
Overlord: Еmptiness

Overlord. Careful, there's Russian humor here and I don't know how the AI translated it.

Lord_Citxow · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 4 Olimp


That's it, it's time, another one of my hells is over and I've finally officially graduated from high school...for the second time. Thank goodness I'm not cheating on myself and I'm not going to the graduation again. After my third revenge I was able to deflect suspicion from the second...as I think at least nothing has changed. And as they say, no catch, no thief.

Ped-san wasn't so bad after all, aside from his total ignoring and coaxing of students. So what if he lowered my grades, I'd only have a dozen years to live in this world. Unlike the first time, when he was able to arouse some emotion, the next time was just boredom and stuffiness. So why did I constantly arrange all sorts of tricks, it's simple, he said something about my parents, what exactly I naturally do not remember, but I have it written down in my notebook.

He allowed me not to come to the graduation...even though it was in the form of an order, pfft, whatever, it's actually I decided not to go anywhere and I have nothing to do there. But he helped me with the paperwork, from which the last few days I did not appear at school at all, and my card says that I graduated from high school and can enter any vocational school to go from there to the factory, I still do not understand why I can not skip the previous stages and do not go to it at once.

Maybe it's all useless though, his last words were that I won't be taken to any decent place, he'll take care of it personally. I guess he doesn't like going bald, but I don't really care.

I've been self-employed for almost eight months now. And my income has been negative. If it wasn't for the quality equipment I already had, they would have decreased even more.

As the losers from YouTube say, to increase the number of subscribers you need to buy very high quality equipment, such as a voyeuristic camera that rotates 360 degrees, what a surprise that they have a camera that everyone needs, what did we do without the reverse angle and constant filming.

I even wonder who this divorce should work for, it's okay to make the equipment you work on absolute, but to put a camera that spins 360 on a chair that is in the middle of the room.

But better get back to my successes that I managed to achieve before the release of Yggdrasil.

I can congratulate myself, my average online is holding steady at 30-50 people.

All thanks to the channel I've created and the constant videos that rack up thousands of views, which is a small number. But there is a small chance that a person will watch and move on to my streamers.

I told myself a year ago that I would be happy with a 50 person online, I could only laugh and say I could easily do much better than that. But it's nothing like that, as soon as you start any business, you immediately find out HUNDREDS of nuances that you want to put your hands down and give up.

That's why I still haven't found the answer to how to handle writing a book, a song, creating a game, and doing it all alone. And everyone, from the director of the printing house to the janitor in the recording studio, will be sure of the success of all these works. That's how other popadanets earn millions of money and fans, and I for 8 months earned only hemorrhoids and minuscule earnings. That's assuming I work every day while the others spit in a song there, scribble a book in their sleep and that's it, done.

And my dissonances, it's something with something. Generation difference and all that, but how many situations have I had where I didn't understand chat and vice versa. And how many battles we had about the story, but I was able to quickly develop tactics for absolutely everything.

During the streamings I was able to listen to 33 thousand tracks, the most popular ones were naturally repeated, but it was nice to hear songs from my past world.

As for my subscribers, I'm really grateful to them, their support is the only thing that kept me moving to the top of Olympus.

Olympus, how few letters and how many uncensored, if it wasn't for the phrase from the past world "Fucking mouth, it's a casino, b***h, who the fuck are you..." these are the words that always sobered me up. In a standard game dozens of Battle Passes for gold, experience, this one for diamonds are like a spit in the soul for ordinary gamers who play not for the sake of bragging about who has a rarer pet, but for the sake of the process itself. Olympus was a typical grind game, where the main thing is to pour as much money as possible. There is a tower on the main square and whoever passes the most floors will get a Mega Legendary Mech Unicorn, the only one on the entire server. In a week the event will end and you will have to feed the 12 signs of the zodiac, and so on to infinity.

But this is not the only thing in the game there is also the main story, which no one has not passed, which is not surprising, the game came out recently and will be able to dry up many more wallets.

Because of some laws in games now there is only one server, but this is not a problem for modern nano-machines with their nano-servers. And the sheer size of the servers themselves is staggering. But that's the standard, it's the way it is in all games.

The plot itself in Olympus is clearly lame, and secondary quests can be skipped at all, having a choice without a choice.

In general, not the best game for the start I chose, although here it is rather me, but it does not change the essence...already too much money I threw here.

My first time happened at night, when still a schoolboy could play and others could watch it, and in the morning everyone is at work.


I was going through the non-trivial plot of Olympus as always, going through its floors, but then I got an unexpected donation.

The Great Poopsie sends 3,000 yen.

and says:

- Bro, here, this is for you for the epic set, maybe before you collect your green shoes, saportik ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - the message was voiced in a gentle and joyful girlish voice.

