
Overlord Unleashed: A Reignited Era!

An Overlord whose journey once again begins after a thousand years of peace. I’m doing this for fun, but without any gain, this is pretty draining. Please buy me a cup of coffee. PayPal: @LebertBrooks https://discord.gg/ees4vRQN

Soul_River · Anime und Comics
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54 Chs

Swordless Clash

Chapter 5: Swordless Clash (Edited)

Dominion is a world where gods exist. These powerful beings are incapable of directly interacting with the Mortal World for fear of destroying it. Instead, they rely on their apostles and chosen ones to spread their influence.

The apostles and chosen ones are mortal creatures who possess exceptional qualities that enable them to withstand a god's divine grace. They are considered the best of the best.

Chosen ones are capable of using divine power, impacting the world in place of their gods through the grace bestowed upon them. However, there is no such thing as perfection in existence. Therefore, apostles pay a price for their power by being barred from reincarnation and having only one life in which to serve their gods.

In Dominion, the relationship between gods and apostles is analogous to that of parents and children. As parents protect their children, gods empower their chosen mortals to the fullest extent possible to act as their avatars in the Mortal World. Apostles adhere to the creeds of their gods, much as children obey the teachings of their parents, gradually assimilating their ideals and characteristics.

The True Pantheon reigns supreme as the most powerful and dreaded gods among all the realms.

Within the True Pantheon, nine gods and goddesses lay claim to being the True Gods, as their existence predates the formation of the world. They are distinctive from the Demigods, who came into being after the world was shaped.

In comparison to the True Gods, the Demigods lack the power to fully govern over concepts such as Order, Death, and Fate, amongst others.

Demigods are limited to wielding powers that are intrinsic to the world, such as Fire, Water, and Nature, to name a few.

The power of gods is immense, but regrettably, they are not immortal. Birth brings with it an expectation of death, even for the True Gods. Over the ages, it is unknown how many deities have perished.

Gods of similar domains hardly ever coexist, and conflicts often arise due to differences in faith. Faith is the foundation of the gods' existence, as without it, they gradually wither away until they are ultimately forgotten or suffer a disastrous downfall.

Pantheons are formed as a means of self-preservation, with only gods whose domains do not contradict one another coming together for mutual protection.

Much akin to the gods, demons exist and possess immense, unfathomable power that rivals that of their divine counterparts.

Inhabiting the Abyss, a constantly evolving world brimming with the most malicious of demonic creatures, demons are a formidable force to be reckoned with.

The origin of the Abyss remains a mystery, but numerous Demon Gods and other entities contend that its existence serves to balance the current universe.

With the eventual collapse of the universe, the fate of its energy remains uncertain. The Abyss conceivably provides a solution to this puzzle, as all energy will dissipate into it, and in turn, facilitate a rebirth of the universe.

The relationship between the gods and demons has resulted in a complicated dynamic that has splintered the Mortal World into various factions.

The Mortal World is rife with numerous forces such as the Free Cities, Mercenary Guild, Order of the Magi, Cults, and Hunter Clan, among others. Each force contributes to making the Mortal World a chaotic and unstable realm full of unpredictability.

Situated in the southwest of the Mortal World is the Radiant City, which is under the dominion of the devotees of gods embodying positive attributes such as: Life, Order, Water, Growth, Light, and Others.

While being the god of positive attributes does not imply being innately good, it is crucial to acknowledge that gods and demons, much like mortals, are susceptible to engaging in various actions, both virtuous and nefarious.

Occupying the northeast of the Mortal World is the Death Fortress, a territory controlled by practitioners of the dark arts, who delve in sorcery such as necromancy and soul magic.

Legend has it that the Death Fortress, said to be ruled by the God of Death, descended from the World of the Dead.

Amidst the Death Fortress, a vast expanse of land, one would typically expect to see individuals vying for control, however, this was not the case.

Despite being populated by Necromancers, the area remained unobserved by divine beings, as they feared incurring the wrath of the God of Death; one of the most potent entities in Celestia.


