
Overlord: A new journey

200 years before the main timeline of Overlord, a powerful player was transported into New World. (English is not my mother tongue, please forgive if i make grammatical mistakes.)

Dang_Hoang_4631 · Anime und Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"Come on Ned. We should go back. There is nothing here." Assassin Scott said to Ranger Ned.

Due to the rumours about group of Trolls, they were trusted to send ahead to scout. However, no Troll was found. Scott suggested going back but Ned wanted to investigate for a while longer. He thought there must be a reason for rumours, so he kept trying to find vestiges of Trolls. Unfortunate for him, his efforts were finding a needle in a lake. Nos plain had no suitable place for a group of Troll to hide. There were indeed huge trees here, but it was hard to believe that the trolls that over 3 meters tall could climb up a tree and hide themself there without being detected. After searching for a while but couldn't find anything, Ned decided to listen to Scott' advice.

"Yeah, let's go back Scott. Maybe I'm too skeptical." Ned said.

"How could a group of Trolls could hide in an open space like this? Those rumours are defitnitely fake. Let's back." Scott asserted.

Then, they climbed on their horses and got together with other members. They didn't know that there was an evil gaze watching them from afar.

After Ned and Scott had completely left, Ra removed its magic. The huge tree scene dissapeared , replaced by the sight of 15 trolls standing together. Ra's magic had truly archived mastery. Even experienced Ranger and Assassin luke Ned and Scott couldn't dectect them.

"Whhhhyy ....nuut...aattak..." One of the trolls asked.

"Doo iT aAnD i TeaAr YooU aPaaRt...." Ra answered angrily.

Ra was much more smarter than its stupid subordinates. It knew that they were scouters, others would be here soon. All it had to do was set a trap and wait. It glanced at its brainless supporters and sighed. After many years, Ra still couldn't find a smart Troll like it. Thinking about it made it angry again. Ra decided that this time it would eat all of them to entertain itself.

A cavaran consisting of a carriage and other 4 people were crossing Nos plain. They were Red eye mercenary group and merchant Thoros. After Ned and Scott coming back, they continued to move. They wanted to reach to Thedas city as quickly as possible. So they intended to cross Nos plain today. They really missed the conviniences of the city.

However, there was a strange thing that made Kain querry. He looked at the sun above his head. The bright sunlight made Kain frown. The Nos plain was indeed very hot. But all the times Kain passed by this land, it had never been this hot. Kain damped with sweat, he looked around and saw that everyone felt the same. Even Kain's horse was wheezing tiredly.

"Hey boss, am i the olny one feeling unusual heat?" Lyanna asked him.

"No, i feel the same. There is something strange here. You really didn't anything extraordinary,Ned?" Kain asked.

"There was nothing boss. All i found was trees and grass." Ned answered.

Kain frowned again. He looked around one more time, trying to discover reason of this strange phenomenon. Unfortinately, he found nothing hut a beatiful plain view.

"Is this caused by magic or some kind of monster? Or we are just too sceptical?" Roland asked.

Right at Kain about to asnwer, his intuition told him something was approaching him vary fast.

"Heavy Fortress" Kain immediately activated a defensive art.

The unkown object collided with him and knocked him off his horse. However, the damage that he took was negligible thanks to the art. Kain looked at thing that hit him and recognized it was a rock as big as a human head.

"Pay attention, we're under attack". He sprang up and shouted loudly.

"Step back Thoros. Take Thomas and Layla into the carriage." Rosalia said to the old merchant.

Thoros shook his head and did exactly what Rosalia had just said. Other people quickly got into formation. Kain, Ned , Scott and Rosalia standing in front to deal with enemies while Roland, Lyanna and Lily supported from behind.

Their enemies promptly showed up. They were a griup of 7 trolls. In their hands were rocks similar to one that had been thrown at Kain. They kept throwing rocks at Red eye.

"Wind protection" Druid Lily used a defensive magic that created an unseen shield protected them from the rocks.

"Sh!t! The rumours are real. Scott, Ned, how didn't you two detect them. Are you blind?" Roland reproached.

"Believe us. We are wondering too." Scott replied.

"Focus. This is not time to argue. Lily , Roland, use your magics to cast buffs on us." Kain ordered.

"Yes boss." Lily immediately used her magics.

Kain concentrated on his enemies. If they were careful , they still had a chance to win against the trolls. What worried Kain was whether they were commanded by a special individual or not. Thinking about it, he found that possibility to be very high. Trolls were haughty monsters, they wouldn't gather together without a strong leader.

"Everyone, there could be a leader commanding them, be careful."

"Lyanna, if you see the leader, give it an arrow as greeting". Kain said.

"Leave it to me." Lyanna replied.

The air crackle with tension as both sides prepared for the impending clash. Then, Trolls started to approach them. They brandished huge logs in their hands. A troll jumped towards Kain and swung its log with intention of killing him. He jumped aside and stabbed his its sword into its face. The monster screamed painfully. But very quickly, its wounds healed. It angrily punched Kain but he successfully dodged it again.

Lyanna's arrows whistled the air and pinned into troll's eye and neck. Trolls were very angry because of arrows, they wanted to attack Lyanna but stopped by Rosalia.

