
Overlord: Just a god having fun

Just a god having fun in the New World no harem, dark MC complete wish-fulfillment

DaoistDRZ · Urban
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5 Chs

Finishing preparations

Gonna have a quick look at Brain and Arche,

before going back to Swords of darkness

Been enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would.

Writing 12000 words in 2 days left mah brain empty.


P.O.V Arche, the Baharuth Empire

When I woke up this morning, I found myself being hugged by my sisters, Ureirika and Kuuderika. Looking around the unfamiliar room, I still couldn't belive that I had actually managed to take my sisters away from that house, that I didn't have to worry about their safety anymore. I had signed a magic contract stating that in case of my death, Lady Arcadia would take care of my sisters and when of age would find them proper families.

In exchange I would continue studying magic under Lady Arcadia or under someone named Akasha? It really doesn't matter to me as long as my sisters are safe. As much as it pained my heart, I knew I had to wake up my sisters. Ever so slightly tugging at them, I slowly woke them up and wished them good morning. After waking them up and calling for a maid, a few of them entered and helped us get dressed. Walking towards the kitchen, while holding hands with my sisters and just chatting. Kuuderika asked me why we weren't with our parents. I wasn't sure how to answer that question since, they wouldn't understand, but I knew they probably missed our... their parents. I refuse to acknowledge them as my parents.

After having some breakfast, some tutors arrived, meaning it was time for Ureirika and Kuuderika to start their lessons. I started preparing for my own lessons, when a servant notified me of a visitor, I went to the door to invite Lady Arcadia in, but instead of her, I saw a man at the door. "Hello Arche Eeb Rile Furt, you probably don't know me, but my name is Akasha and I'm here to teach you about magic. I understand you were expecting Lady Arcadia? Well she had some urgent matters to attend to so I will teach you instead. Is that okay with you?". I remember there was a name Akasha in the contract, but I didn't expect to meet this person so soon.

"Ye-yes, it's okay with me and it is true, I was expecting Lady Arcadia." Inviting him in, we started walking towards the study. While on the way he asked me some questions about magic, probably to understand what I knew and where to start teaching. Since I learnt under Fluder Paradyne, I knew a lot more about magic than others at my age, though it didn't seem to impress him. It is possible I'm not the first 'promising individual' so there may have been others more talented than me. Arriving at the study, he sent away all the servants that had been with us. I wonder why. Using some kind of spacial magic he took out a white board and some odd looking pens. He started by creating 3 circles and writing some runes in them. I could somewhat understand until the third one, after that he completely lost me. After having filled these circles he made another 3 circles and like before filled them with some writings and finished it by making a weird symbol in the middle. I knew it was a magic circle, but for WHAT?? I had no damn clue. I THINK it had something to do with earth, I hope I atleast got that right. No wonder he wasn't impressed with my knowledge of magic, this looks like something Fluder would study. 6th-tier magic maybe even 7th or 8th. Some if those writings don't even look like they belong in tier- magic. WHAT IS THAT??

"We will consider your training done once you understand and can effectively use this spell. I will not answers any questions regarding this magic circle, it will be completely up to you to decipher it and learn it. I will leave this board here so you can always come a take a look. Now let's go over the basics of magic."

Few hours later the lesson ended, I don't think I learned anything too much, since it was just the basics, but it's never bad reminding myself about them. I also hadn't learnt magic in quite a while so this was rather refreshing thing to do. I opened the door to the room where my sisters were studying. The moment they saw me they ran over complaining about how strict the teachers were. I understood their pain having gone through the same thing, but it's something they must to. We were walking towards the dining room since it was time for lunch. They wouldn't let go of me the whole time, fearing that the teachers would take them back the moment they let go of me. After eating, Ureirika and Kuuderika had some more lessons, that were alot more lax. I had planned to meet up with Foresight to tell them about the change, I hadn't met them for 2 days. I'm sure they would question it, trusting some strangers like that is quite stupid actually. Not like I had much of a choice, did I?

Arriving at our usual gathering place, I saw them already seated. Greeting everyone I also sat down. Hekkeran started talking about some new job. Seems rather easy, just some undead killing. Pay was shit. Since everyone had agreed to the job, they begun just chatting about some random things. When they asked me about my 'situation', I didn't hide too much. I did hide that spell I saw, that Akasha had written. Still can't understand anything. Istead of earth magic, maybe it has something to do with fire? As expected they asked, if I was stupid at first, trusting a stranger like that, but they also understood why I had done it. They asked if it was possible to visit the mansion, to which i agreed. They probably want to make sure that place is safe. In the contract it was stated among many other things, that I was allowed to have visitors, but certain places will be off limits. Like the study for example.

