
Overlord Of Light and Darkness

Ok I am a returning reader. Why returning? Simple, life happens and it sucks sometimes... Now I am just here to chill and relax. And maybe write this fanfic from time to time. Fair warning, the update isn't going to be consistent cause well, let's face it, I ain't gonna prioritize this over my job or other important aspects of my life. It's also a wish fullfilment, and AU fanfic. NOW TO THE GOOD STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Adventure Quest World/Overlord Fanfic. I apologies in advance for any inconsistency in Lore. I had just recently recovered my account in AQW. and can only barely remember the 13 Lords of chaos. Let alone the convoluted Mother of Monsters. So again sorry for any shortcomings in the lore. In short -Wish fulfillment, AU, OCs, And small harem pairings. (even if I catch Pokemon I don't play them all.)

Elliza_Faith · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 - God's Legacy

Inside one of the guest rooms of the Mayor of E-Rantel sat five individuals. Each one wearing a grim look as they tried to take in what they had just found out.

Gagaran stood up and poured herself a drink. "So you are telling me that there are countless Gods out there. And what we called Gods are not even Gods by their own standards, just 'powerful' beings. Is that right Evileye?"

"Yes. This is the truth of it. How and why they are here we do not know. They do not know. They just closed their eyes and then woke here."

"Gods killing Gods. An act so common that they called themselves 'players' viewing their existance as a 'game'. Hahahahaha! Where death is not the end, where they can just start over in any race they want! And still they consider themselves 'Not' Gods! Hahahaha!" laughed Gagaran.


"Yes it is! Still! If there is one thing to take from this is that they can leave descendants behind. You said the Theocracy has one?"

"Her name is Antilene Heran Fouche. According to Rigrit, she is a half elf. Who her predecessors were is unclear but she is a direct descendant of The Six. That much is known."

"This has been going on every one hundred years for the past six hundred years. As far as records go, you have The Greed King's, The Six Great Gods and The Thirteen Heroes. Three out of six so we have three hundred years unaccounted for. It could be said they didn't wander to our lands and found themselves elsewhere. Which means the claims of these people are most likely a possibility." Gagaran counted.

"If they are then Stronoff had just made an enemy of people capable of wiping out Kingdoms." remarked Evileye.


"What do you think? They seemed peaceful enough if they saved a village. Do you think we should make contact?" wondered Gagaran.

"No, let us not. We are adventurers of Re-Estize. And their Head-Warrior had just done them injustice. We don't want to be labeled with the same colors after all."

"True." Acknowledged Gagaran getting nods of support from the two ninjas.

"...are the Six Great Gods... really players?" Laktus whispered.

"Yes. The journals of Shurshana confirmed it. Yggdrasil. Or as the Cardinals had labelled it. The Nine Warring Realms of The Gods."

"He can create life and destroy it. Bring death by merely declaring it. Is that not the Powers of a God?" asked a baffled Gagaran.

"Not if everyone else can do it too." Evileye replied.

"It doesn't matter! What matters is now! They may not be Gods by their Standards but that doesn't mean they aren't mine!"

"Lakyus, that is a very dangerous way of thinking." warned Gagran.

"I don't care! Besides how do you even know of this! You have no proof!"

They all turned to Evileye. "I'm sorry shorty, but she has a point. How do you know so much anyway?"

"Boss is confused." said Tia.

"Boss needs answers." added Tina.

Seeing the the determine expressions in their faces. Evileye decided to answer.

"Because I lived and fought alongside them." Evileye removed her mask amidst their stunned expressions. "Keno Fasris Invern, that was my birth name or Landfall of the Thirteen Heroes."

"....so.... You're a Hero." Gagaran awkwardly commented.

"Yeah. I was cursed in my youth. I-!" Evileye suddenly looked on in surprise seeing an angry looking Gagaran suddenly towering in front of her, but her anger was directed elsewhere. Evileye teard looking beyond the muscular woman with her eyes landing on Lakyus holding Kleneiram with both hands.

"Put it down Lakyus..." warned Gagaran.


Lakyus looked unsure as her head swerved from one member to another. But just as she was out to convince them, her eyes suddenly landed on Evileye. Looking like a frightened child hidden behind Gagaran.

"I said put it down Lakyus!" shouted Gagaran.

""Boss. Stop.""

Afraid, uncertain, sad and confused. She ran ignoring the calls of her comrades.


