
Overlord: The Origin

MC died, meet a god, agreed to be isekai'd in isekai to be isekai'd later on isekai where magic is real. Makes sense right? Now read it. Also, if you haven't noticed yet, this is an isekai story. And also, this Fanfic is a fulfilment story type. I will be focusing on some plot, but you already know what we all want. This a godforsaken fanfic goddammit. If you want plot, just watch the anime instead! Note: The update of the chapters will be really inconsistent. Sometimes, i will update regularly, sometimes don't, so don't expect much. *English is not my main forte so try not to be salty as your underwear.* _______________ Join my Discord as well for more Awesomeness. https://discord.gg/jgHe4zAxnz If you are interested in supporting my work even in the smallest amount. I'll also promise to fastened the update of the new chapters if you do. www.PayPal.me/Evrabonzz And join my patron to read the advance chapters. www.Pat-reon.com/Evrabonzz *I don't own anything, credits go to Maruyama. The OG Author of the Overlord*

Evrabonzz · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Chapter 4


In this world, in the year 2138 AD, there was a term: DMMO-RPG.

That word was an acronym for "Dive Massively Multiplayer Online

Role-Playing Game".

These games were played by connecting a dedicated console to the brain via a neuronal nano-interface an intracerebral nano-computer network, created from the fusion of cyber and nanotechnology.

These were games that allowed one to enter a virtual world and experience it as though it were real life.

This system was originally made in the year 2079.

The purpose of its creation was for the military. And then it was developed for the field of medicine, but the cost was absurdly high. It was then simplified after 10 years and now every home has it.

Although many techniques were created by net shops and tourist sites were used to lower the development costs, it still took many years before the very first DMMO-RPG was born.


After the very first DMMO-RPG was created, many more have followed throughout the years.

And among the myriad of DMMO-RPGs that throned the market, one of them stood head and shoulders above the other



This game had been painstakingly developed and released twelve years ago, in 2126.

Compared to other DMMO-RPGs of the time, YGGDRASIL'S selling point was "player freedom".

It had over two thousand basic and advanced job classes.

Every class had a maximum of fifteen levels, and so in order to reach the overall level cap of one hundred, one would need to take at least seven different classes.

However, players could take as many classes as they wanted as long as they met each class's prerequisites.

A player could even take a hundred classes at level one each, although that was very inefficient.

As such, in this system, it was virtually impossible to make identical characters unless one was deliberately trying to do so.

In addition, one could use various creator tools to fully customize one's armor, weaponry, flavor text, appearance, and other cosmetic settings.

A vast playing field awaited its players.

There were nine worlds in total: 










It boasted a massive world, numerous classes, and freely

Customizable appearances.

These features ignited the creative spirits of its Japanese players and sparked what would later be known as a stylistic revolution.

So popular was it that whenever the word "DMMO-RPG" was mentioned in Japan, listeners would immediately think of



(Tokyo, Japan)

Year 2125.

At this time, the Night-Streets of Tokyo is really busy and crowded. You can see some people are just having fun, some are just walking around or just passing by, and some are shopping or buying some items for their family, friends, or just for themselves.

It is the year before the creation of the phenomenal DMMO-RPG: YGGDRASIL. In the current and past years, DMMO-RPG has already made an impact on the everyday life of every Japanese people, even before the release of the YGGDRASIL.

But still, the impact that it made is still incomparable to the one that YGGDRASIL will make in the next upcoming years.


It is already midnight. The streets are less crowded and few people are to be seen. Some stores and buildings have already closed, a few only are still open.

On the secluded area of a certain public park, where no people are to be seen currently. You can see a teenage boy, laying on the grassy ground, looking unconscious.

"... U-uh."

After a couple of minutes, the boy started to wake up and immediately stand up and look around his surroundings. After a minute of looking around, the boy sigh in relief for some reason.

"... Well, Good thing I was transported in a very convenient place at a very convenient time. Looks like I was worried about nothing."

Of course, this boy that was standing alone and talking to himself like a crazy man would do in the most secluded part of a public park was no other than, Unko himself.

