
Overlord: The Witch And The Sorcerer

A confused Overlord arrives in a New World lost and alone; see how he will deal with all kind of situations while becoming the obsession of a certain Witch Princess whose destiny will be changed forever by a chance encounter! *** { For Support or Want to Read ahead Join:- www.patre-on.com/zerosenpaiwriter } *** {Discord Link:- https://discord. com/channels/573240827963244582/862360983035838465}(without space) *** I do not own overlord or this fanfic all credits goes to its respective owners. fanfic owner:-'ZeroSenpai' from fanfiction. net [https://www.fanfiction. net/s/13646184/0] support the author by follow him on fanfiction. net so that author can upload new chapter a little bit earlier.

Namaoto017 · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 16

The magic caster looked confused at her face. Her eyes were closed, but she was still breathing.

She was unconscious, but why? Why would she just drop unconscious right there? Satoru looked around him in search of any clue and then he immediately realized it.

His [Despair Aura] was active. There was no mistaking the dark aura that engulfed his body. He immediately suppressed it and the aura disappeared.

'Does it automatically activate every time I feel a negative emotion? Isn't the Emotional Suppression supposed to suppress those too?' He wondered, but immediately stopped that train of thought.

He had more important stuff to deal with right now. The young woman laying against him unconscious was the first thing.

But what to do with her? Satoru wondered. He couldn't leave her here like that. Touch Me would punch him in the face just for suggesting that. Killing her was out of the question.

After all, she was only trying to do her job. The most common thing would be to bring her to a temple.

They would take care of her there, but he wouldn't want to risk it. [Despair Aura] was basically a wave of concentrated negative energy.

If the priests analysed her and found traces of a large amount of negative energy, it would bring unpleasant questions.

Satoru sighed. There was only one thing he could do, but how could he bring her there without anyone seeing it? Surely if someone saw a masked man with an unconscious young woman in his arms. they would call the guards.

He sighed again in resignation. He looked around to see if anyone was watching. After he was sure no one was there apart from them, he took the young woman in his arms and cast his spell.

"[Greater Teleportation]"

{Renner's P.O.V.}

She elegantly sat at a table in her private chamber's balcony. She rarely came out during the night in the past, but since she met Satoru, this became a routine.

In the days she couldn't meet him, she would instead spend some time watching the city from the castle just to feel a little bit closer to her beloved.

She knew it was silly, but she just couldn't contain herself when it came to her Satoru. Her body trembled at the thought of his strong arms around her and his big hand patting her head.

"Your tea, princess."

The voice that interrupted her thoughts came from her left. A young girl stood there. She was a little older than Renner.

She had golden blonde hair tied in an elegant twin drills hairstyle. Her emerald-green eyes shone in the moon light that seeped into the room.

In her hands, she had two cups of tea. As soon as Renner acknowledged her presence, she placed the two cups on the table and sat in front of the princess.

This girl name was Lakyus Alvein Dale Aindra, daughter of the Marquis Aindra, and her new handmaiden since two weeks ago after the 'incident' occurred.

It all happened while she was visiting Satoru. Apparently one of her handmaidens was caught stealing from her private chambers.

An investigation began on all her handmaidens and apparently the vast majority were caught with some of her private properties. Of course, they all claimed they were gifts from the princess and that was true.

The only problem was that only Renner and the handmaidens were aware of such an exchange happening and when the judge asked if what they claimed was true, the princess had simply put on her best innocent expression and denied all their claims.

On the very same evening all the handmaidens, noble or not, paid the price of their actions. They were judged guilty of stealing from a royal princess and guilty of lying in front of a court. As punishment, they lost both their hands and tongue.

Renner internally smiled as she recalled the moment in her mind. The terror on their faces. The utter despair as they realized what their destiny was.

They begged for her help. They begged her to save them. They cried and wet themselves in fear. All the while, Renner never lost her smile. This was it.

The just punishment for speaking of her Satoru in that manner, as if he was inferior to them. They laughed at him and now they were paying the price. No one would insult her Satoru. No one.

"My princess, what is on your mind?"

Lakyus asked, noticing that Renner's eyes were fixed on the sky as she seemed to be deep in thought. Renner returned to reality.

"It's nothing Lakyus. And how many times do I have to tell you, call me Renner."

The princess said.