Radiant City is a sanctuary of temples and churches devoted to deities of exemplary qualities.

Clerics of diverse denominations can be witnessed conducting their daily routines, hardly interacting with affiliates of contrasting faith.

From afar, the city exudes serenity; however, underlying strife between clergymen and their respective gods remains palpable.

Although they earnestly desire it, no one is willing to instigate a holy war. It is only when a god's exaltation is anticipated to lead to personal gain that religious factions would go to such lengths.

The skies above the city are adorned with the sight of white birds flying amidst a gorgeous, misty atmosphere.

Nestled within a corner of the city lies a diminutive temple, occupying a minuscule area, yet emanating a divine aura and the benevolent energy of a profound healing power.

Although modest in size, the temple loomed tall at a striking 100 meters in height and spanned the impressive length of 1000 meters. The temple's intricate marble walls depicted breathtaking murals of suns and skies where both people and creatures alike reverently knelt towards the heavens.

Within the temple, a colossal statue of a deity stood at an awe-inspiring height of a hundred meters. The statue's grandeur was only a mere centimeter smaller than the lofty height of the temple's roof.

In the statue's right hand, it clutched a glistening golden scepter, while its left hand wielded a dazzling bolt of lightning.

In its imposing stance, the god's formidable presence evoked a sense of reverence and unyielding loyalty from all who beheld it.

At the base of the towering statue, a congregation of priests knelt in unison, reciting sacred verses in honor of their deity, Lord Aelios, the God of the Sun and Sky.

Amidst the devout group, stood a young man with delicate features, attentively observing the ceremony to ensure that all proceedings were in order.

"Eternal lord of brilliant radiance, whose reign over the skies is unrivaled, and whose command over the sun is absolute! Lord Aelios, great ruler who sits amongst the stars, steadfastly fulfills your divine contract!"

A sudden burst of energy materialized before the priests, coalescing into the unmistakable visage of Aelios, the legendary deity of the sun and sky. His fiery gaze flickered with curiosity as he regarded the assembled company, before abruptly vanishing as quickly as he had appeared.

Enigmatic lines arose from obscurity and intermingled with the priests before stretching outwards into the abyss.

Upon reaching their destination, the mystical lines transformed into a spiraling vortex before fading into oblivion.

Exhausted and weakened, the priests spewed blood as their complexions turned deathly pale.

Despite their state, the determined group persisted, for they were nearing the answers they sought.


Archbishop Lucius, known for his righteousness, was dutifully carrying out a task entrusted to him by Pope Sanrio, the divine representative of God in the Mortal World.

Thankfully, this particular task bestowed is far from the mundane and monotonous duties typically assigned to him. Not only was the task immensely captivating, but it also held the promise of being concluded within a mere couple of days.

Archbishop Lucius found the assignment intriguing, but he couldn't shake the feeling that it was below his rank. He wondered why the Pope hadn't delegated the task to someone of a lesser position, as even an inexperienced priest could manage it.

Assembling the Order of Holy Knights and clergymen hailing from the Church of the Sun and Sky and directing them towards Radiant City was a task that could be effortlessly accomplished without garnering any attention.

It was currently around the summer solstice, which is around the time of sun festival in honor of Lord Aelios.

None of the surrounding temples and churches paid any attention, as this was normal.

Archbishop Lucius furrowed his brow, letting out a sigh of doubt as he tried to make sense of the decision. He knew that mobilizing a church's forces was an expensive and resource-intensive operation, one that was typically only authorized by direct command of the church's God.

Although the purpose behind the mobilization is just, Archbishop Lucius trusted the Pope would clarify the matter to Lord Aelios.


As the former leader of Death Fortress's practitioners of the dark arts, Soul Eater is one of the most formidable forces within its walls.

Like many organizations, Soul Eater was initially driven by a noble pursuit - the quest to unlock the secrets of eternal life.

Even the mightiest gods couldn't claim to be impervious to death, and humans were no exception.