The amount made me just as much freaked out as the voice.

And without paying attention to the mobs, I teleported to the city.

I should have been so screwed up, I shouldn't have set up donations after all. Who could have known that every time, the voicing of donations is a neural network, with a random voice, and this time I fell preset, which also adds the word "Brother" at the beginning of the sentence. This is clearly not the level of the 21st century, such a random should be turned off, you never know what will get next time. And to choose a couple of normal voices should be manually, in case the next donation will be said so that I will go straight to the revival point. Now I may be considered a common pervert, which I did not want to allow.

- Great poopsie, are you sure I should spend so much money on some epic that I will outgrow. - I hesitated, walking to the nearest roulette wheel I could find.

But I was at this point, incredibly happy, it was the first time that I donated such a large amount, before the maximum that I saw, it was 300 yen, and this time, 10 times more. You can eat all day with that amount, and still have some left over for tomorrow.

But that's the problem, if I could spend the previous sums on myself, I was asked to spend it on roulette.

It's a hard choice, I have to meet the audience's expectations, if I refuse, they won't understand me. A man spent money so that I could spin the roulette wheel. Now I have a hard moral choice in front of me, but if the amount was 100 times more, I would not hesitate to keep it.

Already at the roulette table, a message pops up in front of me.

The Great Bugsy sends 3,000 yen.

And informs me:

- If you don't get lucky on the second try, you'll get lucky on the third.

 - in a normal voice.

- Oh. - I sigh heavily.

Now I have no choice, but I have a chance, if I get the green shoes on the first try, I can keep the other three thousand, and they are not on the road, or rather, no money is on the road, everyone has long since switched to electronic media, but at the same time left an individual currency for each country.

Now all I have to do is spin...

After nothing fell out for me, I didn't even really know what to do. Maybe now the person who donated to me is more upset than I am.

- Don't be upset. Just because I didn't get anything doesn't mean anything, maybe when I get a little more popular, I'll spin better roulettes. - I said, with a friendly smile. Maybe he'll take the hint and donate more.

But, unfortunately, no new donation came, but there was a message in the chat.


Great Poopsie: I believe in you.

At this point, my conscience became uncomfortable, probably wanted to turn over to the other side, which made me think about ways to rest it.


Tomorrow is the long-awaited release of Yggdrasil.

I feel just awful after 8 hours of video editing. Going through a 12 hour stream, looking for any interesting moments is not so fun. This time, the most interesting thing that happened was me spinning 15,000 yen worth of roulette. The only worthwhile thing I got was a dark green helmet that was decorated with gold around the edges, I don't even have to spend money on paint, because I'm used to wearing green.

Hopefully, my final video of the 299th floor of Olympus will get a lot of views.

Clickbait titles, as it seems to me, I learned to come up with, at least with each new video, the number of views is growing, of course, not as I wanted, but progress is progress. You just have to go for your goal, even if it may not be profitable right away.

Speaking of benefits, as I see it, my hamster has managed to accumulate tear jars and dry up from the money I've been spending on things in the game. This is despite the fact that if I had the opportunity, I tried not to do it. But Olympus fit the category of games where no matter how hard you try, you can't go any further without donating.

As I believe, my most important acquisition is my subscribers and regular viewers, which I was able to keep with me, it remains to drag them to Yggdrasil.

Today I held my last stream, on Olympus, for over a week now I have been constantly bending viewers to how bad it is here and what hopes I have for Yggdrasil. The saddest part is that when I announced my departure, one of the top Irudaru donators, did not support my decision.

I had a chatroom brawl with him in general while I was talking, he was typing furiously all the time, specifically for me to give him his money back. But I managed to get out of it by spending a significant amount in the casino.

What no one knows is that after that I once again logged into Olympus to sell EVERYTHING.


Lying on the hammock chaise lounge, I lazily glanced at the loading screen that was in the sky.

It was a new generation game, but even so, they hadn't added anything revolutionary new here. No 18+ content, not even blood, no facial expressions and much more.

In parallel with this, near me was a video of another guide, where some tester talked about the known classes in the public domain, more than a hundred of...the number of all still unknown, and the developers are not in a hurry to report. While talking about classes, he had time to say how bad heteromorphic races are, and for killing them you get more than for killing mobs.

Pretty funny guy, talking about how heteromorphs can be nasty and yelling about unfairly high stats and how he started hunting these players because it was a great source of experience and gold. And then generally started showing footage of him fighting a clan of elementals where he and his friends got killed pretty easily.So he calls for the destruction of all heteromorphs.As he started slashing with them, after 10 kills he accidentally found out that he had the opportunity to take a new class.

