
Overlord: Еmptiness

Overlord. Careful, there's Russian humor here and I don't know how the AI translated it.

Lord_Citxow · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 7 girls?

The scenery has changed, and I find myself resurrected in the cemetery of the nearest town.

All around me is dead earth, full of graves and occasional white flashes. Signaling the arrival of similar losers. Because I had no place to live, I showed up in the cemetery of the city of Cornell, and if I had time to rent a hotel room, I would have shown up there.

What was the main mistake I made?

I went to an approximate familiar place, which I had already seen in the video, did not start to check my theory, and hoped for luck and began to cosplay the lurker, hoping to immediately take possession of the chest. It looked even worse from the outside.

Drawing conclusions from the reasons for my failure, I began to move towards the exit of the graveyard.

Paying attention to my outfit, I noticed that my pants were missing, and I was wearing only my underwear in the form of a bandage of some rags. It's good that this is only a part of the newcomer's equipment. As for the loss of experience, it doesn't matter at all, you can't go below level one anyway.


Hik: ahahahahahahaha, I knew you were an idiot

Ali: and what I was hoping for

Hopm4eji: go to your rats, you don't deserve more than that anyway

Am I surprised that chat didn't get my point?

Not at all.

I haven't even begun to realize it. We just have to hope that the online will not drop. Otherwise, we'll really have to go to the rats.

Shottu sends 1,000 yen

and says:

That's an interesting plan, I think I'll do it again, ha ha, just wait till you get something out of it.

Eh, if they knew what I was about to do, maybe they wouldn't have gotten so worked up.

- Thanks for the donation, yes, yes, all right, the plan is in full swing, and death is not a hindrance, the prize will obviously be worth it. - I've told the chat, and now it's up to me to convince myself that I'll be able to get the right stuff from the chest.

I decide to return to the previous place, leaving the cemetery, passing by all the players, heading straight to the cats.

As I enter the clearing, I notice that the cats' route has changed. Having led them to the chest last time, they had taken up residence there, making the task of opening it impossible.

So I began to study their route again, only to brave death again.

The feline skeletons are overtaking me in all stats, but thanks to [Small Aura of Acceleration], I plan to remedy the situation a bit by moving 10% faster.

With the boost applied, I go at them without hiding.

As soon as they appear in the position I want, I walk towards them. I see that they all notice me and rush towards me to kill me.

I try to run as far away as possible, luring them behind me by gathering a steam train.

Pretty soon they catch up to me, one of them jumps on my back dropping me to the ground, the others try to attack me but it's all useless, the first cat has already finished me off.

[You are dead]

After a flash of white light, I find myself back in the city cemetery. This time my shoes were missing.

The chat had already written me off as a nub who runs around and dies for fun.

Once more I pass by everyone to find myself in a clearing with cats.

Great, I was able to get them far enough away, there shouldn't be any problems this time.

- [Small Aura of Acceleration]. - I whisper to give myself a boost. It's a pity that the skill system here is through voice control, making every technique audible.

Twenty seconds passed before I stopped in place, noticing two cats approaching from behind. They approached me strongly but didn't enter the aggro zone, whereupon I quickened my step and made my way to the wooden chest. It's a full thirty-six seconds to the end of the skill's effect, and I'm already at the chest.

Opening the chest, I saw.

Until the chest is opened 15,14,13,12....

Nothing but the timer I saw, and close to me began to pass one of the skeletons.

But so without finding anyone in his radius, turned around and went away.

After which I could calmly sigh.

After opening the chest, without even looking, I put everything in my inventory.

- Ugh, I don't need stealth in games, I'm usually used to playing shooters. - I began to complain about the complexity of the "task".

- All chat, it's decided, we go back for free and teleport. - I ran to meet my teleporter. Who noticed me after my first words. Who knew those skeletons could hear so well?

A good way to get back to town. And most importantly, except for the equipment element, I won't pay for it with anything, because I don't have any money either.

Having died once again, I find myself in the town cemetery. This time there was no shirt, so I was completely naked, left without things and in one "diaper".

- At least it was worth it. - After looking around, I told the chat room I had a good deal.

After giving up my stuff, I got a crossbow.

The Punching Crossbow.

Requirements: Bandit role, level 2

Quality: High


OZ + 30

OM - 10

OЕ + 50

Health: +3

Energy: -1

Physical attack: +5

Physical Defense: +2

Dexterity: +4

Mag.attack: +1

Mag.defense: -1

Resistance: +2

Special: +2

Special effects: imposes a piercing effect up to 5 times.

