
Overlord: One Above All

Kai was an average person but died and got wishes and reincarnated in the world of Overlord. (The same events will happen in the story like them getting teamed up on in game but I might change the time that they happen at)

Cheesy_Dogs · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs


I was an average 24 year old who loves reading manga and light novels and watching anime most people would call me a week but I call my self a connoisseur of entertainment.

It is a normal day me going to work at my job with my terrible boss who always stops my work and took credit for it and gave me none I worked as a designer.

Once I entered my work I saw my boss she was around 25 years old above average appearance.

Boss " You we're 1 minute and 32 seconds late."

Kai " sorry boss."

Boss "Don't it next time or I'm cutting your pay."

Kai"yes ma'am."

That usually how it goes her criticizing me and me just trying to get the conversation done as fast as possible.

I couldn't even report her or anything because she is the co-owners daughter. And they would definitely believe her over me who has no background what so ever.

I was an orphan till I was 6 then I got adopted by a family who abused me until child services found out I was getting abused so they got arrested and I was sent back to the orphanage I was adopted again when I was 8. This time the parents were nice and I stayed with them until I was 14 until they has a daughter and I started being neglected and want day without food until I eventually ran away and lived on the streets until I turned 18 and bought a house and lived alone and that led to me now.

I was working on a design for a new shirt but I heard gun shots and screaming I saw a guy in a

Ski mask and he was looking for someone I then saw him look over at my boss and aimed the gun but for she ran near me and when he shit again she put me in front of her and I got shot he kept shooting but I couldn't make out anything anymore and everything went black.

I woke up to see nothing but a black abyss their was nothing in sight just pear darkness without any light or anything but then I saw a figure standing their and I thought that people would kill to be her boy friend.

??? "Already having lustful thoughts?"

Ehh she can ready my mind, wait how do I even reply I can't speak.

??? "Just think about what you want to say and I will read your mind."

Kai 'Like this?'

??? "Yes now let's start with introductions my name is rose and I'm the strongest being in existence and you are currently in my domain."

Kai 'I'm Kai just your average person, Also why am I even here.'

Rose "I'm bored and need entertainment so I will give you 3 wishes and will reincarnate you into Overlord."


Rose "I just said that didn't I?"

Kai 'Ya you did, sorry'

Rose " what ever make your wishes."

Kai 'ok but first do I need to wishes to keep my memory or choose my appearance.'

Rose "No you do not need to wish for you memories and you looks will be based off your family."

Kai 'Ok then

1st wish I want you to make a new family and make them the richest in the world by far but make sure that the parents die after birth and make it so I have 1 brother and 1 sister left and then older and very protective of me so that way I can get whatever I want and make me born 5 years later than the mc so I am 5 years younger than him

2nd wish I want to have my own race in the game I want it to be called origin angel which means the first and strongest angel and it's a better version than an arc angel

3rd wish I want a weapon that grows with me and should be way better than any weapon of the same level and I'm going to label the effects I want it to have. Makes user Immune to any type of mental attacks like mind control, is so sharp it can cut through any material, Can change into any weapon, Makes the user immune to any type of sickness no matter what type of is, indestructible so that way it can never be broken, that it can only ever be used by me and no one else can use it and lastly I want to make it so I can use any type of class armor.'

Rose " You got quite the wishes their but very well I chalk grant them have fun in your next life."