
Overlord: The Multiverse

When MC was reliving on a picture of a Goddess, he died. Only meet the Goddess but instead of torturing him to eternity, She give him wishes. And make him reincarnated in Overlord world. As the name suggested, this a multiverse Fan fiction, that mean MC will travel through different world like Marvel, DC, Highschool DXD, My vampire Diaries(may be) , Demon Slayer etc. first world: Overlord second World: Highschool DXD There will a harem, No NTR Or stuff. (some of you might dislike the Yggdrisil arc as it is bit of AU and MC talk a lot. But it is only in this arc on world travel arc I will tone down his unnecessary internal monologue.) I am not a professional writing and I have no deep experience in writing, so please ignore my grammar mistake and such. I also took some inspiration from other fan fiction. It would be a great help if you could donate your power stone to me. I posted 50 and more advance chapters on Patreon, If you are interested check it out. Only 3$ is needed to join my Patreon. it will be helpful if you can join my Patreon. You can support me on: patreon.com/BlackBolt517 1, 2 or 3 chapter per week. I will post bonus chapters on 150 power stone. Regular chapter update are on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Black_Bolt_ · Anime und Comics
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105 Chs

Chapter 48: Final Day 1

Bonus chapter for 300 ps.

As I strolled down the hall, my staff tapping out a jaunty rhythm, I stumbled upon quite the spectacle. Before me stood a troupe of maids and their distinguished butler, who looked like he could lecture me on proper tea etiquette one moment and slay a dragon the next—perhaps with a teapot.

The butler's hair was whiter than the knightly armor he probably wore under that suit. His back was straighter than a ruler, and his eyes sharper than a knife at a cooking show. Meanwhile, the maids behind him were armed to the teeth, ready to clean the castle or conquer the kingdom—whichever came first.

Their armor was a rainbow of metallic hues, and I couldn't help but wonder if they polished it themselves or had enchanted cleaning spells. And those headdresses? I half-expected them to break into a synchronized dance number from a musical.

As for the maids themselves, well, they were like a character creation menu come to life. From athletic to alluring, each one seemed to have a different theme going on. It was like someone had mixed and matched anime tropes just for kicks.

These weren't your typical maids who just served tea and tidied up. No, they were the Pleiades Six Stars, the elite guard of Nazarick's throne room. And unlike their counterparts in the original timeline, they had been upgraded to level 100 combat maids, thanks to some tinkering on my part.

Sure, they still had their original personalities, but now they were armed and ready to defend against any invaders who dared to threaten the Great Tomb of Nazarick. And leading them was none other than Sebas Tian, the head butler himself, created by Touch Me.

With his guidance, the Pleiades Six Stars stood as the final line of defense, their combat prowess rivaling even that of the mighty Floor Guardians. It was a testament to the power of modification and optimization, turning what was once a mere support staff into a formidable force to be reckoned with.

"Follow me," I declared with a flourish, gesturing for them to follow as we made our way through the labyrinthine corridors. Sebas and the Pleiades bowed respectfully in response, a silent acknowledgment.

Eventually, we arrived at a vast hemispherical dome-shaped hall. Four-coloured crystal lamps glittered from the ceiling, and there were seventy-two niches in the walls. Most of them were filled with statues.

Each statue was modelled after a demon's appearance, and there were seventy-two of them.

This room was called The Lemegeton. It was named after the Lesser Key of Solomon, which was a magical grimoire.

The statues in the niches were designed to resemble the seventy-two demons mentioned in that book, and in truth, they were golems made out of extremely rare magical alloys. And the seventy-two of them looked ferocious.

The four-coloured crystal lamps on the ceiling were a type of monster; when an enemy entered their range, they would summon high-ranking elementals of earth, water, wind, and fire, as well as bombarding them with area-of-effect attack magic.

If these crystal lamps all attacked at once, the firepower they unleashed could easily defeat five parties of level one hundred players—roughly twelve people.