How did death come about? Did death come first or life? Why is there a need to die, when one is born? These were the very queries that prompted the birth of Soul Eater. Unfortunately, as it often does, corruption sets in with the passing of time, and the organization was not spared from its pernicious effects.

Their pursuit of knowledge led them on a deep dive into the realm of death, where they thoroughly explored the intricacies of the undead, immortal souls, and a plethora of additional enigmatic phenomena.

In ancient times, Soul Eater succeeded in creating a demon-human hybrid whose extraordinary talents were almost devilish in nature. The hybrid proved to be an expert in the dark arts, with abilities so terrifying that even the gods were frightened by them.

This mortal demon managed to attain a level of strength equivalent to that of a Divine Master, a feat that was typically only achievable by the gods themselves.

In Dominion, which encompasses both Celestia, the realm of the gods, and the Mortal World, mortals were unable to acquire the power needed to ascend to godhood. Nevertheless, there were still many paths that some mortals pursued in their quest for strength and influence.

This demon's insatiable thirst for power led them to disregard the value of life, causing the world to spiral into chaos and destruction.

All domains were at risk of being destroyed until the pantheons of gods intervened to stop the demon's rampage.

After the demon's death, Soul Eater suffered severe consequences. The once-flourishing Coven witnessed a massive reduction in members, leaving only two to survive: Cain, the High Priest of the Undead, and Abel, the Dark Advisor.

Despite their terrifying power, the demon's actions could be considered relatively mild in comparison to those of Mordikai the Undying, the Father of the Undead and forefather of Soul Eater.

In his youth, Mordikai nearly brought about the end of life in Dominion. His actions prompted the timely intervention of countless both young and old gods, who descended from Celestia to protect any remaining survivors.

The devastation that the demon unleashed upon the world was a truly terrifying spectacle, striking fear even into the hearts of the gods, some of whom were believed to be invincible due to their age. They struggled to contain the chaos brought about by the demon before his eventual demise.

Alarmed by the possibility of a recurrence of such dreadful events, several gods chose to bestow some of their power upon their apostles in a bid to guard against it.

In agreement, the pantheons of gods decided to seal off the cursed land, Death Fortress, to ensure that such malevolent deeds would never be committed again.

A large group of gods protested vehemently, arguing that the only viable solution to prevent the pestilent creatures from proliferating again was to annihilate them. After all, Soul Eater had put the Dominion at risk twice!

Later on, the Pantheon of Order, which was second only to the True Pantheon presided over by Astraeus, the God of the Cosmos and Destiny, was notified of the actions taken by their fellow gods.

However, instead of punishing Soul Eater or the gods, Astraeus offered Soul Eater a chance to make amends for their misdeeds, while demanding that the gods comply with his wishes.

None dared to oppose Astraeus, for he had rightfully earned his position as the foremost Demiurgic God. Being the King of the God, no one could claim that title from him.


Standing in his chambers, having completed all of his tasks, Archbishop Lucius began to feel a bit fatigued, making him contemplate whether age is catching up with him.

Archbishop Lucius sipped his favorite lemon-flavored tea calmly, with one hand placed behind his back, while enjoying watching the joyful worshippers through the window.

As the worshippers of the Church of the Sun and Sky mainly comprise farmers, sailors, astronomers and other occupations that rely on the blessings of the sun and sky, Lord Aelios, as their deity, commands a sizable and devoted following, which elevates his position to that of a Divine Master.

Before Archbishop Lucius could even settle into his seat to fully savor his tea, his peace was abruptly interrupted by an unauthorized intrusion from a priest who barged into his chambers without warning.

Although he felt a flash of anger welling up within him, Archbishop Lucius controlled himself, knowing the identity of his unexpected visitor. Turning around, he glimpsed a teenage boy with lustrous black hair cascading down his shoulders, delicate facial features, and mesmerizing sea-blue eyes reminiscent of the undulating ocean waves, which added to his allure.

"Amos, how many times do I have to remind you to knock before entering?" The Archbishop spoke with gritted teeth, struggling to contain his frustration.

