
Overlord: Еmptiness

Overlord. Careful, there's Russian humor here and I don't know how the AI translated it.

Lord_Citxow · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6 extraction

Many years have passed, all the preparations are complete. Momonga and I are best friends, he gave me the guildmaster position. I've collected 121 world items. I acquired all the necessary classes for a truly self-respecting lord of Hell, the guild I made top 1 in all worlds, in parallel conquering the other 8 worlds, because Helheim I personally captured in the first year of the game, so spending a year of his under-life, I managed to capture worlds one after another, and how not to give the world to such a wonderful devil with an angelic face. The secret of this was extremely simple, having found the creators of this wonderful game, very gently, as much as a feather in the ribs in principle can be soft, began to threaten them, thanks to what became the strongest boss of level 666, because what other level can be the most important creep of the server. Someone of course began to resist my usurpation, to which I showed my number of shares in the form of 101%, going beyond even all the creators of the game.

After moving to the New World, I started collecting other nitty-gritty items. Such as a harem, for example, I made all the female NIPs, then gathered them all together in the arena and started "fighting" with them, as a result of this fight in my harem was officially Demiurga, Albedo, Mare, Cocita...etc...okay still a bug, but for the love of God, no one wants to know what the female version of Victim looks like, so I'll skip THOSE details.

Then I went to the village of Karn, and in the process I swatted and resurrected everyone there, bringing back to this wet and pink world the right and not so right people, new captive girls in my casemates. At the same time I made Gazef, the Gazette, because after I rescued her, she will be spread before the great nagibator666 of everything and everything, in my person. I immediately turned the black sword team into girls, a girl in a party is trouble, so they will disband their party because of the abundance of female characters and join me. At the cemetery I killed some grandfather, offering Clementine to join me, she naturally agreed, and her slavery we celebrated on some grave, then on the next one, until she passed out. In the meantime, my grandfather's body was being dragged by skeleton girls to be revived, turned into a girl, killed again, thus adding to my army of skeleton girls. And I can't have any other non-female army.

I did the same with everyone in the capital, including the princess and her dog, so that they already served me together.

After finishing in the capital, naturally, the next person I headed to was the Blood Emperor. More specifically, after my arrival, I turned him into a girl, truly making her a Blood Empress by taking her virginity.

I subjugated the rest of the countries using the same tactics, and no dragons or other NEHs could stop me. After my magic that turns everyone into girls. Sexy naked ladies with horns, tails, wings and other places with scales, somehow not to my killing. After conquering that world, I moved on to the fish roll world, where I did the same thing, conquering it as well. Then it was the turn of pink strawberry, which is chlorine, all sorts of heroic works c academies, boyars, marvels and DC.

Well, or as there usually getadanets do, perhaps, I will not guess further...or I was robbed.

Violet Orchid Pants

Requirements: level 5

Quality: High


OZ + 100

OM + 100

OЕ + 150

Health: +10

Energy: +10

Physical attack: +15

Physical Defense: +10

Dexterity: +10

Mag.attack: +10

Mag.defense: +10

Resistance: +10

Special: -2

{Open description}

Just looking at this purple "miracle", I pondered over the frailty of existence. Well could be like a normal hitman, to live some 12 years in one second, and there look and for the second time would have time to personally own half of the multiverse.

But no, together I talked to the NPS in his store, he somehow sold me his pants at 90% off, thank you that they were just in my inventory, without animation of removal from him.

That's how I could have gotten so screwed up, and more importantly, who do I blame. By all accounts, I am the genius who was able to bargain for a 90% discount by buying those pants, which are now on display for 1000 gold.

It turns out I was not stripped, and on the contrary dressed, but I still have 4 levels to work to wear these pants.

It is necessary to find positive moments everywhere, we will consider that this is a profitable investment in the future, and pants as high rank.

From the rarity table they are on the 3rd place out of 8:









Unfortunately, it's not a red swag that gives percentage gains based on status, but just a white swag that gives regular stats with a net gain.

I can only hope that this long term investment will help me somehow later on.

Since all the business in town is done and I have no money left, it is possible to choose the skills I will use when hunting monsters.

Tanks go forward, collecting all the hits so that no one in the group takes damage, choosing the provocation branch, priests use healing and heal tanks, and damage is done by dd's, such as brigands with stealth, stabbing in the back, there are spellcasters who can summon, etc. I, on the other hand, want to pick a special branch in Oracle.

Yggdrasil has a unique tree of skill development that diverges into millions of branches. Not for nothing is it considered impossible to make an identical build without copying it.

Each player has 5 skill points at first level, which can be rolled into active or passive. Active gives a variety of skills that can be used with energy or stamina, while passive gives characterization points, general or unique abilities. Normal throw 3 skills into active and 2 into passive.

Perhaps it's because of Olympus, but I decided to go the same route as I did in the last game where I was wielding Hermes, who was essentially a support.