At first, he was really worried that he will be spawn in the middle of the city in midday as he just chooses the Tokyo Japan as his spawn place and the specific date was unclear. 

He actually forgot to tell the exact place that's why when he regain his consciousness, he immediately stands up and looks at his surroundings just in case the things that have happened were the things he wishes to not happen. But due to his Comfort status, he was transported in a place where no one will be able to see him.

"... Hmm?"

Just next to where Unko was standing. He saw a briefcase lying on the ground. It has a plain matte black exterior and It doesn't have any noticeable features or design, it's just smooth and very ordinary-looking briefcase.

".. I guess this is mine."

Unko walks towards it and pick up the briefcase. He goes towards a near bench and place down the briefcase. He opens it and looks at the contents inside it.

Inside, there's a stack of documents, a bunch of IDs, Cards, a single ten-thousand yen bill with a small note above it, and many strange things that he couldn't recognize. He took the note above the 10k yen bill and read what's written on it. On the note, a certain address was written with a message that says, "The rest was on the red cabinets."

Of course, this is a part of his wish. Or to be exact, a benefit of his Comfort Status.

The things inside the briefcase were obviously the things that proves his identity as a citizen of this world.

"... Hehehe. Finally. After all this year's, I can finally escape my curse." Unko said with a very happy and dramatic tone as he pick a single item inside the briefcase.

It's an ID. His ID. Of course, this is not the one that made Unko happy but the contents of it.

If someone were to read the ID, the name beside his picture was different, it wasn't Unko anymore, but instead, it was Yuki. His name on his ID was Yuki, Yuki Takahashi. This what makes him so grateful and almost made him shed into tears. 

"... *sniff* I guess that having a name that means sh*t won't make my life comfortable." He's extremely grateful for his Comfort status.

For the very first time in his life, he can finally say his name proudly without getting laugh at his face. It was like in a game, the moment he saw this, he quickly throws away his garbage name and equipped his new one.

He doesn't hold any attachments to his old name. He was planning on changing his name anyway back before he died the moment he earned some extra money.

For him, it was the most sh*ttiest name that could ever think by the most sh*ttiest parents ever was. That argument was supported by all the people he have ever encountered.

"... Starting from now on, no one shall call me Poop. As my new name, YUKI, shall take over the world Mwuhahaha~" Unko said with a creepy voice as he continue laughing until he a mosquito flew inside his mouth that causes for him to cough several times.

So just like a thing, he quickly throws away his name and uses the new one on the spot. (AN: And also, I'll be using that name starting from now on.)

At that moment, after getting rid of the mosquito inside his mouth, he felt like he was reborn. He felt like he was a new person. While standing with his arms wide open and repeatedly saying his name like a madman would do. An imaginary light was surrounding him in his mind.

He really felt like the stars were also rejoicing with him at this very moment.

"... *Clears throat* Wait, I completely forgot." After Yuki said that, he open up his mouth and inhaled a large amount of air.

"... Haaa~ Well, the air looks pretty normal. I wonder why is that." Yuki said and look towards the sky after that,  and there, some of his questions have been answered immediately.

"... A dome?"

In the sky, even though it's already dark, a dome made of what looks like a glass had covered up the whole sky.

It spread wide a cross the sky that Yuki can't even see where it ends.

"... I guess this what keeps the pollution out huh."

After a minute of admiring the glass dome in the sky, he finally decided to close the briefcase and walk away. It didn't take him that long until he finally got out of the public park he was in.

"... Hmm. I can't believe that the year on this world was already a hundred years advance compare to where I came from but it still looks quite the same. Only a few things have changed. No flying cars, no robots everywhere, no person with a jetpack flying above the sky. It's just that, the buildings look quite flashy and advance but other than that, it's all surprisingly normal. I'm disappointed."

After pondering for a moment, he goes towards the nearest sidewalk and waits for a taxi.

He didn't wait long until he got himself a taxi. After that, he gets in and he told the driver to go to the address that was written on the note.