The Archbishop's irritation festered like a dormant volcano near the point of eruption. Though he initially considered reproaching Amos for the intrusion, he chose to suppress his anger instead, recognizing that he had yet to uncover the motive behind the young priest's unexpected visit.

Amos, better known as the Avenger, seemed either oblivious to or unconcerned about the palpable tension radiating from Archbishop Lucius. He hurriedly approached the archbishop with a look of worry etched on his face and urgently spoke, "Father, we have a problem. The priests monitoring Angel's Sentinel have detected a sudden surge of deadly energy. What should be our course of action now?"

After receiving Amos's report, Archbishop Lucius's anger dissipated, replaced with a grave seriousness. "Amos, I have asked you repeatedly to refer to me as Archbishop Lucius in the workplace, not 'father'," He chided gently before composing himself once more. "This issue is of utmost importance. If what you reported is accurate, summoning appears to be the only viable solution." Lucius's rapid analysis came naturally, having served as a high-ranking official in the Church of the Sun and Sky for many years.

At the mention of summoning, Amos's eyes glinted with recognition, having already surmised the culprit. "Could it be the work of Soul Eater?" He hypothesized. "This kind of summoning, which produces deadly energy, is only known by practitioners of the dark arts."

Archbishop Lucius's eyes widened in astonishment at Amos's astute deduction. "Impressive," he praised. "As you suggested, summoning is indeed one of Soul Eater's specialties, making it unlikely that anyone else could have done it with such skill. However, we must not discount the possibility of involvement by other groups. What was the energy level recorded by the monitoring device?" He asked, his curiosity piqued.

Amos handed the documents to Lucius. "It was a five-star reading. However," He added, "The device was still active and may have continued to grow. We cannot rule out the possibility that the energy levels have increased since the initial reading."

Before Amos could finish, the sound of shattering glass reverberated through the chamber, and Lucius's previously calm demeanor evaporated: blue veins bulged on his forehead. "You're telling me this now with such a calm tone?" He fumed. "Five stars and you did not respond correctly! Five stars and still growing, that's stronger than the demon of Soul Eater. That demon at five stars was equal to a Divine Master, so a six star could be a Demigod..." He took a few deep breaths, attempting to calm himself. "No matter," he continued, "We must report this to his Eminence."

Confronted with his enraged father, Amos wisely chose to remain silent and avoid further provocation.

As Amos searched his memory for details of the device's recordings, a specific piece of information immediately came to mind: the device tracked six distinct levels of energy, with the sixth star being the most perilous.

Recognizing the error of his ways, Amos acknowledged his mistake inwardly: 'I've always presumed that the first level was the most perilous... so that's why the authorities dispatched someone to supervise me all the time.' He ruminated, feeling chagrined.

"Quickly, let's hurry!" Archbishop Lucius urged Amos, sprinting towards the entrance. There is no time to delay, the fate of the entire world hangs in the balance!

Amos quickly regained his senses and hastened to follow Archbishop Lucius. He was determined not to anger him any further.

Getting to the Pope's chamber required navigating through several twists and turns. However, since Lucius held the title of Archbishop, his quarters were located adjacent to the Pope's.

Access to the Pope's chambers was only a single turn away down the hallway.

The entrance to the Pope's chambers was guarded by the Divine Twins of Sun and Sky, Aurius and Lucius. Their solemn expressions portrayed their unwavering commitment to their duties.

The twins stepped aside from the door in silence, almost as if they were aware of the purpose of Lucius and Amos's visit.

Lucius and Amos gave a nod of recognition to the twins and quickly made their way to the door.

The hierarchy of the church was well-defined and precise, with the Pope at the highest ranking, followed by the seven Archbishops, the Divine Twins, the Inquisition Captain, and lastly common Priests.

Upon knocking on the door, a voice brimming with authority thundered, "Who has the boldness to interrupt me while I handle my biological needs?!"

A suffocating silence filled the air as no one spoke for a while. The church appeared strangely quiet, with the twins sporting wry smiles and shaking their heads in disbelief at the Pope's unpredictable temperament.

Amos and Lucius stood at the entrance, unsure of what to do.

