
Overlord: The Game Master

Viktor was a developer for the dive game Yggdrasil. During shutdown he was creating a character, now he is stuck in the new world. Will he set a goal for world conquest? will he be a hero? or a villain? or something else entirely? English is not my first language, and I suck in literature even when using my main language so you know the drill (be nice if you can), I study and work full time both and I enjoy gaming so the updates may take time. Also hopefully you can rapidly infer this is an Overlord Fanfiction, and as such, I don't own anything except for the OC... Oh I forgot to tell, before you get disappointed, No Ainz here.

Master_Vaders · Anime und Comics
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17 Chs

(R-18) First time, blessing/curse, backdoor

Inside one big room Merek was having a conversation with Enri and Yuri. The three of them were sharing one big room with a big bed as both girls didn't want to separate from their master. Osmond was in a smaller room near the one they were, as an undead composed mostly of bones he didn't care much about carnal desires and neither could he say anything even if he did.

"Are you sure it worked as you intended, master? Some people stopped to watch, but most of them just left after a moment." Enri asked Merek, not sure what the whole scene Merek made when going through the gates was about. 

"Well, I can't be sure about every individual, but if there is something that can be trusted, it is that people will always gossip. News spread, whether you want them to or not, so it's just a matter of time before everyone in the city hears about the merchant with the bizarre looking carriage." Answered Merek 

"Ohhh, I see," said Enri, still not fully understanding his plan.

"The first thing to do before creating a reputation is making people curious, if there is nothing to talk about how are we going to make the store famous. The part of the second carriage was to intrigue the people who got curious enough to follow-up on the story. I'm sure it's just about time a big portion of the city knows the story" added Merek 

"How much time do you think it will take, master?"asked Yuri

"Most people should have heard about us by tomorrow lunchtime, but today, in about three or four hours influential people should have heard something." 

"Three or four hours? I'm sure we can do something to take advantage of those three or four hours here." said Enri, as she and Yuri were getting closer to Merek.

*** (A/N): the rest of the chapter is basically one lemon so if you are not interested in reading adult content just think Merek, Enri and Yuri decided to play some board games and eat some food.***

When each grabbed one of his arms and rubbed some of their assets on him Merek spoke. "So you were conspiring together on this huh" This made both girls freeze since what he said and the tone he used made it seem as if he was irked.

"Pah" the sound of two buttslaps mixed as one as Merek clapped both girls' bottom cheeks and then with his hands still grabbing them, he pulled them even closer. 

At that moment they understood his intentions, and what kind of punishment he was talking about


"I'm sorry master, I have been a bad girl, punish me as you see fit." said Enri resting her head on Merek's chest.

"We have been behaving badly, we deserve to be punished master" said Yuri, she rested her head on Merek's shoulder.

"Oh you will be punished... but don't you want your first "punishment" session to be individual?"

Yuri looked at Merek with a loving gaze, but after a couple of seconds, shook her head. "No master, as sisters we should learn how to share, besides, Enri may be able to guide me a little bit.".

While yuri was talking, Enri was already lowering Merek pants. "Well then, I guess Enri knows what her first punishment will be" Said Merek as he put his hand on Enri's shoulder, slightly pushing her down, which made her kneel in front of him.

Once Enri lowered herself, Merek used both hands to hold Yuri's face and kissed her. At first he started with light smooches here and there, some on her lips, her cheeks and on sometimes her neck and ears. When Yuri was getting deeper in the mood, searching for him and so he started to fondle her body.

Some places softly, others rougher, depending on her sensitivity, her body was fantastic and had places to grab and touch all around. Her supple breasts, child bearing hips, narrow but strong waist and her thick thighs were incredible pieces of workmanship. Someone created her template in a digital world and Merek created her in this one all for his enjoyment. 

The store was important for Merek, yes it was, but he couldn't keep trying to deceive himself, not with these two hot girls in front of him. From now on he would give the girls all the "punishment" he wants, after all, the girls seem more excited about being fucked than what he thought they would be.