Next, as always in the chat went different opinions. Started praising my genius, what a lucky guy I am, a cheater and in general it's not fair to go instead of the one you already know about.


Lis546: He didn't know

11908372: He knows

KostaBegrodni: With such a loot, you can go to the dragon.

Gannmen: Great muv

The game servers have been open for quite a while, so there are plenty of players of 2-3 levels now. After which they could go to higher level locations. But due to the constant arrival of new players, it was impossible to find a free area with a dozen rats.

- I would go to the dragon, but not the hedgehog, it's too scary. - confessed to the chat, happily going to the store to buy bolts.

...sent me out of the store, because I forgot that I have a dick, zero tenths, but in gold.

- And now we're definitely going to the rats. - I'm happy to tell the chat room.

Joyfully, because they sent me for rat skulls.

NPS: Gunsmith Marks

Quest: Kill 50 zombie rats, and to prove it bring their skulls.

I originally wanted to kill the rats by collecting their tails, and only after that bring them to the NPS, taking the quest and immediately in a second to fulfill it. It doesn't accomplish anything, but it's kind of funny to me to know about the quest before it starts.

It turns out that the developers added a quest that was not on the test servers. So there would be fewer smart guys like me, and more people that explore the city, doing boring fetch quests. Sooner or later, this information will be known to everyone, so and such a small thing to sell is not worth it, or rather I should not sell anything at all, I already have everything on display.

At the same time I decided to take the standard one.

NPS: Hunter Corus

Quest: Bring 25 rat tails.

Heading to the rats right afterward.

This time I decided to go to the area where there were mostly humanoid races.

- [Small Aura of Acceleration]. - After casting the spell, I moved out to kill the local dead Skaven.

- 50 OZ.

Damage numbers appear above the rat's head.

After I cast a second strike.

- 50 OZ

The rat dies with a muffled squeak.

+ 2% Experience

The [Small Aura of Acceleration] has a one and a half minute rollback, and the mana cost of choosing it as my main branch is negligible. From what I can use it with only a 30 second break.

- I think acceleration is really good branch pumping, c such a speed, I can quickly finish level 2. And during the skill should be able to kill 5 rats. - decided to give his guess to the chat.

+ 1% Experience

+ 2% Experience

+1.2% Experience

But already on the fourth rat I was interrupted.

- Hey, get the fuck out of our territory, we were here first. - A platinum blonde with a size 4 and the nickname Ares started yelling at me.

Once again, just as I was getting into the swing of things, some thugs came in. But if last time they were monsters who were polite to me, healed me and asked me to leave, then this time they do to me harshly, surrounding me with a group of 10 people...female. So I couldn't even touch the mob.

I didn't want to resort to that, I'm a peaceful and peaceful person, but I can't stand it like that, even if there was no chat. I'll have to attack them, because the best defense is offense.

- I'm only going to your mom's, and only your dad can go fuck you. - I said to the guy who was playing the girl.

And I realized it from the overly popular voice that this individual had chosen.

- You're interfering with my streaming, so go to cuckoo mountain and crow, you cocksuckers. - What video games teach you is how to swear. I was obviously taking a risk, if they started chasing me and then killed me without getting a fine, it might come out somehow.

Ares sent an emoji of bulging eyes, while the others sent emojis of opening their mouths in horror.

Surprisingly, they even started a normal dialog with me.

- So you are ours, Russian! - somehow made certain conclusions of a creature of indeterminate gender.

- This is a state of mind, but why you support the gender undefined is not clear to me. - I kept coming.

- Chel, it is only wagering, what is the point of becoming a man in the game, if you can take a sexy beauty, which will constantly run, jump and duck. There are even special "taunts" with which you can watch yourself from the outside. - gave out the "base" player, but I did not point out his mistakes. Not for nothing I played for male characters from childhood.

Now, after coming into this world, I also have a phobia. It's even scary to think about how players who get into the real world will get sick of the female body.

- You have a country Japan, that's why we attacked you, sorry men, and better take the party. - I was approached, apparently the real head of the squad, because on behalf of Kunitz, came a notice of invitation to the group.

Kunitsa played a zverolud, those with ears and a tail. He dyed her black hair in a golden color, and on the head in general shuriken pinned in the form of a hairpin.

If this trap thinks I'm going to go to ten girls, half of whom have size six breasts, while there's a grown man sitting on the other side of the screen, he's wrong, I'm not that fucked up yet.

- Sorry guys, but I'm streaming, playing alone, solo and all that, so I can't take a party either. - Decided to reply to everyone that I play that way.

- But Iggdrasil is a team game, there is no way to go solo, even the story is built on dungeons and group quests. - The blonde girl who started it with me in the beginning.