Despite the identity of the speaker, Archbishop Lucius needed a moment to reorient himself, regaining a firm footing before responding, "It's me, your Eminence. We have an urgent matter to discuss!"

"Oh, it's you..." The Pope sounded relieved, but then his voice trailed off as he added, "Hold on a sec, I must clean up." The sounds of a flurry of activity could be heard emanating from behind the door, and the Pope sounded genuinely occupied.

After a brief pause, the door creaked open, and a venerable elder, with snow-white hair, pockmarks on his face, and a slight hunch that exuded a grandfatherly vibe, came out.

Upon reaching the door, the Pope extended his hand for Archbishop Lucius to shake, but the latter wore a blank expression, appearing oblivious to the gesture.

The Pope paid no heed to Archbishop Lucius's standoffish demeanor and briefly gazed at Amos before turning away, urging, "Do come inside. It may seem a bit unkempt, but as you are well aware, this occupation entails an inexhaustible amount of paperwork."

After being ushered in, Amos and Lucius stepped into the room and glanced around, both incredulous at how anyone could eke out a living in such squalor.

Realizing they were pressed for time, Archbishop Lucius resolved to dive straight into the matter at hand, intentionally turning a blind eye to the five-inch roaches skittering across the walls and the gargantuan spider devouring frogs on his right.

"Given the gravity of the situation, what are your thoughts on the report? It would be preferable to get your opinion as soon as possible." Archbishop Lucius inquired in a brusque manner, the urgency of the matter precluding any need for tact.

"Yes, I am aware of the report. It would be prudent to take action." The Pope responded with an air of detachment.

"It's worth noting that Soul Eater can't depart their realm while the seal remains intact. This would indicate that the reason for this summon being is to shatter the seals. Nevertheless, this begs the question: what manner of creature could break the seal that Demigods established?" Lucius posited, ruminating aloud as he conversed with the others.

"It appears that we may have cornered them, and they are operating from a place of desperation." The Pope sighed, conveying a sense of regret. However, his countenance belied his emotions; rather than remorse, a certain satisfaction radiated from his visage.

'If we successfully vanquish Soul Eater and seize control of Death Fortress, and with unwavering devotion, Lord Aelios might be elevated to the status of a Demigod, capable of establishing a divine pantheon. We will not be excluded from his ascension, getting rewards.'.

"Given the circumstances, it's quite evident that our safety is at risk." Amos interjected, stating the obvious. The only reason he felt compelled to do so was that he felt excluded from the conversation.

Both Lucius and the Pope gave Amos an acknowledging nod, signaling that they had heard him. Lucius then turned his attention to Amos and asked, "What do you think we should do? We've already discussed our options, but we could use fresh insight."

Amos took a deep breath, feeling invigorated by the attention. "We could try to negotiate with Soul Eater, maybe come to some sort of truce or pact. Or, if that's not possible, we could launch a preemptive strike before they amass enough power."

Archbishop Lucius nodded thoughtfully. "Those are reasonable options, but there's a lot to consider. We don't want to make the situation worse by making hasty decisions."

The Pope leaned forward, his expression grave. "We need to act quickly, but also prudently. The fate of the church and the world hangs in the balance."

The trio fell into a pensive silence, each lost in their thoughts, contemplating their next steps. It was clear that their course of action would have far-reaching consequences, and that the stakes were higher than they had ever been before.

"Before we take any action, it would be wise to monitor the situation and assess its unfolding. However, we must prepare our forces in advance, so that we are ready to mobilize at a moment's notice, should the need arise." The Pope suggested, taking a cautious approach and ensuring that contingencies were in place in case things went awry.

As Archbishop Lucius watched events unfold, a nagging thought crept into his mind. He hesitated for a moment, considering his next course of action, then turned to the Pope.

"Your Eminence, I have reason to believe that we might be the main targets of the summoned creature, and that we may have brought this upon ourselves." He said, his tone grave.

The Pope looked at him in shock. "What do you mean?" He asked, his voice trembling.

