
Overlord: Ice Dragon Emperor

Alankah, the Ice Dragon Emperor, tried to tear through the reality of his universes boundaries to surpass his limits. His plan succeeded, just not in the way he expected it to. Transmigrated into the disabled son of a mighty megacorp CEO he can life a lavish, peaceful life in this new dying world. But to Alankah's surprise he discovers a game that pulls in the mystic energies of this world. Prepared and with unlimited cash the Dragon Emperor begins his journey into the new world, followed by his kin. But how will he interact with an Overlord and his more than impudent minions? What lurks beneath the surface of the new world? And is there really nothing that can threaten him? -Author note: This isn't my first time writing a fanfic, but it is my first time publishing one, and it's my first time publishing on web novel. Please point out any mistakes you see in the story, plot or grammar, since English isn't my first language. This is more of a writing exercise, so I don't know how often I'll update, but I will try to keep it to one chapter per week. The first chapters will be rather short and fast paced, I still hope that some of you will stick with it.- Disclaimer : I don't own overlord or any characters within it, only my OC's are of my own creation

Avery025 · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Under unfortunate circumstances

Under unfortunate circumstances, he died. Even though he couldn't believe it himself and his heart rejected the truth, reality didn't change to accommodate his hurt pride. He, the emperor of the Draconic-Kind, finally found back to the comforting darkness of the nothingness that defines the beginning and end for every dragon. He didn't think he would go through this experience again, since his last reincarnation had been millennia ago. At least he knew now that his thesis about outer-world travel was correct. But since his little experiment of trying to tear through his universes walls blew up in his face, he must've done something wrong, something was evading his gaze in this entire situation. But since he had all the time in the world to work out the details he would sooner or later be able to successfully wander from universe to universe.

Soon he felt the pull that signalled the voids eagerness to spit him out again, and so he complied happily.

As soon as his eyes opened he knew something had gone terribly wrong, the first thing he noticed was the lack of mana around him, wich was impossible considering that dragons were the children of mana, and he in particular was the manas favourite child.

Further he couldn't feel his wings and tail, no he didn't recognise his physiology at all, at least for the first few moments. Then it dawned on him, he was in a humans body, this wasn't supposed to happen, no it simply wasn't possible since a humans physical form could never contain a soul as old and powerful as his.

In the first time in so long he was scared, truly terrified, unable to grasp the situation he scanned his surroundings.

a to him unfamiliar room, filled with a group of about a dozen humans sitting at a smooth white table presented itself in front of him. He was sitting at the left side to he door. At the head of the table sat a grey haired man, he seemed to just finish with some sort of speech. The man pointed his predatory seeming gaze at him, but as soon as their eyes met the mans gaze softened and a small, sad seeming smile tugged at the edges of his lips. He then gestured for the emperor to come up to him, trying stand up he frowningly noticed that he couldn't. Looking down he saw what was a more modern model of what humans called a wheelchair. 'Great' he thought to himself, 'I am not only a human, but a cripple at that'. Manuevering the wheelchair next to the grey haired one. "This is my son, as the ones already know who've worked with him the past year. Sadly he was a victim to an assassination attempt on my life, wich has left him in the state you see now. Regrettably even with nano surgery the medical team was only able to reconstruct the upper section of his spine, the rest had to be removed under the threat of further damages." At this murmurs could be heard from the small crowd at the table, a few even looked sincerely sad.

"Following his own wishes Alan(ankah) won't succeed me as owner of the company and CEO. I will name a new successor out of you all, since I only have one child. He made up his mind in correspondence with our rivals trying to exploit his injury in a smear campaign against us. To not show weakness to our enemies my son sacrificed his future…" A deep sigh escaped the business mans lips. "As a father I'm ashamed that I couldn't protect my son and the future of this company. So I'll still designated Allan as the receiver of all my shares in my will. Even if my son can't walk at the forefront, I'm sure you will protect him even after I'm gone"

A solemn silence was shared between the executives, then one after another they gave each other slight but determined nods of approval. Meanwhile Alankah observed the situation play out in front of him. At first he had thought he was reincarnated into the son of some noble family, but now he had corrected that into a wealthy merchant dinasty. 'Huh I just got disowned ' he stated. 'At least I will be able to live a satisfyingly peaceful and lavish life. I'll need to find out what caused this deviation in the laws of the world and how i can get my old body back' he made a few plans to follow along for the future.