It only takes a 30 minutes trip before they reach the destination that was written on the address. It was quite a bit far from the park where he came from, but due to the futuristic high way system where everyone can avoid causing traffic, they arrived earlier than to be expected. And also, Yuki gets to know from the Taxi driver that the Glass Dome above the sky covers the whole city of Tokyo and every major city in Japan has this. Of course, Yuki made some strange remarks so he wouldn't look suspicious while asking this since no normal person would ask something like this.

So after Yuki pays the fees and got out of the taxi, he now faces the massive building in front of him.

The building might look different and fancier than the ones where he came from, but one can see from the outside that it looks like a Residential Apartment Building.

He looks at the note again and sees that he need to go on the 25ft floor as it was where the pointed address is. He proceeded to go there using the Elevator, and once he arrives, he begins searching the code of the room that was written on the note.

".. Hmm, it should be this one right."

It didn't take a while when he finally saw the door where there is D345 written on it. It was the same apartment code that was written on the note.

" Yup, It must be this one. Now what to do?"

He looks for a doorbell and presses it. He waited for a minute but no one answered. He tried it again just in case, but still, no one responded.

"... O~kay, no one seems to be inside." Yuki pondered for a while. He looks at the door handle and decided to try and open it but as he expected, it was locked. He saw a black box beside the door that is glowing red. He inspects it and saw that you can swipe something in it.

".. Ah! Right."

He opened the briefcase again and rummage the things inside. There, he saw nothing that looks like a card, but through all the things he saw, only one item has the same size and can only fit at the swiping box.

He tried to swipe it and the black box generated a noise and the red light in it changed into green.

"... Mm? it worked I guess." He grabs the handle of the door and tries to open it.


"Oh, it opened." When it opened, he takes the briefcase and goes inside. The light opened automatically after he enters. Since he knows that no one is here, he just goes straight inside.

".. Woah~"

When he saw the whole apartment, he was amazed. Each and every part of it was amazing and beautiful. The apartment was also big compare to the one he used to live.

The whole apartment was complete and full of appliances. He recognized some of it, but he doesn't have a single idea on how to use the others that screams they were from the future.

He tried to ignore it for now and check all the rooms. When he entered the bedroom, he saw three Big red cabinets.

"... Oh, The big red cabinet. Right, it was mentioned on the note."

He walked towards the cabinets and open it one after another.

"... Holy Shizz~"

When he opened it all. He was surprised at the contents inside it. He saw a piled stock of money that filled every space inside the big cabinets. It's a sight that no one would think that they will ever witness in their entire life.

"... I can literally shower myself with money hahaha. I said a lot of money but I guess he really gives me a LOT huh?"

Of course, this is not all the Money he wished for. Inside the briefcase, he noticed some Cards that has a "Bank" names in it, so he made a guess that some of his wished money has been automatically Transferred and put into some bank accounts, cause he knows that even though the Money he has in front of him are many, he is pretty sure that this amount wouldn't last even for a couple of years.

*Sniff, Sniff*

"... Ahh, Priorities comes first."

He closed the cabinet after a moment of starring at it. He decided to go and check the closet, there are no clothes in it but he saw some bathrobes. He grabs a bathrobe and goes to the bathroom and proceeds take a shower as he felt that he was a bit sticky and smelly from laying on the ground for god knows how long.


After he finished taking a shower, he goes back to bed and lay down.

He did nothing but stare at the ceiling and think the things that he has gone through.

"... So many things that have happened today. I've been assaulted by a Truck, Crane, and a Sports car then gets killed by an explosion from a Satellite that comes from God knows where. Then I met a god that gave me wishes. And then, here I am ..... *sigh* I'm too tired already to worry about all the things around me. I think I'll just leave all that to my tomorrow self. Goodnight me. You're really awesome."

Said Yuki as he slowly closes his eyes, but after a moment he opened his eyes again and look around the room.

"... Wait, how do I turn off the lights here anyway?"



And also, drop some power stones and support my other work.

Evrabonzzcreators' thoughts