this, so he decided to do something in these last moments, which he would normally never do, he deleted the last sentence.

"But I shouldn't just leave it empty..." and with this though he wrote something new in place where he deleted her being a slut.

"huhuhu... so embarrassing..." He mumbled after he wrote the new sentence into the bio.

This new sentence was, "She is deeply in love with the Guildmaster.", he didn't know why, but he didn't want to write down his name and instead opted to write it like this.

He then exited the bio and leaned back into the black throne, taking another look at the time.


"Haaaa... I will really miss this place.." He mumbled as he watched the time go down, soon only a couple of seconds were left on the time and Momonga closed his eyes, waiting to be logged out forcibly by the server shut down.





To Momonga's utter bewilderment, he wasn't forced to log out by the server shut down.

Opening his eyes, Momonga realized he was still in the Throneroom of the great Tomb of Nazarick.

'Was the server shut down delaye' he thought and then tried to open the panel to exit the game, he needed to got to sleep as tomorrow he needed to go to work.


"What's going on?"

The panel didn't appear at all and he just realized, the interface itself was gone.

Just as he contemplated what was going on, a melodius voice reached his non existent ears.

"Lord Momonga, is something wrong?"

To the shock of Momonga, Albedo was speaking to him and at the same time looked at him with worry written all over her face.

Momonga was just staring at her blankly, it took another question from Albedo and for her to reach so close to him, that Momonga could smell her wonderful scent, for Momonga to react.

"Ah no Albedo it is fine."

Signaling her to distance herself a little, she stepped back again, then Momonga started to think.

'I don't know what is going on, but I also can't reach the GM's... Albedo speaking and having scent is even scarier...'

Suddenly he realized something, 'Wait... Since when did Yggdrasil have scent? Wasn't this forbidden in the cyber law?'

This gave him an even bigger headache, because his current situation lead to one very unrealistic but also likable scenario.

'Was I transmigrated in the body of my character? Or am i now part of the Game?'

Anxiety started to capture his mind, but at this moment a green light envolped him for a second and his anxiety was suppressed immediately.

This though made it even more likely for his thoughts about being transmigrated to be true, as the suppression of Emotions was a natural characteristic of his Undead body.

'Shit... what do I do now?'

He turned to the butler still kneeling below and spoke up, "Sebas, I want you to go up to the surface and survey our surroundings. If you find any intelligent life forms, try to avoid conflict and if possible try to invite them to Nazarick at all cost."

His deep voice sounded much more serious, then he had originally intended.

Sebas bowed his head lower, "As you order Lord Momonga." he then stood up and dissapeared.

Momonga then turned to the Battlemaids and continued, "Pleiades, go back to your posts and protect the 10th Level at all costs."

The Pleiades acknowledged their orders and went to fullfill them, leaving Momonga and Albedo now alone.

'This shouldn't be possible... the npcs shouldn't be able to understand these orders, or at least if this was still a game...'

While Momonga seemed lost in thought, Albedo who was now alone with Momonga asked with reverence evident in her voice.

"Lord Momonga, how may I be of help to you? Command me however you see fit, I am your humbly servant, like all the creations of Nazarick."

Momonga was taken back to reality by those words, 'Hmm... I have an idea to make sure...'

"Albedo... come closer."

Albedo did as she was ordered and steppe closer towards her Lord, who seemed a bit flustered in his next words.

"Albedo... may I... may I touch you chest?"

Albedo was delighted by this and nodded like a chicken picking rice, while presenting her chest for her Lord to touch.

Momonga was more than a bit embarrassed, but in the end he still stretched his hand out and caressed the chest of Albedo with his bone fingers.

'Soft and Big...' was his first thought when touching them, 'But this only emphasizes again that this can't be the game world. The touch feels to real and such actions should be banned from Yggdrasil, i should be punished the moment I ordered her to let me touch her...'

Momonga was lost in his own thoughts, not realizing he was groping Albedo's boobs without care and she was already panting heavily, seemingly going into full heat mode.

When Ainz finally stopped groping her, Albedo started to speak.

"Will this be the moment I lose my purity?"

"Lord Momonga, do you prefer if I undress myself or would you prefer to rip off my clothes yourself?"

Momonga immediatly released his hand when he realized what this crazy npc was taking about. He couldn't fault her though, he remembered what he did before the supposed server shut down, but now was not the time for this.

His voice grew deeper and more serious as he addressed Albedo, who was already starting to undress.

"Albedo stop, this is not the time for this."

Albedo was stunned for a moment, then composed herself and again displayed her true countenance as the Guardian Overseer.

"I'm very sorry Lord Ainz for getting carried away..."

"It's fine Albedo. Now listen to my orders."

Albedo knelt in front of Momonga, waiting for her next orders.

"I want you to go to the floor Guardians and call them to meet me in an hour in the amphitheater on the 6th floor." He paused for a moment before continuing.

"Leave the Guardians of the 4th and 8th floor out, they have more important orders." Remembering the absurd height of Garagantua and the destruction it would cause for it to move through the Tomb, made him decide to leave it were it was.

The Guardian on the 8th Floor, on the other side wasn't problematic because of height, but rather because of the countless other monsters living there.

It was originally planned to be the last floor and so all the strongest monster were just thrown into there, because they didn't want to put them into the heaven they thought to have built on the 9th Floor.

The red flames in his eyes started to flicker slightly, 'It should be fine to send Albedo to get Shuten Dōji.' he thought about the personality made for this Npc and then still cautioned Albedo.

"Also, be careful on the 9th Floor, Albedo."

Albedo of course took his orders seriously, "As you wish Lord Momonga."

Nodding he continued, "You can leave out the Guardians of the 6th Floor, I will inform them myself."

After speaking, Momonga made use of a special item, which each of the Guildmembers had, called "The Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown". A special Ring which gave you permission to use teleportation inside the Dungeon without restriction.

"Then let's set of to gather the Guardians to swear our eternal loyalty to our Lord..." Albedo spoke to herself as she stood up and went towards the exit of the Throneroom.