"That would be most unpolite of me my princess, but if you insist, I will oblige."

The noble girl said. This was what Renner liked about her. She was no bootlicker.

She would acknowledge her as a princess, but at the same time would not try to get on her good side for personal gain.

"Say Lakyus, do you like swords?"

Renner asked casually. Lakyus' eyes widened in surprise at the specific question asked in such a casual tone. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, looking anywhere but the princess.

"Why this question, my princess?"

"I saw how you looked at the new enchanted sword the Warrior Captain brought back yesterday. I don't really know why you bother. To me, they all seem like chunks of metal pulled together. Those are things for men; surely not for ladies."

'This should work.' She thought. Lakyus clenched her fists under the table.

"With all due respect princess, that was a fantastic piece of equipment. The platinum was perfect and well sharpened! Not to speak of the enchantment! I never saw an enchantment so strong that it would manifest as sparks all around the blade! Even a blind man could tell the art in that!"

As soon as the noble daughter realized what her outburst meant, she covered her mouth with her hands in horror of what she just said.

She was about to open her mouth again to apologize and try to limit the damage when she noticed the faint little smile on Renner's face.

"You are indeed a peculiar woman, Lakyus… say, would you like to meet the one who created that blade?"

The princess asked as her sky-blue eyes shone.

{Hilma's P.O.V.}

Hilma Cygnaeus woke up in an unknown bed. It wasn't the first time that such a thing had occurred, but it was the first time she couldn't remember what brought her to said unknown bed.

She tried to recall what happened before she lost consciousness. One by one the memories began to return to her and link with each other.

She remembered her mission. Find and capture the magic caster known as Satoru who ran a shop in the Great Square.

The plan was simple. Seduce him, get close to him, and use the venomous needle to paralyze him. She remembered studying his behaviour for a few days before executing the plan.

She followed him during one of his rare walks. For some reason, he began to turn into empty alleys. At the time, she thought he may have perceived someone was following him.

She remembered bumping into him while trying to follow him. Being discovered wasn't a problem. She was a high-class prostitute.

She then tried to seduce him, but he seemed sneakier than she actually expected. He seemed even eager to get away from her.

But if something like that could stop her, she would never have been able to climb the ranks of Eight Fingers in the first place.

She began to be more insistent and touchier. In all her years of experience, she learned that men were easier to convince once they felt the touch of a woman.

She remembered being surprised about how hard he seemed under those robes. He surely seemed bulky from the outside, but she never expected him to have such a good build.

After all, weren't magic caster supposed to train the mind rather than the body?

She remembered thinking about having fun with him before completing her mission. The four gods only knew how much she was tired of those fat pig like noble pricks she had to service countless times before.

But her target was a powerful magic caster this time and it was better not to risk it, so she went for his mask. The plan was to remove it and while caressing his face, sting him with the tiny needle.

She remembered taking out the needle, while getting closer to his face, and then… then… the memory was foggy. She remembered fear, a lot of fear and nothing more.

Once everything was ordered in her head, Hilma decided to open her eyes. As she expected, she was in an unknown room. It was quite elegant. It even had a window from where she could see the Great Square.

This only confirmed her theories about where she was. She stood up from the bed. It was probably a bad idea, but it was her only chance.

She needed to escape from the window, but her plans were ruined since as soon as she stood up, she fell back on the bed.

Her body simply couldn't handle that simple thing after all it had been through. Now she felt nauseated and about to vomit.

In that moment someone knocked on the door. Hilma was trying not to empty her stomach and didn't dare to open her mouth in fear of what could come out of it.

After almost a minute of silence the door slowly opened and from it came a tall man covered in dark robes. She knew the man. He was the magic caster Satoru, now her captor.

This was the end for her. He probably already knew who she was and probably had ideas of what she wanted to do to him.

Desperately, she tried to feel if the needle was still in her sleeve. Of course, it wasn't. It probably fell in that alley where she fainted.

There was only one reason why she was still alive, and that reason was for information. He would probably torture her until she spilled everything she knew and then kill her. Or maybe take her as his slave for his pleasure.

As her brain elaborated every possible outcome, the man closed the distance between them until he was next to her bed, with a little gesture of his hand a chair was summoned behind him. Hilma gulped as he sat. She never heard of magic capable of such a feat.

"How do you feel? Are you hungry?"


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