Looking at rank one spells, I decided to take [Small Aura of Acceleration], [Weak Assessment], [Weak Damage Enhancement]. All of the boosts were percentages, which only increased with skill rank. The more one took certain spells in a branch, the more would be unlocked at high levels. You cannot wield [Great Damage Enhancement], without a weak or medium version of the skill.

You can now start the stream and go out hunting. I didn't want to show how I create a character, choose spells, and other information that I'm going to hide in the future. I've already set special settings so that only I will see notifications from the game. Abilities will show only general, in general, it will be impossible to guess that I play as a demon. Information from this game is generally reluctant to be shared, and I've already seen the price tags on various offerings.

- Over...checking the stream...I apologize for starting the stream so late, missing the schedule. But now I'm all set up and can move straight to action. - Will greet the chat by looking at the different messages back.


Gytaxon: Greetings

LolYpopSik: Let's go already.

Nekros: What are you doing?

Kazido: Keep your voice down.

AivanRost: How long can we wait?

Thanks to the fact that I've been streaming for a month and I have a community of 50 subscribers. Because of that I can immediately talk to someone instead of talking to myself, because I have a schizia so developed that I am not only talking to myself all the time, but also talking about myself in the 3rd person, voicing every action.

- Finally, the day has come when Yggdrasil opens and we can all enjoy the game together. - I kept going on and on, talking about all sorts of things while browsing the chat. No matter how you look at it, the fact that I am 24/7 alone in a room talking to the void is not going anywhere.

- We go straight to kill the rats so we can reach level 2 in peace. - I passed by the gate that stood at the entrance to the city.

- Why rats and not rabbits? So Chernobyl rabbits are too high level compared to me. - I chatted about the location around the city.

I went out to the field, near the beginning of which the players have already managed to put their points with loot located near the buildings of clay and mud. Around which the players were gathered. They traded, they gathered in teams. There was noise and commotion all around. As soon as I looked at this field, another unique view opened up in front of me, which can be seen only in a newly opened game. Hundreds, if not thousands of players were running around the field and killing monsters that were resurrecting. The whole field was swarming with players, and I began to ripple in my eyes, good thing there is still a safe zone for players, otherwise it was a mess.

When the groups were formed for pumping, players gathered up to 5 people to comfortably kill monsters above the level and get enough experience.

Near me, I could see a picture of a player getting yelled at because he chose the skeleton race and wanted to join players with human races.

And here they are clearly having as much fun as they can. Good thing I'm not in danger of that.

I decided to choose the zone with the smallest number of players, there just lived heteromorphs.

The closer I got to the field, the more clearly the gray dots that jumped in the distance, turned into rats, and when I got closer I could fully distinguish the zombie rats. The disgusting lichen rats had dirty gray fur, sometimes without eyes, with ribs sticking out in all directions, they were the usual toys for beating, on which players could try out or determine their skills. The only way to die from them would be if they jumped a dozen of them, but there were too many players around for that to happen.

Stepping on the first rat's tail, I provoked it into attacking me, inflicting a unit of damage. If I was a tank, I would have used [Provocation] to deal more damage and less, but the zombie rat didn't get behind me until after its second death.

I casually hit it with my hand, causing it to pause its attack to jump at me a second later, I then hit it a second time and am rewarded with a message.

+ 1% Experience

To level up to level 2, you need to kill a hundred of these rats. Repeating the same thing with the second rat, I saw.

+ 1.5% Experience

For a level 2 rat I was given 1.5% more, I wonder how much this modifier will increase if I kill a rat a dozen levels stronger than myself.

As far as I know, the modifier works like this, the higher the level, the less is given for killing a mob even of your own level, but in general there are many factors. For example, I saw that someone has already managed to make a table and calculate that to reach level 10, you need to kill 5500 rats of your level. That sounds very tedious.

46/50 OZ

+ 1% Experience

43/50 OZ

+ 2% Experience

+ 1.2 Experience

+ 0.8 Experience

+ 20 OZ

This is what my log looked like after being bitten by a couple rats while another surrounded me, preventing me from playing. These turned out to be heteromorphic players who surrounded me, preventing me from getting close to the mobs.

The leader of the group, a rat devil with the nickname Zabraal, came out to me.

- You can not grind in peace in our territory. - this rat-boy began his speech.

- Go better to your own, man. - He added as much contempt as possible to his words, he chased me away.

A complicated situation where many factors come into play. First, I remembered one thing I wanted to check, and second, I was too lazy to justify myself to the chat, so I went straight to practice.

- Thank you. - I thanked the healer of this group and turned around, heading out of the field.

Leaving the dumbfounded players behind, they obviously thought that I would start to deny, ask to join the group, try to fight for crumbs of experience falling from the rats, at the very least went to other players, moving to another part of the field, but instead I left the location itself.

- You have to be nice when you are threatened and want to kill, it really pisses you off. - Reported chat is not a bad way to be provocative in real life. Ideally, by healing me, the players showed that they have me in their grasp and won't let me go, but I don't care.

- [Low Score]. - Throwing a skill at a mob to learn its characteristics before leaving.

