
Overlord: Transmigration

[Low-tier Overlord Fanfic] [Hiatus!!] . . . . . . . Cover art by So-bin (Just tell me if the Artist wanted it to be removed.) . . [1 Chapter a week minimum]][No update in weekends]

TheSimp · Anime und Comics
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29 Chs

CH 13: Maiden's love (1)

After taming the beast, I named it Hamsuke because why not, it sounds cute and after that, we started heading back to the village and also...

'Enri likes me? I don't recall doing anything like flirting and that stuff...'

I am just surprised that the girl likes me, compared to the Nazarick NPCs, her love is something that I did not input.

I came to this world with people that have over 100 affection points for me. Well, they even worship me and will do anything I say which is scary, to the point that I need to be very careful with my words because it might result in mass ****cide or ***cide.

'Uwah... Scary...'

Now about Enri, I mean she's cute. The novel described her as a plain village girl but come on man, what I saw is a beautiful adorable girl, or maybe I have a very ignorant eye.

Anyway, while I do not focus on appearances even in my former life. I could say that she's beautiful but since I'm an Albedo simp, Albedo is inhumanely beautiful for me. I mean she's a succubus, after all, that might be part of her features.

I am not actively finding a relationship right now while I had already accepted that sometime in the future that I need to face Albedo and Shalltear's advances — which is starting to show these days — Enri's infatuation is so out of my expectation, I never did anticipate it to happen nor do I actively seeking for Enri's love.

I decided to give her the two Horns of the Goblin General because I do think she has talent in commanding abilities, and it just felt right. I feel like recreating the scene when she summoned 5000 goblins. And—

'Who is it again? Oh, Nfirea, she's her future husband according to the novel. Meh, he's probably an item by now.' The image of an H protagonist appeared in my mind. That guy with a yellow and a bowl cut hair.

I'm sure that man is being used to an event that is about to happen in E-Rantel these coming days. 'Who cares about Nfirea anyway...' I thought.

Enri Emmot deserved better than to marry that yee yee ass H protagonist. Why am I calling him that? We'll because his eyes are always covered by his bowl cut.

—' But he's a genius Alchemist and Pharmacist though.'

'Meh, I'll make him an elder lich or something.' I thought. The guy is indeed a genius but he's lucky that Ainz does not want to kill him even though he found out very crucial information about him being both Momon and Ainz Ooal Gown but the thing is, I am not Ainz.

I'll somehow find a way to make use of his dead body, I guess I'll throw it in the Katze Plains and if lucky, it will naturally turn into a Skeleton Mage, or if very lucky an Elder Lich.

I'll use [Undead dominate] skill on him and make him research about alchemy and make potions for Nazarick.

The reason for this long procedure is because If any of Nazarick strong undead or me decided to transform a person from the new world into an intellectual high-level undead, it will not have the ability to grow — I mean by the word "grow" is being able to level up, the many creatures of Nazarick cannot level up, a very sad natural order of things.

Only naturally spawn undead of this world grows, and I still want the would-be undead(Nfirea) to retain the talents of being a genius Alchemist and Pharmacist. That's why Nfirea's dead body needs to be thrown to places with high negative energy.

'Umu. I'm so big-brain...' I thought so proudly.

And then something came to my mind—

'I'll just accept Enri then.' I thought and Immediately the Suzuki Satoru part of my brain had been alarmed and 'telling' me that this is unknown territory.

Suzuki Satoru — the previous owner of this body — has never been in a relationship before, that's why. I shook that thought out of my mind, who cares about Satoru. I've been in a few relationships in my former life...

But the thing is—

'A harem? Haa~ I don't know how to handle that... Reality is not like those fantasy harems fictions after all...' - It's not like I could keep them in line with my dick like those fanfictions, but it would be extremely helpful if it is like that.

'Nevermind, I'll think about this later.'

We are currently finding our way back to the outskirts of the forest. The newly tamed magical beast that I had named "Hamsuke" is following us.

"Hamsuke," I called the beast name.

On which she immediately replied with a loud "Yes! M'lord!"

"Is there someone in the forest as strong as you?"

"Thy servant had not left his demesne — that is already yours — no one could match this one might in this place! Only thee M'lord!"


'As expected.' I thought. The Wise King of the Forest doesn't know that two more entities could match her in terms of level in the Great Forest of Tob, these are The Demon Snake of the West and The Giant of the East.

'I would probably conquer those parts personally in the future. Hmm.'

"Momon-sama, could this servant speak her mind?" Narberal pulled me from my thoughts. I did brief her to speak her mind when I'm discussing the infiltration of E-Rantel.

'Ha~ I told that there's no need for this but whatever...'

"What is it Narberal?"

"I still don't understand why Momonga-sama would choose such a weakling for a pet. Nazarick has a strong beast that is available." Narberal said.

"This hamster is better to serve as food for those hungry in the lower echelons of Nazarick." Her sister, Lupusregina added as they moved their gaze to Hamsuke who is uncontrollably shaking in fear with her hair standing high.

"Hmmm. Hamsuke is weak indeed, but strong in this world. And her reputation alone as the "Wise King of the Forest" will make our team famous..."