This room could be said to be the final defensive line of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

As I led the servants behind me, we approached the magic circle, anticipation thrumming in my veins. Before us stood the grand double doors, towering over us at over five meters in height, adorned with intricate carvings. On the left, a depiction of a serene goddess graced the wood, while on the right, a menacing demon seemed ready to leap from its confines. The craftsmanship was so lifelike that I half-expected them to spring to life and attack at any moment.

And there, right at the center of the door, were three words gleaming in precious metal, a sight so rare it could make even the most seasoned treasure hunter weep with envy.

"Veni, vidi, vici," I announced dramatically, channeling my inner conqueror. "We came, we saw, we conquered!"

As I uttered the triumphant words, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself, feeling a surge of excitement coursing through my veins.

Without a word, I pressed forward, and as if sensing my presence, the massive double doors swung open, granting me passage into the throne room.

Instantly, the atmosphere shifted, the solemnity of before now overshadowed by an almost tangible pressure that seemed to envelop the entire chamber.

I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer grandeur before me. I couldn't get tired of this Hall no matter how many times I saw it.

The room was a masterpiece of design, with its high ceilings and pristine white walls adorned with golden accents that shimmered in the ambient light.

Even with its vast size, the room felt spacious, capable of accommodating a multitude without feeling cramped. Above me, the chandeliers hung like jewels, casting a mesmerizing rainbow of colors that danced across the room.

Flags bearing various symbols fluttered gently in the breeze, adding a touch of regal elegance to the scene.

But it was the centerpiece of the room that truly captured my attention—a magnificent throne, crafted from a single piece of crystal, towering atop a flight of ten steps. Behind it, a colossal red banner proudly displayed the symbol of our guild.

And there, by the side of the throne, stood Albedo, the Guardian Overseer.

Albedo stood before me, a vision of ethereal beauty draped in a gown as white as freshly fallen snow. Her delicate features bore a faint smile, radiating an aura of grace and elegance that could rival that of any goddess.

Yet, amidst her pristine attire, her jet-black hair cascaded down her back like a midnight waterfall, a stark contrast that only served to enhance her allure.

Though her golden irises and slit pupils may have seemed unusual to some, they only added to the mesmerizing quality of her gaze.

Despite any quirks, she possessed a beauty that transcended mortal standards, captivating all who beheld her.

But it was the subtle protrusion of curled horns from the sides of her head and the graceful sweep of black-feathered wings that emerged from her waist that truly set her apart. These unique traits only served to underscore her otherworldly presence.

As I ascended the steps to the throne, a silent chuckle bubbled up within me, though my stoic visage betrayed no hint of amusement. "Stand by," I commanded, my voice echoing faintly through the chamber as Sebas and the Pleiades obeyed, bowing respectfully before taking their positions at the side.

With a final glance around the room, I settled onto the grand seat, my gaze meeting Albedo's with a silent understanding. Surveying my domain from the throne, a sense of satisfaction washed over me.

Yet, amidst the tranquility, a pang of loneliness tugged at my heartstrings as I observed my loyal companions, frozen in their silent vigil.

Recalling the command I had once heard, I extended a hand, the gesture firm yet gentle. "Kneel." As one, Albedo, Sebas, and the maids gracefully complied, a testament to their loyalty.


I lifted my left hand to check the time, the digital display flashing {23:57:48}. With less than three minutes remaining, I leaned back against the throne, my gaze drifting upwards to the ceiling as I let out a slow sigh.

My eyes fell upon the 41 hanging flags, each one a reminder of my friends.

Then to Albedo, I did add the magic words: She is deeply in love with me, and to all the female NPC's. Should I also add she shouldn't rape me whenever my meets her.

Nah, I didn't think that would be necessary.

"It really was a blast, wasn't it?" I murmured to myself, a wistful smile tugging at the corners of my mouth.

—There was only a little time left for this virtual world to end and reality to merge over.

I closed my eyes as the countdown began.





With this chapter the first volume is over.

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Next Bonus chapter on 600 ps.


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