-time skip: 1 week-

The past week Alankah had done some research about this new world, since he indeed was in another world he could estimate that his experiment had worked, just not in the way he wanted it to. Through this uncontrolled journey it seemed that he lost his body.

This new world he found himself in was incomparably more technologically advanced then his old one. Weapons of mass destruction comparable to the might of the dragons of his world, Megametroplises and the corresponding uncountable number of humans.

Apparently there were no other intelligent races besides humans on this planet, but those of the unintelligent kind were mostly wiped out by this time too since this world was falling apart. This world was an old one, torn by war and pollution, it was an unearthly wasteland.

In this wasteland there was no magic, no mana and without it there were no wizards or hero kings who ruled over others. Mega-Cooperations ruled over every little corn of dust, and it just so happened that he was the son of an owner of such a Mega-corp.

He had occasionally conversed with former acquaintances of this body, wich gave him a better overview of the affairs and happenings in this world.

The one person he saw even more scarcely then the old acquaintances was this body's father, only two times did he visit his son. It seemed he was getting everything in order in preparation of his of his anticipated departure from the world of the living. Alankah didn't feel any negative emotions in face of his 'fathers' death. He wasn't attached to the man, even if he was his original father he wouldn't really care since dragons didn't share the strongest of familiarly bonds. Maybe he would still worry a bit about him if he knew the man would reincarnate as well, but that was a privilege that was only available to the strongest of souls. In his former home world, only dragons and gods were able to access the void of rebirth.

Over the course of the week he was also able to finally sense one of the three major energies, world essence. The Worldessence is the mystical potential and capacity of a Universe, and it was also the reason why he wanted to leave his own world. It was restricted in its potential and he had long reached the limit of potential in his world, to surpass his limits he needed to break red of his shackles.

But this old decaying world held an unsuspected surprise, a treasure trove of world essence. Normally the essence would dictate how much or how strong of a mystical energy this world could hold. This made it all the more disturbing and eerie that there was not the slightest bit of mana or internal energy around. This world was unmagical, completely and utterly lacking in the supernatural forces.

But since Alankah, or how his new body was named, Alan couldn't get to the bottom of his questions at the moment he put them aside for now.

The physical restrictions, imposed by his disability, didn't leave many options open for occupation of body and mind. This led to him being incredibly bored. Until he discovered the virtual reality, games, movies, fighting and even procreation this invisible electronic world was completely new to him and amazed Alankah to his fullest.

While traversing the VR he came across a MMORPG named Yggdrasil, this was a turning point. This game pulled in all mystical energies in this world, incorporating and saving it. Obviously he researched about it and only found scarce information on it, since information seemed to be might in regards to this open world fantasy. In fact this games biggest selling point wasn't the many characters to choose from, the cool art or simply the game mechanics. The popularity was based on the huge nine worlds of the Worldtree, and the freedom to travers and explore it like you saw fit. The Charaktercreation and NPC details were in the free hands of the players too, you could be a Demonlord, a saint, a mere monster or a world ending calamity. The three races that inhabited the nine worlds were similar in some regards to his old home world and were categorized as Humanoid, Demi-Human and Heteromorphic. Humanoid races enjoyed better starting stats and more protection in so called 'save city's' but were denied racial-class-levels, wich caused the humanoid races to be more stagnant and over all weaker in abilities in the later levels. On the other side one could argue that humanoid characters could utilize job-classes to the complete maximum since these were the only levels they could invest in. Some examples of humanoids would be Humans, obviously, Elves and Dwarves.

Demi-Human races include Goblins, Beastman and Giants. These races still share at least some characteristics with the humanoids, their racial- and job-class levels are balanced out.

The third and last racial group were the heteromorphic races, in simple terms monsters. Their true strength laid within their racial abilities, granted to them through their otherworldly to alien physiology. The maxing out on their racial classes more often then not left them with strong hidden races or abilities that helped a few to sore through the ranking right to the top.

To Alankah's disappointment in the category of the draconic races the full Dragon wasn't a playable one. The only ones with draconic heritage were the Dragonoids and Dragon-blooded Humans. But slightly scoffing he had to admit that not everyone should be able to be a dragon, going from there it was only logical that it had to be a little harder to obtain. But that didn't matter to him since he would under all circumstances regain his glory. And when the magical event took place in this game that needed all the energy of this world he would be there to use it to his advantage. Maybe he would even figure out what was going to happen so he could utilize it properly.