As Enri was having a confrontation with Merek's member, he was still exploring most of Yuri's body. Soft, pink and shy nipples... she had them inverted. They were asking to be harassed until they popped out. Her skin was white as milk and hairless smooth as if she just shaved. The exploration didn't last long. 'She's getting better with every session, should I warn her… nah she likes it, if it's a surprise, she might enjoy it even more.'

Before he started the intercourse he decided to shut off his [Total body control] to just letting his body do what it wanted unless he commanded otherwise; if not, his body would remain in the state it was last, until he consciously changed that. Sometimes it was great, but when things were supposed to be spontaneous, it was annoying.

Flooding Enri's mouth with his spunk was great, doing so because she and Yuri brought him to an orgasm was even better. His body naturally produced copious amounts of cum; Enri liked to swallow and he enjoyed giving the girl an abundant and healthy meal. Having sex related races intermixed in his character build with all their racial levels maxed was definetly a boon.

During his ejaculation Enri was sucking his dick as if her life would be determined by that. More than one minute of drinking his jizz in big gulps while shooting jets of pussy juice from her small hole was enough to let her trembling body exhausted. Still quivering, Enri just layed there on the floor in front of Merek and Yuri with one hand holding her slightly bulging belly and the other playing with her pussy slowly.

"Well there dear, there goes your help, I guess it's time you face your "punishment" almost alone." Said Merek. Yuri was mostly unaware of Enri's situation prior this as she was much entertained with Merek ministrations and just as she was about to change her attention towards the farmer girl, Merek carried her to the bed holding her with her legs around his waist.

'Being carried like this by master, my creator loves me so much, I must be the most blessed being in the world.' thought Yuri while hugging Merek on their way to the bed. He gently put her on the bed and took his time to admire her body. 

This made Yuri blush, 'being the center of attention of master, even if it is just for a moment, and becoming his object of desire' that moment Yuri felt that if she had any reason to exist was to give herself to her master.

"Please take me, do with me as you desire, master." Said Yuri, spreading her arms and closing her eyes. Merek moved on top of her and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "I will take you, but I must make sure you are ready enough so you can enjoy it," said Merek. 

He slowly lowered himself towards the gates of her garden leaving a trail of kisses from her eyes, nose, cheeks, ears, her neck, collarbone, middle of her chest, her breasts, torso, near her navel, her pelvic area, down her pubis and close to her pussy.

If Yuri wasn't prepared, then this small ritual was more than enough to get her going. Her cunt was dripping sex juices, so much that giving her head was probably going to dry her some instead of getting her wet. Still, getting down and not tasting anything would be somewhat disappointing so he proceeded.

"After giving her some licks and kisses on her lower lips Merek stopped using his mouth and remained fingering her and said "You were ready enough, but with how good you taste it would've been a waste to go on and waste all your juices as they splashed." 

These words left Yuri speechless, on one hand she was a little bit ashamed that her body reacted like it had, on the other she was glad her master liked how she tasted. The saving grace on this dilemma was that it was her master who caused such reactions thinking about this made her happier than she thought was possible.

Merek was about to move back on top of her to start off by doing it in missionary, but when he noticed her body trembled slightly after his words he decided to help her release before starting the main course. 

Going back on her pussy he started to like and suck on her small pink nub as he used two fingers to massage her vagina. Since she was near it, it took Merek less than a minute to give Yuri her first orgasm. The walls of her vagina were contracting rhythmically on his fingers, her clit swelled and reddened a bit, her legs were shaking while she grabbed the sheets firmly and her face and chest flushed.

The thing was that she didn't say anything nor make a sound. She kept her eyes shut tight just as her mouth. "You know you can make as much sound as you want dear? I cast a silence spell everytime I think things might get noisy. Even if there is no silence spell you are allowed to be vocal about how you feel." Said Merek

Yuri had tears coming out of her eyes and a wide smile. "Thank you master, thank you, I love you so much, you are the world for me." Merek felt glad Yuri felt that way, he was a little bit confused about Yuri choosing  that moment to express what she did, but he guessed she took his words with another meaning. 

"I'm going to put it in," announced Merek as he took his time to kiss Yuri and rub his penis over her bottom lips. With all the fluid coming out of her insertion was easy. 