"Anti-evil protection" She used a magic to defend against troll's attacks.

"Ability Boost"

"Fatal edge" . While that troll was distracted, Ned and Scott used their arts and cut off its head, successfully killing one. Using their agility, Ned and Scott continued to attack other trolls, causing them to reveal their vulnerabilities when angry. On the other side, Kain killed one troll and was fighting agains two others with a injured shoulder.

"Heal" Rosalia used a healing magic on him and his injury disappeared.

"Body strengthening".

In the back, Lily, Lyanna và Roland kept supporting the group. The arrows that were shot by Lyanna continued to express their discomfort. Lily activated a magic called "Root Jail". That magic summoned roots and vines to entangle a troll and creating opportunity for Kain and Rosalia to kill it. Roland kept casting buffs on his friends through his songs.

"Keep doing. We can win them." Kein encouraged. 'Yes, we could win'. He thought.

However, the screams from the carriage brought him to reality. He turned his head and got into panic.

Without knowing when, 7 were attacking the carriage. They had broken the wheel and was trying to drag poor family out of carriage.

'What..? Where do they come from?' Kept that thoughts in his mind, Kain order.

"Retreat! Retreat! Protect the carriage, protect them." He shouted.

Ned and Scott first approached, trying to distract the trolls. Lily summoned roots again to retain them. Angry because of being disrupted, the trolls turned to attack Kain group. Taking that opportunity, Lyanna pulled Layla, Thomas and Thoros out of the carriage. The group worked together to push these new troll to the same side as the other, avoiding falling into a pincer position.

"F#ck it" Kain sweared. He regretted accepting this request. He should have taken the rumours seriously. But there was no potion for regret. He had to face with reality. He could defeat these monsters and return. Even if they were defeated by these monsters , they might also return, but they would return to ground. He must choose one of the two.

"What should we do, boss". Rosalia asked him.

"We can't win them. But we can't escape either." He replied.

"I don't think their leader will let us go easily." He added.

Now Kain was absolutely sure they had a leader. A stupid group of Trolls couldn't plan such an attack. .

"Show yourself" he shouted.

Few seconds later, the space in front of the trolls was distorted, another troll appeart right at position. Its apperence was similar to other troll. However, there was something different. It exuded oppression like an ruler. It was holding a staff in its hand, it seemed to be a magic caster.

"Guys, looks like we have to fight a battle to the death." Kain tightened his sword's hilt.

The prey had falled into the trap. Ra smiled. Those foolish creatures would be its meal. That was their honors. Ra admired its briliant plan. It used a 5th illusional magic to deceive them. Magic made them feel intense heat. When they were tired, it was the trolls turn to do their mission. They would do what they did best, using their skills as pawns. They would drain the remaining strength of those creatures. And finally, Ra would finish them off. It didn't feel sorry for the dead trolls. It just felt annoying because it had to find others to fill the places left by those which died. Ra watched the creature that was challenging it to reveal itself. Ra smiled and removed its magic. It would crush their wills.

The clash was becoming fierce. With the appreance of leader of trolls, Red eye was gradually losing their advantage. Th troll's leader was too overpowered. It used strange illusional magics to make them increasingly disoriented. In a moment, they found themseld standing on desert. But a second later, they found themself still on Nos plain. They knew the flames around them were illusions, but when they touched them, the could feel the heat of flames althought they didnt cause them any injury.

Beside, they had to dodge the fire ball magics of that troll. Majority of them were illusions, but there wete few that were real. If they got hit by one fire ball, it would their end.

'It was a mistake to accept this mission. Maybe this is the end of us.' Kain thought.

"Boss, there are two people approaching here." Ned said.

Stabbing his sword iton a troll's head, Kain turned his head. He saw two cool armored guys riding on ferocious magical beasts. They looked very strong. Hope was rekindled, Kain cheered his temamates.

"Keep it up, someone is coming. We can ask for help."

"Yes, boss" .Everyone replied together.

When those two people approached the place where they were fighting, the man in full plate armor asked them.

"Hey ,we got lost. Could you direct me to the nearest city?"

Kain was completely speechless. Weren't he seeing they fighting against trolls. He should have asked "Do you need help?" instead. Kain couldn't answered because he had to block a swing from a troll.


"Do you hear me? Which is the closest way to the city?" That man asked again.

'F#ck you' Kain thought.

"Help us" He said.

"What? There is no direction called 'help us'. What do you mean? You don't understand what i say?"

'D@mn it! Is this d!ck teasing me?'

"Help me, please" Kain begged.

"Oh I see. You guys are in trouble huh. Want some help?" He asked.

"Help us ,please. We are at the limit" Kain was hopeless.

"Ok, but you have to direct us to the nearest city. And now , step back." He said.

"What?" Kain asked. 'Is this d!ck crazy? He wants to fight them alone.'

"If you don't wanna die, step back." He repeated.

'Whatever. If he wants to die, just die. As long as we can escape.'

Kain signaled his teammates to retreat. Gathering together at the carriage, he looked at two strangers. He saw that man draw his skull sword. Kain carefully observed to fin out what that man wanted to do. What happened next completely blew Kain and his friends mind. With just one swing of his sword, the trolls that had beaten Kain almost to death were completely swiped out.