We agreed they would visit my new house tomorrow, since the job will be day after tomorrow.

I just hope Sir Furt and Madame Furt won't to anything stupid.

The next day, after finishing my lessons with Akasha, I went over the notes I had made.

Today he thought me about casting, I wasn't sure what his goal was with that lesson. I can already cast magic and my chanting is also extremely fast. Looking at the time it was almost time for Foresight to arrive. About 15 minutes later, a servant came and informed me of Foresight's arrival. This mansion was actually a little bigger than the one I grew up in, so it took some time. Opening the door, the sight that greeted me was rather bizarre. Instead of coming with their usual gear, it seems like they had tried to dress up a little better, since they are visiting a noble's house after all. Robberdyck was doing fine, he wasn't completely unfamiliar to this, but Hekkeran and Imina. They looked rather uncomfortable. I tried to be polite. I TRIED to hold back, but I just couldn't.

"Hahaha what the hell are you are wearing?"

I had to hold my stomach, since it was starting to ache from laughing. Even Robberdyck chuckled. The anger in Hekkeran's and Imina's face was evident.

Somehow being able to contain myself, I invited them inside.

In MC's realm massive amounts of Aether were being used.

P.O.V Jircniv, the Baharuth Empire

Sometimes I wonder if burging all the corrupt or useless nobles was such a good idea, since it left a huge power vacuum, but it was something that had to be done. Even if it means so much increase in my workload.

In few months it's again time for our annual war with the Re-Estize Kingdom. Few more years, 2 at best, some gold changing hands and the kingdom will fall due to the corruption. Once that happens it'll be easy to take over and claim it's land. Although I should still be weary of that princess. Others might be oblivious, but I know she is no ordinary woman. It seems like 8 fingers are also being attacked a little more as of late. 2 different styles. 1 clean, someone who knows what he's doing and another a lot more sloppy. Princesse's doing? But what could she gain from attacking such small businesses? Another group or organisation all together? Time will tell, getting information from that kingdom is simply too easy. I wonder what gramps is up to. Haven't seen him for quite a while, apparently he's been locking himself in his office. Probably studying magic, maybe he made a breakthrough? Well if it got him so obsessed it must be something important and potentially useful for the Empire. It also seems that he purchased a mansion and hired some staff. Arche if I remember was the one living there, if I remember correctly. Wasn't she one his students? Maybe he couldn't let go of a talent like that and wanted to teach her in secret. If so, there's no reason for me to look into it too much.

Will this paper work ever end?

P.O.V Brain, Re-Estize, day later

I was to leave 30 minutes before Swords of Darkness. Taking my leave, I started walking towards the location. Arriving at the location, I listened to the noises inside. 8 moving targets, 1 completely still most likely asleep. There's also shouting and the sound of mugs. Probably drinking. Rather stupid thing to do considering that some of your establishments have been attacked, but makes my job easier. Fighting against drunk people is either easier than fighting a kid or more difficult than usual. Reading intoxicated people's moves is a lot more challenging. I hit the door with my leg, making it fly through the air and hitting one of

the idiots. And with that I had joined the party. Even when the fighting took place that 1 guy didn't wake up.

Entrance to basement. Check.

Booby trapped. Check.

Weird ass chamber. Check.

I kept checking room after room, only to find all empty. This is probably where the slaves were being held. Looks like freshly shipped off.

That woman named Arcadia said that the target would be here. Maybe 8 fingers knew what they were after and moved the goods because of it. Upon going to another room I saw it having 2 doors and some crates.

*Steps* 2. Both rather light. 1 more trained and the other without any training. Neither seem hesitant, so probably not a slave.

Hearing them speak, it sounded like 2 man.

Exiting the room, I left the door open just enough to hear what they were talking about.

After listening to them speak it was obvious that one of them was working for the other.

Cocodoll? One of eight fingers is here? Could he be the target? No, he seems to be complaining about having to send off most of the good. Should I take the chance and attack? Fuck it. I've already done some awful shit in my life, about time I did something good.

Looking at the other guy. He doesn't look like he focuses on strength, but also not speed, depsite his light build. Still someone I can easily beat. Opening the door I revealed myself. God that man's reflexes are awful, so he's not used to fighting opponents on the same level or higher.