Her pussy was small but pliant, while Enri's pussy would grip his cock as if it was fighting an intruder, Yuri's was welcoming. It felt warm and silky, her folds would massage his member as they gave way to it. It was as if he found the place to rest, the home for his cock.

Entranced by the feeling, he kept pushing slowly until he reached the end, a smooth and squishy wall was protecting her secret garden. With small thrusts he started to knock on her wall as if asking for entrance. He knew he could make it inside either by force of tricks but he thought that those more extreme ways of lovemaking should be left for the subsequent times. Having such a big rod was a blessing but also a curse, having a lengthy portion of it still outside when he already "hit bottom" was somewhat awkward, but it wasn't her fault so he wouldn't force it in… yet.

For now, filling up her vagina with his rod and knocking on her cervix was enough for him, and by the looks of her also for her. Each time he hit her cervix a new groan was produced, his arms were by her sides as she held on them tighter as time went on.

By the time he felt the urge for release Yuri had already orgasmed twice, if her convulsing walls, change in breathing pattern and "Here it comes." yells were of any indication. "I'm about to release." said Merek, this caused another wave of convulsions on Yuri's walls. "Yes master, anoint me with your seed, give me your blessing." yelled Yuri.

The "anoint me" part confused Merek. 'Does she want it inside or she wants me to smear it over her body?... well whatever, I'll do one of each.' Thought Merek as he splashed Yuri's insides with his seed...less cum. 

He had a different reaction in his mind from coming inside Yuri than Enri, maybe it was because they were different kinds of beings, maybe because Yuri was a created being that was under his command or maybe because he turned off the [Total body control] skill. Now that he thought about it…

 'Oh shit' he was a little bit nervous when he saw that Yuri's eyes glowed dimly pink for a couple of seconds, and he was sure he saw a pubis tatto on her with the shape of a heart that banished as well. 

'I think turning off [Total body control] made some of my other skills react naturally as they would when triggered instead of staying on hold until activated. I'm sure I turned off my auras and touch skills so this should be…' thought Merek as he inspected Yuri using his [God's sight] skill. 

He saw the hidden tattoo on Yuri's pubis it seemed as two overlapping heart shapes with different things extending from them, one had a spiky style with horns and demonic wings while the other had a golden crown with fire on top of it and angelic wings.

[Incubus lesser Curse/ Erogel lesser Blessing]: The being under this curse gets more aroused by the owner of the brand the longer he does not ejaculates inside her, him cumming inside will slowly calm her libido but make her more docile and submissive towards him each time. / This blessing causes the wearer to feel twice as much pleasure from her erogenous zones and converts non erogenous zones to erogenous ones when her blesser is the cause of her pleasure. Removes sexual pleasure for actions not done by the blesser. Invisible unless the caster wishes otherwise.

'Hmmm I see, my sperm must be the cause of this state… I don't see much negative stuff in the description since most "negative" stuff is already there in Yuri. As a created/summoned being she is already extremely docile and submissive towards me, I doubt she would feel a thing for anyone other than me and the arousal increasing does not seem as big of a problem as it sounds here. I'll just leave it there and dispel it if it causes trouble.' Were his thoughts on Yuri's new invisible tattoo.

Yuri extended her arms to grab Merek on a hug and he leaned forward to kiss her. After sharing a couple of kisses he went on to continue the action. Turning Yuri around so she lays flat on her stomach he started to fuck her prone bone. 

Her big and soft buttchicks worked as natural cushions while also massaging the part of his member that remained outside as he pounded her. Sometimes he would grab her hair that was not tied anymore, sometimes grab one or both of her arms and oftentimes he would spread her butt. Yuri was taking it like a champ, sometimes thrusting back to meet halfway.

The increase in intensity of their lovemaking woke Enri of her stupor. She moved from the floor she was to the bed beside them and started fingering herself. When she was close enough Merek pulled her toward him and started kissing and groping her. The moans on the room reached higher levels as Yuri came, the contractions of her walls caused Merek to cum as well but this time he pulled out of her and sprayed on her back. An outstanding amount of cum showered Yuri's back as Merek kept ejaculating rope after rope.