"—And bringing beast from Nazarick will alert the native of this world, our forces are just that strong," I added.

"As expected of Momonga-sama!" Both of them replied along these lines.

But It's not like I want to reveal Hamsuke this early, I'll leave her somewhere for now. It will be extremely suspicious if my reputation got high fast. I'm not even a week-old adventurer!

I planned to let my presence known in a battle where many will witness a bit of my power.

Now that I think about it, we are preparing for the biggest Operation after Operation Blackout.

'And here I am fighting a hamster leaving all my paperwork to Albedo, Demiurge, and Pandora's actor and the 50 Overlords.' I thought embarrassingly.

Hamsuke then said:

"Thank you, M'lord! This one shall serve thee loyally for the rest of this one's life!" She declared.


We then continued strolling and finally reached the outskirts of the forest. We then continued our way to the village of Carne.

We reached the gate and a large group of villager's inhabitants — most are adults and goblins — gathered close to the gate looked in our direction with wide eyes.

'They are probably shocked by Hamsuke.' I thought.

But then —

'This girl...'

But not all of them are adults. I saw a certain girl is there and the moment she saw our group her red eyes that could only result after crying widened.

She fastly ran towards us — or to be accurate, towards me.

She reached our position and immediately hugged me. I am taller than her so I got my one knee on the ground and hugged her too.

"*hic* M-Momon-sama! Y-You're alive!" The girl is Enri Emmot. She said that as she hugged me with tears flowing from her eyes.

"I'm back and safe... Enri."



"Wooh~" He exhaled.

He had just finished assisting his grandmother in concocting blue healing potions.

He is Nfirea Bareare, he is a young boy with short, bowl-cut blonde hair that covers half his face. His work clothes are now covered with various chemicals that are the results of working.

Blue potions are the basic healing potions in the New World. The price of a standard recovery potion goes around about one gold coin and ten silver coins. Though the inhabitants of the New World find them high priced items, they appear to be quite inferior to the standard of YGGDRASIL potions. Unlike YGGDRASIL potions, these potions can deteriorate with age unless preservation magic is cast on them for longer shelf life.

It has the appearance of having blue liquid in it.

"Good job Nfirea." His grandmother said.

Lizzie Bareare is the name of his grandmother, an elderly woman with a face full of wrinkles and pure white, shoulder-length hair. He and her grandmother also share the same blue eyes.

She is also renown throughout the city of E-Rantel, holding the title of being the city's best pharmacist.

His grandmother raised him after his parents died, and he also became her apprentice and she taught him everything she knew about herbs, alchemy, and potion-making.

Anyway, they just had finished the day, they are both hardworking to the point they didn't realize the sun is already down.

'Ah~ three days left and I'm going to see Enri again.' Happiness welled inside Nfirea. He can't wait to deliver potions to some villages outside E-Rantel, especially the village of Carne. He can't wait to see his crush again.

Moments later, he remembered that It is already night and their bellies are still empty.

"Grandma, I'll prepare food for both of us now. Okay?"

"Please do Nfirea." His grandmother replied as she sat in one of the chairs to rest.

This shop is also where they create potions and also their home. Nfirea then walked out of the alchemy room.

And then someone knocked on their door.

'Eh? It's already night and we're already closed.' Nfirea thought. He's pretty sure that he had already closed their shop.

Nfirea is on the way to the kitchen to prepare food for both his grandma and himself but then decided to go check the door.

There seemed to be a sinister feeling around the air but he didn't mind it. Nfirea is no adventurer after all and didn't have a lot of experience in battles that's why his sixth sense is not developed yet.

"Hello~" The moment he opened the door he saw a woman around twenty years old, with short blonde hair and delicate features, giving her a cat-like appearance. She is wearing a black cloak.

"—Ehehehe~ I came to kidnap you~ I need someone to use the spell which summons a biiiiiiig horde of undead, [Undeath Army], so could you be my magic item? Onee-chan's begging you~" Contrary to the playful tone, it sent chills to Nfirea's spine and his senses are telling him to run.

"NFIREA GET DOWN! [Lightning]!" Nfirea lowered his head and immediately rolled back after hearing his grandma's shout.

The sound of thunder could be heard after her grandma casts a third-tier spell.

"Clementine, what are you doing!? Fast! Get the boy!" An angered voice that probably came from an old man could be heard.

"Jeez~ Jeez~ you're no fun Khajiit-san~" The young woman named "Clementine" replied with no injuries or anything. The 3rd tier spell didn't even graze her.

"[Acid Arrow]!"

While they are talking, her grandmother casts a second-tier spell on the young woman's direction but then a shield came out to immediately block it.

It's another man, he looked like an adventurer, but he's not. He's a worker.

Nfirea turned his back from the woman and headed behind his grandma. And cast [Reinforce Armor] to himself and readied himself for casting more offensive spells.

Multiple armed men could be seen starting to come.

"Madame! The city guards are coming!" One of the workers said.

"Tsk. Fine. This is getting annoying. I'll take that old woman's head [Ability Boost]."

Wah~ Thanks for the power stones.

TheSimpcreators' thoughts