What was that? For a moment it looked like his hand twitched, fear? No, my instincts are telling my otherwise. Magic or martial arts perhaps? Possible. To be Cocodoll's bodyguard he should know atleast 1 or even 2 martial arts. Ignoring Cocodoll's questions about my identity, I started walking towards them and so did the bodyguard. He was first to strike. I was about to block when I sensed an attack coming from another angle. So it was illusion magic he used. Cheap trick. Explains why he's not used to fighting opponents on the same or higher level. I wasn't even gonna deflect. Slightly moving my body and taking a strike, I beheaded him. Without wasting much time I also killed Cocodoll. Freaky looking little shit.

Deciding to keep looking I opened another door and started walking. Great, more doors.

Hmm, what's this? 1 older man yelling, falling. 4 pair of steps. Swords of Darkness maybe. There were 2 entrances, so it's possible. Taking some caution, I slowly approached the room. Yep, that's Lukrut outside on the lookout. He seems to have noticed me, since I didn't try to hide as much anymore. Taking a look inside I saw a fat man laying in his own blood and a slave. Probably killed while he was doing his own thing. Infront of the slave I saw that mage standing. What caught my attention the most was that horrified look on his face.

3rd person P.O.V, the Baharuth Empire

In a certain mansion there were 3 girls preparing for sleep.

One older girl, probably around 15-17 years old and 2 younger ones, between the ages of 5-6 years old.

While the 2 younger girls fell asleep and drifted to the land of dreams. The older girl's consciousness went somewhere else. If you were in that girls place, you would hear a genderless voice say "Welcome to the 1st floord, player Arche!"

1 more day, just 1 more and I'll be done with my project.

P.O.V MC, home realm

Swords of Darkness have found the target. I plan to use Tuareninya Veyron to make Ninya join my cult. Whether or not the rest join is up to them. Since Arcadia had given them that gear and more money that they would make in years after every finished raid. They have developed some dependence to her. So, only person they know and can get help from in Re-Estize to heal Tuareninya is obviously Arcadia. During that time Arcadia will tell her about the cult and that if she wants her sister to be healed and enjoy the benefits they have been given until now and so much more, she must join the cult and swear loyalty to me.

I finished creating the first 15 floors of the tower and I have to say I quite like it. The first few floors are a bit cliché, withe goblins and all, but imma try to create some weird ass monsters, so that when my cultists fight them, they learn all sorts of ways of fighting. Teaching them to adapt to the enemy basically. I already sent Arche there and in few hours Brain will follow. They won't be able to interact, but I will add the option of party later on.

Regarding the name of my cult. I have few ideas.

1. The Hedonistic Order

A cult focused on indulgence and pleasure-seeking.

I like it, but it sounds a bit too much like sex cult.

2. The Dominion of Decadence

A group devoted to darkness and excess, without unnecessary bloodshed.

Kept the dominion part here, took a liking.

3. The Abyssal Covenant

An assembly bound by a pact with a dark and chaotic deity.

I think it might be a little too edgy. But since it means to make a pact, which is basically Acadia's ability, I feel like this fits well.

4.Fidelis Noctem Cultus

A cult dedicated to loyalty in the darkness of night

I tried some latin...

Well, since I like the part about pact, maybe continue with covenant.

The Arcane Covenant Cult

A group devoted to arcane rituals and forbidden knowledge, bound by a sacred covenant.

Yeah, I can see this working. Something that I don't like right now is tier- magic. I want my cult members to have their own magic. They CAN use tier- magic until 10th floor, after that I want them to use different kind of magic system.

Something that I can use to my advantage is the fact that Re-Estize kingdom heavily suppresses commoners and since commoners make most of the population they also suppress alot on talent holders.

So to find these talents more easily I created a new being. Welcome the Aeraphantus.

The Aeraphantus resembles a majestic, ethereal creature with a slender, elongated body covered in iridescent scales that shimmer in the light. It has long limbs and translucent fins that ripple softly as it moves through the air. Atop its head sits a pair of slender, antenna-like appendages, which it uses to sense and locate talents. When in stealth mode, it can cloak itself in invisibility, blending seamlessly into its surroundings.

I also wanted a banner so I came up with something like this.

But it will have a red background.

I've been taking things pretty lax as of late, not doing much myself and it's boring the hell out of me. I know beginning is slow usually, but it's so annoying.

more like a filler chapter. Sorry!

Banner and The Aeraphantus at the top.

In the next chapter I'll TRY to make a torture scene, featuring Arcadia : D

DaoistDRZcreators' thoughts