Yuri was recovering from the intense pounding as Merek was thinking of going on, but watching Enri approach Yuri's back with the intention of licking the cum off her gave him a better idea. "Come around here Enri, I want you to do what you were thinking but from here," Enri was startled like a small mouse caught in his act of scavenging food. "Yes lick my cum off her but I want you to move around here." Merek positioned Enri where he was pounding Yuri a moment ago.

When Enri bent over to start licking his cum he had the nice view he was searching for. Her butt, her glistening pussy and her tight asshole. 'Well the time has come, she must be eager to experience new things so let me teach her something new.' thought Merer as he spit over his cock. He had laced his saliva with a little bit of aphrodisiac that turned the pain to pleasure and something that helps relax her sphincter.

"Enri keep doing that and try to relax, we are going to try something new, don't get scared." Said Merek as he was about to penetrate her ass. Enri did not respond and kept swallowing the cum on Yuri's back 'Well she can't say I didn't warn her.' thought Merek as he spat on her asshole.

Rubbing his huge rod around Enri's back entrance got some small reactions from her, her butthole would clench sometimes and relax others. Once he had smeared his drugged saliva enough he started the insertion.

'Motherfucker,' was the only thing on Merek's mind; her asshole was so tight he could either force his way in, or not get in at all. He was about to destroy her asshole, but it wouldn't take it without fighting back. 'I think the relaxant was not enough… however she isn't reacting much to me poking around so i guess the aphrodisiac did its thing? Only one way to find out.'

Being more forceful this time he was able to poke his bulbous head inside Enri's anal cavity. This created a more obvious reaction on Enri than before. "Ohhhh" said Enri, a small amount of surprise and a lot of pleasure could be noticed in her tone.

"That should be the hardest part, I'm going to start moving now" Said Merek. His actions made Enri look back at him, while his size and her tightness should have been painful for her, her face showed nothing but lust, love and desire. 'Well, it's nice to see that it works,' thought Merek. After putting in Enri's ass more and more of his member after each trust. 

He decided to make Enri resume her lunch. "I think you should finish what you started Enri, or are you going to leave the food after playing with it? Enri  shifted her look from Merek to Yuri's back, back to Merek and then to Yuri's back again. "Itadakimasu" exclaimed Enri as she continued to slurp the mess on Yuri's back.

'Itada… wait isn't this world kind of western-like, how were the players that came before japanese? How much did they influence?... Well who cares I can explore the world later, for now exploring this hole is my mission." thought Merek.

Enri's asshole had a very unique feeling. Her anus gripped on his cock like a clamp but the parts of his cock that were not held by it, the part that was inside her rectum, received a very relaxing and warm massage depending on the angle he used he could poke at her uterus from there or he could go deep inside to feel her fleshy folds. 

Poking her uterus always brought a small moan of pleasure from her but being her ass the only orifice he had used that could accommodate the whole length of his cock for now, he preferred to go balls deep on the girl's butt. 

By the time he was about to explode inside the girl's ass she had let Yuri's back squeaky clean and was having an intense orgasm from getting fucked on her backdoor. At first she was on all four, but after such an intense pounding she was laying flat on top of Yuri. The rhythmic contractions of Enri's ass drove Merek to an orgasm as well, filling her bowels with spunk.

Cumming inside Enri's ass made her have a similar reaction than Yuri, her eyes glowed and a heart shaped tattoo was produced momentarily on her pubis. 'Hmm this will probably make more drastic changes on Enri than Yuri, well, she accepted me as her master already so she shouldn't have problems with these small changes.'

While he had chosen to let her body absorb his cum to strengthen itself and get nutrients, the sheer amount was so vast that once he pulled his dick outside a small stream of cum flowed from her ass down her pussy and over Yuri's ass and pussy as well. 'This is a job well done,' thought Merek.


(A/N) I was thinking of going on with the chapter in here but to keep it friendly with the people that don't like to read adult content I separated the adult content from the non adult r18. Remember to read the author's thoughts if you like to read excuses.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting, I had some changes in my work, Im fixing my car's engine and college started so I've been somewhat busy.

Master_Vaderscreators' thoughts