Leinas rubbed her face as she woke up. Letting out a long and satisfied sigh as she stretch her arms. She had not slept so well in a long time.

It was only once she started looking around did she realized that she doesn't know where she is.

She felt a little bit of panic as she tried to determine her location. Much to her joy, just looking outside could be seen the palace. Telling her that she is still within Arwintar.

'What am I doing in a nobleman's House?' she wondered.

She was in a luxurious room with cream colored walls, golden accents and decorations that further accentuates the wealth that surrounds her.

She stood up getting a look at herself in the nearby mirror. Keeping her eyes from the neck down, she could see the night gown she wore. It was rather revealing, nearly see through and incredibly form fitting. Yet she could feel the soft silk softly brushing against her skin as she ran her hands around herself.

Deciding to confront her benefactor she stepped outside to see if there is anyone that could address her concern.

As she looked around the hall the more she realized how grand the very room she found herself in is. She had been raised a noble and is fully aware that even at the peak of her life, she did not have wealth anywhere near what is currently before her eyes but above all that there is, one painting took her breath away.

Atop a mountain of corpses, surrounded by clawed monstrosities, holding a sword bathed in lightning in one hand a club held by the side at the other, spewing fire from a barrel at one end. A top the hill amidst monsters beneath the shattered sky stood a woman garbed in an old fashioned legion armor with a golden eagle motif at the shoulder and a skull motif by the belt, colored in black full plate atop a blood red garb. Her beautiful sharp features, with blood red lips, golden hair and eyes gleaming with courage, with a face plastered in a ferocious snarl.

The best way to describe her image is simply.


Looking at the bottom of the silver frame, there is a golden plaque that say.

"Adepta Sororitas."

"The Sisters of Battle." Leinas turned to the end of the hall and the same handsome face she had seen not that long ago.

"Momonga-sama." She greeted with a bow, only for her eyes to widen and realized what she was wearing. Feeling a bit shy she tried to cover her chest and underwear with her arms only to further emphasize her curves bu lifting her breast and twisting her body to hide certain parts.

Momonga blushed at the woman's actions. There was no denying it, he has a major crush on Leinas Rockbruise.

Looking away out of the awkward silence, he spoke. "There is little left f their records. Their tales were vast and varied. From the monsters they faced to all that they have become and achieved. The Imperium of Man. A shame that much of their tales are lost. But there is always one thing they all constantly portrayed." He turned to look at Leinas and said.

"Only in Death does Duty End."

She sighed dreamily at the words. "*ahem!* Let us step inside your room. There is much for us to talk about."

While Leinas was blushing profusely with her mind wandering to situations she has not had been on before, Momonga was internally screaming.

'I will take everything then' Nooooo!! Why did I say that!? Why? I only did it cause I thought it sounded cool. Not this!? What do I do? What do I tell her?'

Closing the door. Momonga turned to the woman before him and saw how fidgety she was getting.

He was again reminded of his chuuni side for saying something to stupid. Alas his mother left him no choice. He has to take responsibility for it, no more running away.

'I can't believe I didn't think of reading history books as well. There are several key similarities in this world with our preserved histories after all.'

His mother has gone above and beyond what is expected of her. Even his friends. Hero-Hero has taken it upon himself to read up on managerial duties to learn the do's and don'ts. And Artix has poured much of his time through to read magic scrolls and tomes.

Usually tomes are activated just like scrolls. But instead of one time use, it appears for the character as a form of skill, ability or spell that can be activated once certain conditions are met.

And even though it could still be done so, there is a form of flexibility that he has begun exploring. According to Artix, it may even allow him rewrite rituals and spells that in turn can taught to others.

His eyes held a steely resolve once more as he gazed upon the blonde beauty before him.

'The means to strengthen the denizens of Nazarick.'

Momonga won't deny his fear of the unknown. But at the very least he isn't as paranoid at things as he should have been, seeing as he was not alone.


Leinas flushed seeing the seriousness in his eyes. A strength that actually made her recoil where she stood. His eyes stayed at her for several seconds, making her extremely afraid and excited at the same time.

She had been gifted with great skill in any form of weaponry that beheld her hand. And a talent for killing. Which ever monster she faced whether they be creature or man, she prevailed better than most. Her growth and superior skill added to her rising strength made it difficult for her to be a woman Infront of many. As most men she has ever met all fell short to even match her.