- So I'm streaming for this purpose, if necessary, will come my support team, with the help of which I and cope. - I just made it up. Of course, I didn't have any squad, but they don't need to know about it.

After my words there was silence.

I made them realize that someone was behind me and did not want to join them in the group, from which the situation became deadlocked.

But then their leader started to approach me, sending a sly smiley face with a squint.

- How about an opportunity to make some money? - This fox asked.

Before I could ask what exactly I would get, he continued talking.

- You are the Oracle, aren't you? Which branch did you choose? - Kunitz~a inquired.

- Acceleration. - I dare to answer.

- Great, we just don't have an Oracle. So, I suggest you hunt heteromorphs, not literally, but zombie rats. We'll steal their expertise right out from under their noses. Everyone usually takes the aura of enhancement on Oracles, so we'll have an advantage. - Kunitz offered me some childish and useless game of picking up sand in the sandbox.

- Okay, let's do it this way, I'll hold a vote in the chat, and if they want it, I'm coming with you. - I gave my okay, leaving it up to the chat room to decide.

There can't be any bastards sitting there who want to watch the beating of already oppressed races. What's the point of culling some rats that are practically on the spavin in the first place. I heard somewhere that the audience matches the streamer, well bullshit, I can't have that bad of a character.

After 5 minutes I had the results of the vote, 70% in favor and 30 against. That said, the chat was filled with all sorts of nonsense.


Adlet: this is going to be fun

Rognan: what nonsense, go to the dragon already.

Irudaru: I don't think it's worth it, it's better to spend your time on more useful activities, like killing elite mobs, get a team or try to find people who will pump you up quickly.

Nagibator228: Fuck bugs.

These were the types of messages that filled my chat.

- Poll passed, seventy percent in favor, but I have a condition, I will be the leader of the group. - I'm issuing my demand.

- No problem, before we start, I would like to know...What is the name of your channel? - the girl-guy-with-ears asked her question.

After I threw them my channel, they all signed up, but were clearly disappointed with my small number of subscribers.

One of the main problems with any media person in the initial stages, is the small number of people who watch them. Which makes it even harder to build an initial audience.

You could even say that at some point I was doing everything for myself, especially when I had zero online followers. If it wasn't for the possibility of combining the game and a way of survival, I'd long ago given up on it all.

I just had to realize that there will be no golden toilet bowls, and the number of subscribers will increase a little at a time. As well as the number of donations. I can only hope that someone will come to my stream, and not afraid of the small online, will stay.

But, so everywhere, no matter what you do, no matter how much you earn, the percentage of people with high earnings in any profession will be equal to about one.

And these guys, although they look like porn actresses, not only came to my stream, they also paid subscription. Each subscription is a small step to keep me going and keep making content, not abandoning it, because I'm just starting to have a PLAN.

- Thank you for spending your money, it will really help me survive. - I thank them profusely.

- Don't worry, for this amount of money I would at most ride a cab or buy a bottle of water. - answered me platinum blonde.

- Invite already, let's go have fun. - Kunitz grinned.

I don't know how they'll react to the fact that I'm heteromorph, but I'd better stick to my tactics.

After the group was formed, I paid attention to the nicknames of the other members.

There were all sorts of people, Sissy dictators, lords, moderators. But not only that, there were nicknames like "AAA, I'm a woman" or "Church Duchesse", "Asshole", "Chess2", "Holy Armature", "After Lobotomy".

But that's not the worst part, taking a closer look at their avatars, I realized...those somehow strongly resembled the girls from the role selection menu...what if, no no no no...there were girls, not traps...well fuck such thoughts, I'll focus on the good.

I've been given my first title.


You have unlocked the Title [Small Leader] by gathering a group of 10 or more people.

When equipping this title, the other members of your group receive 1% of your Power.

Naturally, I immediately put this title.

Further it was necessary to choose whom to go to pinch, as I am not a bull, and fighter of all good, against all bad, suggested to visit my old acquaintances, realizing revenge. In what I was certainly supported.

I can't say that I feel any negative emotions towards those players, but it will look cool on video.

I walked behind the entire squad and not because I was afraid of these girls with a surprise, the fact that [Small Aura of Speed] worked on all the players in my group, only when they are in my line of sight.

- Team up in pairs, each taking on one hetero. - I started giving out instructions.

- Ares and Kunitsa, take Zabraal, I will need to talk to him personally later. - I determined the fate of the devil.

Further action from me required only that I keep my eyes on my new group. And the experience was pouring in.

+0.09% Experience

+ 0.12% Experience

+ 0.05% Experience