Archbishop Lucius took a deep breath, speaking slowly and deliberately. "I fear that our actions over the past few years may have drawn the attention of the necromancers. Let us not forget that we were the ones who first attacked Soul Eater."

The Pope's expression darkened, as he realized the gravity of the situation. They had never considered the possibility that their well-intentioned actions might have such dire consequences.

As they faced an uncertain future, the trio resolved to redouble their efforts to defend their church, and do whatever it took to stop Soul Eater from breaching the seal and unleashing chaos and destruction upon the world.

As a seasoned veteran, Archbishop Lucius was well-acquainted with the destructive capabilities of the Soul Eater. In his estimation, the summoned creature would possess enough raw power to bypass or even obliterate the seals with ease.

After analyzing the creature's trajectory and taking into account the political landscape of Dominion, Archbishop Lucius concluded that the Stormcrest Nation would be the creature's primary target, followed by the Mercenary Guild. Eventually, the Church of Sun and Sky would also be at risk.

"It's imperative that we take decisive action to protect our allies and fortify our defenses." He warned grimly. "If we fail to act swiftly, the consequences could be catastrophic."

The Pope and Amos shared his sense of urgency, recognizing the severity of the situation. They knew that time was of the essence, and that every moment counted in their race against the clock to prevent the creature from wreaking havoc on their world.

Taking this into consideration, the trio sprang into action and started to devise a plan to mobilize their forces and launch a preemptive attack against Soul Eater. Although they knew that the mission's success was not assured, they were resolved to exhaust all possible efforts to safeguard the church from the impending peril.


Name: Aelios

Domain: God of the Sun and Sky

Appearance: Aelios is a towering figure with golden skin, fiery eyes, and a crown of radiance that glows like the sun. He wields a lightning bolt in his right hand and holds a scepter of pure energy in his left. His voice booms like thunder, and his laughter can peal like lightning.

Personality: Aelios is a proud and commanding god who values strength, courage, and leadership. He inspires loyalty and reverence from his followers, but can be quick to anger if he feels disrespected or challenged. He is fiercely protective of his domain, and will go to great lengths to defend the sky and the creatures that dwell within it.

Powers: Aelios has control over the sun, the wind, and the clouds. He can create or dispel storms, summon bolts of lightning, and grant or withhold sunlight as he sees fit. He is immune to heat and is incredibly resilient, able to withstand even the most powerful attacks.

Worship: Aelios is revered by sailors, farmers, and warriors alike, as his powers are essential to their livelihoods. He is often invoked for protection during storms, for blessings on agriculture, or for victory in battle. His followers build grand temples to him on mountaintops and in open fields, and hold festivals in his honor during the summer solstice.

Name: Astraeus

Domain: God of the Cosmos and Destiny

Appearance: Astraeus is a regal figure with a piercing gaze and a commanding presence. He wears a cloak woven from the fabric of the universe, held fast with a belt made of shooting stars. His long hair, beard, and eyebrows blaze with a radiance that seems to come from within. He carries a staff that glimmers with a light that illuminates all that is hidden and obscured.

Personality: Astraeus is a divine being of immense power, majestic dignity, and unshakable resolve. He rules with an iron will, expecting absolute loyalty and obedience from his subjects, but also with a vision of the greater good. He is intensely invested in the workings of the universe and the fates of those who live within it, but maintains a regal distance from his subjects. Reputed to be both wise and cunning, he is a master of strategy and diplomacy, always seeking to maximize the power and influence of his pantheon.

Powers: Astraeus has near-omnipotent cosmic powers that are beyond the reckoning of most mortals. He can control the fundamental forces of nature, alter the fabric of space and time, and divine the fates of individuals and civilizations. He can also summon starbursts, create new universes, and move celestial bodies with a wave of his hand.

Worship: Astraeus is worshiped by those in positions of power, including kings, generals, and politicians. His followers build grand temples in his honor, and offer sacrifices to him in the hopes of gaining his favor. He is also known as the guardian of destiny, and soothsayers and prophets often invoke his name in order to better understand the workings of the universe.