Zombie Rat

Worldview: Evil

Title: Rat

Racial Levels:

Zombie - 1

Class Levels: -

Health: 70/70

Power: 15

Dropped me nothing from the previous rats...literally, no armor, weapons, not even the smallest of data crystals, just a single rat tail.

It was my first drop, someday I'll be able to pierce another space in my inventory, hanging the tail in a frame as a symbol of where my journey began.

As I made my way through the old and dead trees, I realized that there was no way I could join any squad.

If I go to the heteromorphs, I will have to spit on my disguise, and because of the streamers will be so, not to mention that I can not join the people, because the head of the group will see what race I belong to, and I do not have classes for stealth. I have no place in any camp, and I ran away from the problem instead of solving it and joining someone. Nothing to say of course, although, chat can tell you a lot.


JenaNesterenko: How could you coward!

AnatoliSmolin: I had a better opinion of you

GniDihs: Dislick the letter.

Khaishnet: Come back, I'll find you myself and strangle you for such a cowardly act.

- Chat, don't worry, this is just my little push to help build up my strength, thus making this a stepping stone to my power, and actually I wanted to leave the field myself after killing the first rat...here. - I'll be honest with the chat room.

JenaNesterenko: I don't believe it.

AnatoliSmolin: I'm disappointed.

GniDihs: Dislick, retraction!

What was required to prove, they only understand the language of actions. You'd think they'd leave now, but they don't, with their toxic attitude they're only trying to stir up my emotions, and such skits fuel not only me, but the chat itself. If I can then prove my awesomeness, I can later edit how it benefits me, should come out great content.

- I'll be up a couple levels in no time. - confidently informed everyone, now I just need to convince myself.

After passing all the initial monsters, I entered the area of the fifth level, the Cat Skeletons.

After surveying the surroundings, I noticed a pasture with thin and dry black colored grass that was as high as my waist. In the distance a tall willow tree could be seen towering over the vegetation. It seemed particularly old and ugly, but no less majestic, taking its place within the confines of this pasture.

I ducked down so that I wouldn't be spotted early, even if I don't have the [Stealth] skill, because of my height, I would still be harder to spot.

Jumping out of the thicket, a feline skeleton appeared in front of me, it consisted of many bones of all kinds of cats, ranging from ordinary badgers to lions. Its empty eyes surveyed the surroundings but found nothing strange, after which it went back into the thicket.

Only when I was sure that the Cat Skeleton had gone far away did I decide to continue forward.

Here was an open patch of space within ten meters of the Willow. A wooden chest was lying quietly at the foot of the Willow. Around which six or seven Cat Skeletons were roaming freely. It would take a team of at least twenty level 3 players to take out the level 5 monsters without losses.

Getting to the chest wouldn't be easy, I continued to watch the movements of these Cat Skeletons from the thicket of grass, trying to find a safe path for Willow.

Their movements had no fixed route. Therefore, I dared to test my theory.

- [Small Aura of Acceleration]. - I whisper the name of the skill to activate it.

Death in Yggdrasil took 5 levels, but with my first one, I had nothing to worry about. Nor did I have any money that could fall out after my death. The most I could lose was a random piece of equipment that yielded nothing.

I slowly crawled towards the willow tree. Ten seconds later, before suddenly stopping, I held my breath. The Cat Skeleton was walking in a circle, on the left flank of me, about two meters away.

After waiting another six seconds, I continued on my way to the chest, creeping forward and controlling the distance to the mobs.

I don't know what would be in it, but the distance between us was shrinking, making my reward closer and closer.

But I quickly stopped when I saw that the mobs were separated from me by some three meters. I could even feel the sweat running down my back in the real world.

I had no stealth skills, and the monsters had no eyes, which balanced the odds, making the whole situation look like a battle between the blind and the paralyzed, but as soon as they noticed me, I would be finished.

But maybe the powers of the ancient Balors will be revealed in me, and I'll be able to tame those pussies with my fire whip. At the same time becoming the highest level in the game at the moment.

With positive thoughts, I slightly quickened my pace. Not far away from me, a holey cat hissed. My location became known almost immediately.

Fixing the gaze of its empty eye sockets, the stupid cat bared its second row of sharp teeth and let out a hoarse growl.

- Damn it, the skeleton growled! Oh, I-I mean, I've been discovered! - I blurted it out.

The mob went on the offensive, attacking. The cat's sudden and swift attack prevented me from even getting up. However, I still managed to dodge, rolling to the side away from the cat's attack, relying on my speed and reaction, which were not badly developed back in Olympus.

The basic movements of the character were: rolling, jumping and others... Players could use these movements to dodge attacks-as long as it was within the capabilities of the player and the system.

The cat's sharp claws passed through the air, missing my throat by only a couple centimeters.

- Chat, looks like this is the end-my last thoughts were to take everything back and try to just run away from the chest even further-if I succeeded on the first try, I'd have money, weapons, armor, data crystals. Though, what even lay in that chest, I would never know.

As soon as I dodged and spoke, two more cats appeared and pounced on me from different directions. One of them clawed at me from the back while the other attacked my arm.


OZ - 125.

[You are dead]