Basically, the initial class professions, as the weakest, have 15 levels of pumping, 10 levels have rare classes, and 5 levels are incredibly rare and extremely difficult to get.For example, you have to pump in a certain direction to get rarer classes, which makes multiclassing in this game extremely weak. You can also complete a secret quest or win a difficult tournament and get a class with 5 levels, but even there there is a gradation, the more difficult the quest or tournament, the stronger the class.

So you can play for a multiclass, having 7 professions, almost every one of which will be pumped to level 15 or take 100 professions of level 1.



I open the game as soon as the update download runs out and the opening of the servers is announced.

[Do you want to link your current game record to your account?]

I naturally agree.

In the game can be only one character, on one passport, not everyone in the family can afford a console for each member, and the law requires only one device for the entire apartment. It does not matter that you live in five, the main thing is that the console is at the place of registration. There are ways to hack to get 2 accounts, but it's not worth it, I've seen such banned in other games.

In front of me the screen went out as always, only to open tons of text a second later.

YES, YES and YES again, how can you write such long agreements.At any rate there's a line like "You agree to have your soul transferred to another world, into the body of your in-game avatar", it would take too long to check it all out.

If there was a seductive succubus here, I'd still think about it, but as it is, what could be suspicious about a game taking your soul.I don't know, so I agree with everything.

The first thing I latched onto was the name choice. That's where I got stuck for a long time. My further development in the game I imagine, but choosing a name always took me a long time.After 5 minutes, I started to realize that nothing would come to my mind, so I should at least give it a try.

How about GodSpeed, yeah, it's a good name, god of speed and all that, but why do I have some bad associations with that name in my head?

Hermes, that's an even better name, but it's too much of an association with Olympus.That's where I had the name of this god, and how many of us were there, a couple thousand of us.

Maybe Paphos, Paphos generates and radiates pathos. If you change one letter, you get god of lust, which is also an option.

I don't think picking a mood name is a good option.

Maybe the names of the strongest gods then, and I'm not even talking about the famous four, grim universe, eternal war. I mean Azathoth and Yog-Sothoth, although it gets even darker.

But then again, you don't want to fall into a bloody frenzy just because of the name, sitting on a throne of skulls, with plans that you don't have any control over, and transplanting to all sorts of vampires.

Neither is being one of Lovecraft's adepts enticing.

Enter name: _______

I just don't have time to spend that much effort on a name, I'll just write the first thing that comes to mind.


[Choose race]

Humans, demons, angels, devils, orcs, goblins, lizards, slimes, insects, automatons...to count all 700+ races and talk about all their characteristics would take too long. You can spend hours at this point alone, but the sad thing is, you can only choose one race, even if it can be changed in the future.

The races themselves had many varieties, the same slime had subspecies: black tina, hell slime, pink slime, shoggoth, ubbor-satl, sanitary slime, slug, etc

But all races could be divided into three categories: Human, Semi-human, Heteromorphic.

Human races included humans, elves, dwarves, etc. They were the weakest when starting the game, but then leveled up with the rest.

Selecting any of them will reveal a description.

Race: Human

One of the most common races in the world. They have no strengths in magic or weapons, but lack outstanding weaknesses.Humans adapt better than other races, but they lack the racial magic and special classes that others possess.

One could say that their main strength is their lack of weaknesses and large number of specialty classes.

Naturally, with so many choices, I'll take the Mecha Beetle, creating the strongest tank in the game, the perfect combination of flesh and metal to keep my gears from biting.


Here they are, left to right: Qhorn, Tzinch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh.

Yog-Sothoth: trapped outside the universe we live in, and all events in it are but a moment to him, is a cluster of shimmering spheres - shiny foaming bubbles that are constantly expanding and contracting on their own, represents all of space and time; he exists in all places and all moments at once, reveals the true nature of the universe, but once seen cannot be seen again.

Azathoth: a seething mass of destructive and transforming power, an intense form of existence, pure being, not limited by form or reaction; but this existence belongs to a type different from that to which we are accustomed, and therefore appears as nothingness, because it does not meet any of the requirements which, in our opinion, define existence. dwelling in the darkness between the stars, deep in the center of the universe. There, cloaked by a veil of swirling color from the gaze of mortals, he is surrounded by the other Outer Gods that make up his court, endlessly dancing and galloping around him, filling the void with the sounds of terrible flutes so as not to awaken him, the day Azathoth awakens will return the world to its original state of absolute zero, primordial chaos. He is utterly indifferent to the few who honor him and unaware of them. It is this blind, indifferent nature that makes Azathoth the perfect embodiment of a blind, indifferent universe.