But this man is different. He is a Demi-God after all. Just watching him take on a tide of two hundred armored and armed knights with his bare hands as if dealing with unruly children was a sight to see.

His rippling muscles trembling with every punch. How the mere planting of his feat was enough to crack the pavement and a turn so fast that it actually blew the dust as he spun. And the cracking thunderous punch that sent ment broken and flying.

Leinas blushed remembering that day. She would have loved to see more but her face was...

Her eyes widened at what she was seeing. Looking at her hands as she stood shaking. She could see both of them.

She screamed in horror and looked for something to hide herself in. Only for Momonga to suddenly hold her. Her breath hitched as he wrapped his large arms around her. But her fear and shame had her fighting against it. Minutes passed as she struggled and slowly she began sobbing, until she was full on crying as she tried to hide away from him.

Her heart was breaking at every second. Realizing once more why she could have no one. Her cursed face, it was something she doesn't want him to to see yet he was denying him even that. Over time, the more she cried, the more she felt the liquid drip down accursed face, the less she cared.

Slowly she started to settle down and instead curled around his chest refusing to show herself to him.

Feeling something wet drip down her cursed face once more, she couldn't help but lament her current situation.

'Why!? Why now!?'

She soon felt herself softly and carefully laid down on the bed. Afraid, she held her face against his chest not caring if the pus stains his shirt.

She felt his hand softly combing through her hair, and the other gently twindling with her fingers.

His touch was caring, a feeling she had long forgotten. Her heart found comfort in his gentle embrace and it wasn't long before she settled to bouts of hiccups from time to time.

Minutes of silence passed until Momonga spoke.

"I am sorry. I did not mean to frighten you."

"No, it wasn't your fault. I should have been more composed. If anything I apologies for your shirt my lord."

"Haha! Don't apologize, as my mother has taught me, 'It is a man's duty to dry a woman's tears.'"

Shaking her head. She pulled back -"No my lord, I didn't mean the tears it-" only to look down in stunned silence.

His shirt is wet but she couldn't find it, the yellow pus that stained anything it touched. Her heart suddenly drummed against her chest. Feeling something dripping on her right side once more, she shakingly reach out for it.

*gasp!* Recoiling at the feeling of skin. She started to tear slightly as she slowly tried to touch her face once again.

Smooth, far from the torn pieces of dry paper like feeling it once had. Rubbing her palm into her check, she felt warm. Far from the painful, scratchy and burning sensation of being touched.

Feeling a drip on her finger she pulled it back and saw a clear white liquid. Sticking it into her mouth, she cried even more as she tasted it. Salty. Just like her tears.

Feeling a hand snake into her face she leaned into it. Relishing in the sensation that flooded her face.

With a drumming heart, tear stricken eyes and flushed cheeks. She asked with a lingering despair in her words.

"Please tell me this is real."

Momonga smiled. "It is."

Leinas then lunged for him, enveloping Momonga into a hug. With her face gently rubbing against his chest as cried her heart out. Pouring out as much joy as she could. As much gratitude as she could convey. Yet it didn't feel enough.

After she has calmed down. She looked to the man who had granted what she had always wanted. And then kissed him.

Momonga was stunned and caught off guard. But soon resigned himself to his fate and kiss back at the blonde green eyed woman. The kiss was fierce and soon devolve into a sloppy exchange.

Straddling him, Leinas raised herself slightly with her chest at his eye level and then pulled up her night gown. But as soon as she did, she was thrown on her back landing with a yelp. A top her hovered Momonga breathing slightly heavily as his eyes raked up and down her body.

Cupping the right side of her face, Leiinas was then subjected to a chaste but soft and caring kiss.

She moaned and melted into his lips but her peace shattered when he slowly pulled back from her.

"I'm sorry Leinas. But before we go any further, there is another I must first reconcile with."

She nearly cried hearing his words but gulped it all down. She had expected this. He is a Demi-God after all, there was no way he had no one.

"I-I thought as much. And I know also know that more would be expected of you." who wouldn't want his lineage, she reasoned. Releasing a deep breath, she looked into ha eyes and kisses him softly. "But please know that this is also my choice and I am prepared for it."

"You have just regained your chance at life, yet you would throw it all away?"

"My words that night. They were all from my own heart Momonga-sama. I may have lost a lot of things due to the that curse. But being true to myself was something I strongly held on to." She straddled him closer with his chin slightly pressed atop her breast. "I am yours, in mind, body and soul."

*sigh* Momonga nodded in acceptance of the woman's words. Looking up slightly at her, he blushed at the very image of her beauty. Leinas Rockbruise is exactly within his 'strike zone' as Artix and Peroroncino had always said.

She is a strict, stoic, strong and powerful woman but still has the desire to still be just a woman. To just love and be loved.

"I have a type it seems." he whispered with a smile. His words eliciting a strong blush and a sly smile as blonde woman atop him. Within a soft hug and another chaste kiss. He stood up and left with the promise of another meeting. For now, he has a succubus to speak with and her own emotions and feelings to face.


Momonga's foot falls were measured. His steps were light as his eyes took in his surroundings.

The ninth floor of Nazarick was their fantasy world. It had everything that they had always wanted in their lives, from spas to bars. Even gardens and dance halls.

The decorations themselves were derived from from historical artifacts to modern art.

Each one was the perfect replica of the real thing, derived from ancient sites or those salvaged from the fallen cities close to one of those 'Ground Zero' locations.

Passing through the halls, through the Lemegeton, through the Great Hall and into his office, he was soon standing at the door of his own room.

He took a deep breath gathering his courage. Once his heart stabled he decided to press on and as soon as he entered, he was greeted by Albedo's ass.

The woman was again, bent over his bed as she straightened the covers. This has been a recurring occurance as of late as Albedo had taken it upon herself to personally clean his room.

Seeing the woman before him truly made him flush. As if his body is over heating. Shrugging off the building lust within him. He softly embraced the woman and pulled her up against him.

"I'm sorry I kept you waiting too long."

The woman shook slightly in his embrace.

"I did not mean to express myself in such a way towards you. But there was no other way to say it, not properly at the very least. But please understand as well, you may want me to use you as you see fit. But I could never being myself to do such a thing to you. That was what truly made me angry."

"M-My lord." her voice cracked out. "Do not apologize please. My mistake was thinking so lowly of me. My mistake was forgetting the kind of man your were." She looked towards him with a tear stricken face and said. "I'm sorry to have forgotten how much you loved us. I'm sorry, truly."

Albedo cried and cried even more when Momonga held her closer.

She was fool doing foolish things. The first sight of a threat, she ended up voicing her dissatisfaction towards her lord's chosen. Not yet realizing that she had already lost. And when the proof of her defeat reared it's ugly head, she made things worst between her and her beloved by labelling herself as his tool, his toy, his accessorie, his anything. Not seeing the pain she had put her lord through, believing he was simply unimpressed instead. She ended up offering herself a tool for his pleasure. And that was when things fell apart.

It had taken the Supreme Mother's intervention for her to realize her folly. That in her pursue of being his, for him to express his claim towards her in any manner, that she had forgotten of one very important detail.

She has forgotten how much her beloved, loved them so. That her demeaning herself so openly simply broke his heart and his trust towards her.

Time is what he needed and that is what she would give. Even if she had to wait a millennia to receive his forgiveness, she will wait.

Her heart nearly burst out of her chest as his arms snaked around her waist and the other underneath her arm. Wrapping around her with such care and gentleness that she couldn't help but cry even more.

Resting her face at his chest, listening to his heart, relishing in his warmth and enjoying his scent slightly tickling her nose. Albedo for the first time, smiled a real smile since arriving in the New World.


Jircniv lounge at the sofa with such a carefree manner that Fluder Paradyne was slightly perplexed. He had not seen his student be so openly excited before.

"Greetings your majesty."

"Ah! Old man! Come! come! Sit with me. I have a few questions I was hoping you could provide an answer for. Oh and raise the anti-divination wards. I don't want to be heard as of yet."

Nodding to the emperor and doing as he said. Fluder soon stand noticed the absence of one of his Knights.

'Leinas is a lot of things. Lazy is not one of them. What could have caused such tardiness.'

"So first, tell me. What have you found out about the scroll?"

"That it was a seventh tier spell."

His scribe Loune Vermilion snapped his quill at Fluder's words while everyone looked rather grim. Looking around he could see the Generals of the Legions scowling at the words with several trusted Nobles looking just as frightened.

All except his emperor, grinning like a madman with a sweat trailing down his face.

Loune knew then it was a conversation that would be would be symbolic in the days to come.